30 thoughts on “[Pics] Samsung CF”

  1. hi guy’s can I ask one favor who among you has a complete copy of JKS “Asia Tour 2010” with english subtitle,,can you please send me,,pleaseeeeeeeee..Although I already watched it online (without subtitle) I want to download it because from those videos I got to know the real Jang Geun Suk..
    Please help me..kindly email me @: charlotte_1984@yahoo.com
    Thank you very much!!

    • charlotte, sorry I have with English sub but is a DVD
      so far, did not come across with English sub from youTube

      @QQeye, are you able to find? My Youtube Queen πŸ™‚

      • @carol,,really..omo,,super envy,, but I’ll try to find a way so you can send it to us (please girl),I will ask my friend who is an expert to that kind of thing,then I will let you know…Thank you!!

    • i second charlotte’s request. girls, if you find one with English subs, please also send to me at euxine88@ymail.com. pretty please… i love those asia tour 2010 footage and wished that i could understand what he was saying. it’s also one of those videos that made me know more about him, and admire him for who he is.

      thanks a bunch!!!

    • hi charlotte,

      same with carol, i only have the eng sub dvd version..hmm..but will also look for a way to share those to you.

      • yeah..will look for a way to share to you without being guilty of piracy..’cause keun suk’s eyeing for them right now. Lol!! so how???

      • carol & ione, just a suggestion… you can send it via email through YouSendIt or Dropbox. these are secure file sharing sites wherein only the sender and the recipients will be able to view the files (it won’t be available anywhere online). the recipients will be sent a link via email where the files can be downloaded. files up to 2G to 5G can be sent per email. my family and i use this to share videos.

        YouSendIt has a free trial which we can use for this purpose. πŸ™‚
        here’s the link – https://www.yousendit.com/protrialsignup?sku_code=trial_pro&incid=semlpBrandedProSubscribe_FreeTrial_btn?s=4000445&cid=ppc-4000445

        here’s the link for Dropbox – https://www.dropbox.com/referrals/NTQzODU0Nzg5?src=global9

      • Step on how to send Asia Tour 2010

        1. Go to rapidshare.com/files

        2. Create an account

        3. Upload the β€œAsia Tour” – start uploading the file
        note: limited storage file (you can easily see if your file exceeded allowed limit for free user.
        When its done you can see β€œ link to download file”

        4. Send that Link – to my email so I can download it.

        that’s what my friend told me,,lets hope and pray it will work..Again thank you very much!!

      • hi ione …can you also send it to me ..you already know my email add (thanks to nude pix πŸ™‚ ) ….i’ve already watched it but unsubbed …thanks in advance

      • but charlotte, i know rapidshare will make it available to everyone on the internet and anybody can download it. YouSendItH & Dropbox on the other hand is secure and only gives the recipients specified by the sender access to the files. also, recipients of the files can only download it via a link sent by YouSendIt based on the recipients specified by the sender.

      • the link to the files is sent via email, so only those authorized by the sender will receive it and be able to download it.

      • @browneyes88 (philippines),,I see,,my friend just told me that but not so sure if its secure but then if your suggestion is more secure then we should follow yours than mine,,anyway its for Sukkie’s sake…*_*

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