[21.02.2012] jksjapan / Tree-J / AsiaPrince_JKS twitter

Shared by Sukbar

Tree-J # 9:
Actor Jang waved to eels who are still waiting. Thanks very much to everyone for supporting actor Jang Keun Suk

Tree-J # 8:
JKS and Big Brother’s Team H video has been uploaded. Please watch it on actor Jang Keun Suk’s official Youtube
【120221tree-j推特更新8】张根硕和bigbrother的‘TEAM H ’的视频已上传。请到演员张根硕官方utb上查看

AsiaPrince_JKS # 2:

Tree-J # 7:
and thanks to big brother for his more outstanding performance today. Please give lots of support to Team H
【120221tree-j推特更新7】也谢谢今天公演表现更加出色的big brother大哥 请多多支持TEAM H

Tree-J # 6:
Actor Jang Keun Suk, big brother and more than 200,000 eels spent their time together. Thanks to everyone for participating passionately in Lounge H
【120221tree-j推特更新6】演员张根硕和big brother以及超过20万鳗鱼一起度过的。谢谢热情参与‘loung H’的各位

Tree-J # 5:
Are you ready? Lounge H is starting~~~ to the eels who have filled the seats, thanks very much~~~~
【120221tree-j推特更新5】准备好了吗?lounge H开始了~~~坐满席位的鳗鱼们,非常感谢你们~~~~

Tree-J # 4:
Lounge H performance is about to start, via live broadcast let’s enjoy it together
【120221tree-j推特更新4】lounge h演出即将开始,以现场直播的方式大家也一起享受吧

It’s this!!!!!

Jksjapan # 2:
About to start immediately, please also look forward to the live broadcast! ^^

Tree-J # 3:
Bigbrother and DJ are rehearsing. The rapport that Team H is most proud of. Please look forward to today’s performance ^^
【120221tree-j推特更新3】bigbrother和DJ在彩排中。TEAM H最自豪的默契 请大家期待今天的公演吧^^

Jksjapan # 1:
The Prince’s condition today is very good!!!! Also very serious during rehearsal

Tree-J # 2:
Actor Jang has arrived for today’s LH.. He’ll bring to everyone a more exciting performance.

Tree-J # 1:
Today there are also many eels who waited since very early for me… please look forward to an exciting Lounge H ^^

3 thoughts on “[21.02.2012] jksjapan / Tree-J / AsiaPrince_JKS twitter”

  1. today performance indeed the best! amazing! sugoi-ne!
    the sound from live broadcast also very good! thanks to nico tv & of course tenshi for step by step manual.
    Suk wear Lounge H new shirt (the yellow one) and singing shake it japanese vers, cool!!!!


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