[13.9.2011] Tree-J twitter

Shared by: Sukbar

The deeper love is, the more one needs to let go… a small cage cannot hold back a bird. No matter where the bird wants to fly to, in order for it to soar free in your heart, so you need to slowly become more broad-minded. Not completely letting go, but keep an appropriate distance …. haha


Hey hey hey, how much time is needed to drive now to Osaka? Frankly speaking, I want to go ……. I want to eat good food!!! Drunk drunk ~ Keun-chan with a fresh liver~~! I want more! (laughs)


The tourist car in Daiba is a trap … fools, haha, but is shuffling banned in Roppongi? No one can recognise me, right? Heh heh heh
台场的观光车是个陷阱啊 傻瓜们 呵呵 但是六本木是不是禁止跳shuffle呢?应该没人能认出我吧?嘿嘿嘿

12 September 2011

Japanese eels~~ Korean eels~ heard that today’s moon is exceptionally big, but I cannot see it, why … because I’m underground… who am I exactly, where am I – should I go to Daiba …. Who am I going to take the Ferris wheel with?


Travelling on the subway, successful infiltration, hahaha
地铁旅行 潜入成功 呵呵呵呵呵


Going!!! Finally…..!!!!

16 thoughts on “[13.9.2011] Tree-J twitter”

    • thanks for the translation aphrael!
      and i’ve waited for the kneedrop guru sub too (^u^)/…
      ah…i feel so sad reading this tweet, it looks like he’s trying to let someone he loves go.. T _ T

      • I believe the series of twitters past few days really means Sukkie wants to live his life occasionally like any of us..he wants “freedom” even he knows it is something that is getting more & more difficult to get.. he shows in his twitters/weibo to let his precious eels know he is not missing but taking a break before the next drama starts..so don’t worry about him & he knows all his eels are & love him.. so the message above is for eels to let him (the bird ^_^) break free for while (not to stalk him or swarm during his personal time) If he don’t twitter, eels would not get his message right? I can understand how Kaori-chan feels, “so near yet so far” ^_^

    • Aphrael77, can I ask you how you feel about these posts from JKS???I don’t know why but I don’t have a good feeling….some thing about these posts make me worry :(. He sounds a little sad and unnormal these days, that’s how I feel about his posts recently.

  1. last message was mind boggling…seriously ~

    it has some deep meaning to it…

    is he going into some realization or something?

    Thanks aphrael77 as always….

  2. well… who says he’s all about fun and play ?that message was deep and thoughtful. talking about maturity… it just touched your eels Sukkie. Proved that he’s just like us… going through emotions just like us….so proud of him that he’s able to poured his heart and he chooses to share his point of ponder with his eels…

    • The deeper love is, the more one needs to let go… a small cage cannot hold back a bird. No matter where the bird wants to fly to, in order for it to soar free in your heart, so you need to slowly become more broad-minded. Not completely letting go, but keep an appropriate distance …. haha
      I fall in love with this words???? ????really deep

  3. We eels all have the same feelings ,when our Prince is happy we all happy for him when he is down or unhappy or sad we are on his sides He is human being ,sometimes ups and down happened .But most important you have all the supports from your eels all over the world Zinkin our dear Prince , Good luck good health God bless you !❤️❤️❤️


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