The 3rd cake
세번째 케잌 さんかいめのケーキ
tenshi_akuma’s note: In Japan as well as in most of countries, he’ll be 28 years old as he was born in 1987. In South Korea, they use a different way of counting one’s age. Here’s the detail about East Asian age reckoning. So in South Korea, he’ll be 29 years old in 2015. See the difference of the number on the cake given by Cri-J yesterday 😉
Thank you! Ms. tenshi for the explanation. Happy birthday dear sukkie. May you receive loads of blessings and good health.. ^_^
How many boxes of gorgeous cakes is he getting on his birthday season? And to think this is just starting, huh?
This is clearly what you call a 2-month long Sukkie Festival 🙂 🙂
EELS all over must really be having a Feast Day season as well…
Happy birthday y prince!