10 thoughts on “[25.11.2011] Tokyo Dome press conference”

    • well said , i totally agree with you , he deserves all he gets and much more .
      if all of us where as hardworkers as him (and aphrael for her blog ) i think the misery would have been eradicated from the world a long time ago .

  1. Thanks Aphrael! I don’t know what I would do without you and this blog. Its amazing he is achieving so much at such a young age. I have a feeling he could have sold out the Tokyo Dome many times over but so glad he didn’t for the sake of his health and well being. His popularity with his fans and his love for his fans really make him extra special. I can’t go a day without reading something about him. He found his way to my dreams last night too (mentioned that in the FB group; sorry but can’t talk about that in open space *grin*).

  2. Thanks aphrael for super fast eng-sub yet again. You’re are awesome eel.

    Dear Andrea, JKS came into my dreams many times, all were good…kekeke. I am so happy and proud of our Prince to able to achieve and live his many dreams in such young age. I have heard that Tokyo Dome is very special place; only the most famous or the honored ones can performance at Tokyo dome and to have all tixs sold out in short time is even more sweet. Yeahhh… beginning to conquer the world my prince. Fighting!!

  3. thanks again aphrael for the subs.. i’m happy for him that he gets his dreams one by one.. though it seems so fast but he deserves all of this ‘coz he works so hard for his career almost 20 yrs. and he just get all the results only now.. more success sukkie!! i want to see you on the peak of your career and conquer the world!!!

  4. his popularity and success in Japan is really phenomenal! he has come a long way… and very well deserved. he may very well be on his way to becoming the World Prince. but he’s got to polish on his English though. hehe! 🙂

  5. @all, who will be the reviewer this time? tenshi is not going right? i hope treeJ tweets some news and pict again…

    • tenshi_akuma’s mom is going to see the Tokyo Dome show. maybe we can get a secondhand FA from tenshi? peace… 🙂

  6. Here’s wishing Keun Suk all the very best and success for his Tokyo Dome Cri Show today … Prince, your dream to perform at Tokyo Dome is about to become reality in a few hours’ time … I’m so happy for you!


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