[2015-05-19] Tree-J twitter

Jang Keun Suk CRI SHOW3 HALL tour the final city Sapporo 2nd day of the stage ended successfully. See you next time at Tokyo Budokan, the final venue of this tour!
장근석 크리쇼3 홀투어 마지막 도시인 삿포로 두번째 공연이 무사히 끝났습니다. 다음엔 이번 투어의 대미를 장식할 도쿄 부도칸에서 만나요!

[2015-05-10] @spanmizumoto twitter

Jang Keun Suk’s concert ended!! I heard he calls female fans ‘eels(UNAGI)’ and male fans ‘male eels(UNAO)’. I became a male eel (UNAO) all at once. I’ve become a big fan of him! I even visited his back stage. He’s really a nice guy.
チャングンソクさんのLIVE終了!! ファンの女性の肩を「うなぎ」。 男性の肩を「うなお」と呼ばれるみたいでして、 一気に「うなお」になりました。 大ファンになりました! 楽屋にもお邪魔しました。 素敵な肩でした。

tenshi_akuma’s note: He seems a Japanese comedian, but honestly I don’t know him. He was invited JKS show by his acquaintance.

[2015-05-10] @Galssam2 twitter

Today’s concert reached the peak!!
Everyone, thank you for having fun with us.
#JKS #WeziN #band team #KOBE #CRISHOW3 end

오늘 콘서트는 즐거움에 끝판왕!!
모두들 즐기느라 수고하셨습니다 www
#JKS #WeziN #밴드팀 #KOBE #CRISHOW3 끝

[2015-04-26] @kolleen22 Twitter

This is a tweet of a producer, Kolleen Park. Jang Keun Suk carried out his word to go and support MR. SHOW on April 26th. Suk tweeted so in [2015-04-23] AsiaPrince_JKS twitter.

A flower bouquet given by Jang Keun Suk at MR. SHOW stage in Tokyo!! Thank you so much for all your help~~~~~~! XOXO
일본 미스터 쇼 공연장서 장근석님한테서 받은 꽃!! Thank you so much for all your help~~~~~~! XOXO