[14.11.2013] CRI-J staff twitter

[Beautiful Man catering support] We uploaded Actor Jang’s photos taken on the catering day to Jang Keun Suk official website PrinceJKS.com and official fan cafe. The rest of pics will be uploaded after lunch time. Please enjoy your lunch ^^
[예쁜남자 밥차 서포트] 밥차 당일 장배우 사진을 장근석 공식 홈페이지 프린스닷컴과 공식 팬카페에 게시 하였습니다. 나머지 사진은 점심후에 올리겠습니다. 즐점하세요^^

[12.11.2013] @KimChaeny twitter

Beautiful Man! Asia Prince! Keun-chan!!! I’m making this black shoes for Actor Jang Keun Suk whom I really like personally ^^ making this black shoes for AP!
예쁜남자! 아시아프린스!! 근짱!!! 개인적으로도 넘 좋아하는 배우 장근석씨를 위한 블랙슈즈 만드는 중^^ making this black shoes for AP!

[11.11.2013] Tree-J twitter

[Jang Keun Suk’s ZIKZIN Radio] Radio episode 3 “First experience (1)” was just uploaded. “First Experience (2)” will be released next Monday. You’ve already known the next topic? Please tell your own way to “sober up”~^^ And we’re also waiting for the logo song.
[장근석의 ZIKZIN Radio] 직진 라디오 3부 “첫경험(1)” 이 업로드 되었습니다.첫경험(2)는 다음주 월요일에 만나실수 있습니다. 다음주제는 다들 알고 계시죠? “해장법” 본인 만의 해장법을 공유해주세요~^^ 그리고 로고송도 기다리고 있어요

[09.11.2013] Tree-J twitter

CRI-J delivered a catering service to ‘Beautiful Man’ shooting site. Thanks to that, all the staff are full now. Above all, Actor Jang is happy about it ^^ Thank you.
크리제이에서 예쁜남자 촬영장으로 밥차선물이 왔네용. 덕분에 스텝들 모두 배불리 잘 먹었습니다. 무엇보다 장배우가 좋아하는^^. 감사합니다.

Read more

[07.11.2013] Tree-J twitter

Plz submit an entry 4 a logo song of JKS’s Zikzin Radio show!! Why don’t u send your logo song to treej1987@naver.com, NOW!!

[Jang Keun Suk’s ZIKZIN Radio] We’re asking for the logo song of ZIKZIN Radio made with fans. We’re looking for many joining this event. tree1987@naver.com #장근석 #jks_zikzin_radio
[장근석의 ZIKZIN Radio] 팬들과 함께 만들어가는 ZIKZIN Radio 에서 팬 여러분의 로고송을 모집합니다.많은 참여부탁드립니다. tree1987@naver.com #장근석 #jks_zikzin_radio

[03.11.2013] AsiaPrince_JKS Twitter

[the title] Jang Keun Suk, everyday ‘Beautiful Man’
… huhu It’s just my mundane and everyday life..

tenshi_akuma’s note: you can read the similar English article from here.
…허허 그저 평범한 일상일뿐..

…Who is that..
…저건 누구냐..

persimmon land~ pear land~ love on a jujube tree~
감나라~배나라~대추나무 사랑걸렸네~