[17.02.2013] @collecte_zikzin twitter

The special items of ‘diptyque’ which Jang Keun Suk himself selected are now available ^^
チャン・グンソク自ら選んだ特別diptyque商品が入荷 ^^
tenshi_akuma’s note: ‘diptyque’ is a Paris based company that produces a line of scented candles and perfumes. And Jang Keun Suk has used their items for a long time since he liked the scent. Here’ the Wiki and official website.

[17.02.2013] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

Today’s new video. Here you are!! It’s another risky one!! http://ameblo.jp/th-jangkeunsuk
今日もあたらしいえいぞどうぞ!! きょうもやばい!! http://ameblo.jp/th-jangkeunsuk

I’m Boss!! Everyone, keep promoting harder until I get No.1 King!! Can I get No.1.. -_-?
オレがおやだ!!みんならんきんぐNo.1まで!!もっとがんばって!! できるかな。。-_-?

[15.02.2013] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

Keep this up!!! Everyone, spread my link! http://ameblo.jp/th-jangkeunsuk/
ごのふんいきでずっといきぞ!!! おやのリンクをみんなのばらばきて! http://ameblo.jp/th-jangkeunsuk
tenshi_akuma’s note: Jang Keun Suk Ameba blog ranked No.1 as a newcomer.

I need men’s eels!!! kkkk http://ameblo.jp/th-jangkeunsuk/
うなおがひつよう!!!wwww http://ameblo.jp/th-jangkeunsuk

[14.02.2013] Tree-J twitter

Today, on Feb. 14th at 12 o’clock, TEAM H official Ameba blog opens. We plan to release one never-seen-before video each day. Please pay attention to it. http://ameblo.jp/th-jangkeunsuk/
금일 2월 14일 PM 12:00 TEAM H의 공식 아메바 블로그가 오픈됩니다. 하루에 한개씩 미공개 영상이 공개될 예정입니다. 많은 관심 부탁드립니다. ameblo.jp/th-jangkeunsuk