Where can I get this?
easy boost 350 adidas x kanye west
이거 어디서 구할 수 있어?
easy boost 350 adidas x kanye west
tenshi_akuma’s note: Here’s the details of Addidas Yezzy 350 easy boost.
#WelcomebackJKS "Our new journey started on May 29th, 2020"
Where can I get this?
easy boost 350 adidas x kanye west
이거 어디서 구할 수 있어?
easy boost 350 adidas x kanye west
tenshi_akuma’s note: Here’s the details of Addidas Yezzy 350 easy boost.
Eels…… are getting smarter than I thought..
장어들이…… 생각보다 교묘해지고 있다..
On second thought, it’s better to stop (playing with eels on) my official website…
역시 공홈도 그만두는 쪽이…
Eel: I don’t know why… but I feel like you’re talking over drinks…. I just felt so from these your words……
JKS: You got me. kekekekekekekekeke
@AsiaPrince_JKS 왠지… 술잔을 기울이다 이런말하는듯한데…. 그냥 왠지……
걸렸냐 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
There is always a reason not to do any more. Eels, let’s play on the official website (Prince.com) k Instagram, bye.
안하는거에는 다 이유가 있음. 장어들아 공식홈페이지에서 놀자 ㅋ 인스타 빠이
tenshi_akuma’s note: As he announced beforehand, he deleted his Instagram account, Oya_JKS. Eels, please don’t feel sad too much. You’ll know the reason later : )
get nu insta!! @Oya_JKS
If the number of followers of my Instagram account doesn’t exceed 50,000 today, I have to demolish (the account).. #Oya_JKS
오늘안에 인스타 팔로워 5만 못넘기면 폭파시켜야겠다..#Oya_JKS
[Notice] To offer our condolences on victims of Tianjin explosion, we decided not to accept rice wreaths for Live in Seoul! Everyone please follow Actor Jang’s wishes not to send rice wreaths to the venue! Thank you for understanding!
[공지] 텐진폭발사고 애도 차원에서 서울공연 화환 안 받기로 결정한 것이라 합니다! 이러한 장배우님의 뜻에따라 절대 공연장에 화환 보내시는 일이 없기를 부탁드립니다!
[Notice] Both rice wreaths and gifts for JKS will NOT be accepted at ‘LIVE in SEOUL’. Thanks for your cooperation and have a good evening!!
tenshi_akuma’s note: This announcement seems they couldn’t get the permission to display rice wreaths and gifts from the venue where LIVE in Seoul is held. To those who contributed money for the event, please understand that. Even they were not displayed there, your contribution will be used for a good intention 🙂
[NOTICE] 2015 Jang Keun Suk Concert ‘LIVE IN SEOUL’ For oversea fans, please check the application result and how to pay for the ticket at http://princejks.com
[NOTICE] 2015 Jang Keun Suk Concert ‘LIVE IN SEOUL’ 해외정회원 신청자 및 입금 공지를 확인해 주시기 바랍니다. http://princejks.com
2015 Jang Keun Suk Concert ‘LIVE IN SEOUL’ To those who want to buy the regular ticket (for non-members), please apply to 2015cri_j@naver.com (1 ticket per person)
2015 Jang Keun Suk Concert ‘LIVE IN SEOUL’ 일반티켓 구매 원하시는 분들은 2015cri_j@naver.com 으로 신청바랍니다. (1인1매가능)
Today’s our Boss’s birhday!!
Happy birthday!
tenshi_akum’s note: If you’re a new eel, you may not know his birthday carnival (from August 4th to September 26). If so, please check this post, [Info] Jang Keun Suk has two birthdays officially… How come?
The 3rd cake
세번째 케잌 さんかいめのケーキ
tenshi_akuma’s note: In Japan as well as in most of countries, he’ll be 28 years old as he was born in 1987. In South Korea, they use a different way of counting one’s age. Here’s the detail about East Asian age reckoning. So in South Korea, he’ll be 29 years old in 2015. See the difference of the number on the cake given by Cri-J yesterday 😉