[News] The lyrics of “淡い雪のように (Fragile like snow)” has drawn attention

UPDATE: Clicking ‘いいね! (Good!)’ in the lyrics page is available only when you access from PC.

The lyrics of “淡い雪のように (Fragile like snow)” was released on the retrieving lyrics service ‘Uta-Net’ and has drawn attention from music lovers. Now it ranked No.1 both in real-time access ranking and the most-watched ranking. To be counted in the most-watched ranking, you need to click ‘いいね! (Good!)’ in the lyrics page. It seems you can click once a day. Keep supporting his new album!

*The lyrics page
*You can check the ranking from the top page.

tenshi_akuma’s note: You can read the English translation from here.

6 thoughts on “[News] The lyrics of “淡い雪のように (Fragile like snow)” has drawn attention”

  1. Thanks tenshi. i would like say also that it’s such a great news for our dear prince that his latest song was ranked number 1 even it never release yet.. congrats to our Prince.. ^_^


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