Shared by: Sukbar
The Porsche car team is resting in the living room …. talking about car-related topics for 5 hours … ah … how many days already without a rest …..?
#WelcomebackJKS "Our new journey started on May 29th, 2020"
so nice of JKS and friends to share their group photo with us ^^
didn’t expect the Korean Porsche car team to be so young…. how come the ones I see in my country all have a certain age? : p
lol..aphrael, may be men in Korea knows how to earn the first million faster & enjoy life earlier ^_^ Sukkie must be the youngest among them.. but good to see he has also many good friends outside entertainment circle
Tell me about it…..working in Orchard Road gives one the privilege of seeing all types of sports & luxury cars but the owners are total disappointments….
Farina, u mean those cars owners are ahjushi ! Not handsome young guys, like Sukkie & his gang hahahaha
Sometimes they’re way past ahjussi age range lol!
KKkkkk ! way pass ahjushi age also have so good taste like Sukkie & gang ……must be very loaded $$$$ LOL
I’m so glad too see that he can hang out with his friends outside circle and really had some “cool” guys time. Good for you Sukkie.
Some of them look quite young. Either they are very smart and rich, or their parents are very rich. Sukkie really loves cars.
aphrael and farina I know what you gals mean…
sometimes I think do they buy luxury cars to compensate on
something… ha ha ha
Wonder whose feet at the back, funny, seems someone doesn’t want to show the face. ;P interesting.
Haha, you have sharp eyes! Didn’t notice the feet behind
Sukkiefan, hahaha i saw that too….. mayb he tumbled down when the pic was taken …… or could he be a famour actor too !!!!
According to matching with body in line.. Shud belong to de person beside de guy wif cap.. Haha
Sallie ….u r right! LOL We have been too imaginative …. is belongs to that thin specky guy
How many cars does Sukkie owns? Does anyone know?
Thanks in advance! =D
he has louis his white porsche, his white SUV range rover, looks like he also has a full size black BMW but maybe mom and dad jang uses it.. and just recently a white audi R8 which is a gift from audi’s president/CEO. he loves white cars
Isn’t his SUV aka Khan black in colour?
oh is it? i thought it was white too >.<
Yess Farina SUV (khan) SUK colour was black.. ^^
Does anyone know about recently happening with SUK feeling?? Sorry i heard that he’s not on good feeling, this news was from long messages on his app.
i’m little bit worried..
our prince feels down again!! let’s cheer him up!! support him via weibo or twitter or any other >__<
please spread to all eels
I didn’t know Jong Yung Hwa was so popular. Even more then Sukkie? I’m suprised. Unless I’m reading it wrong. Can anyone interperate?
yes.. I heard some news in BaiduSukbar about Sukkie as he wrote a long message in the official site.. we will waiting for more information to be shared.. seems like so recent events is bothering him and according to BaiduSukbar eels, he has not written such long message for a long time…
He probably having an off day. He is human. He is allowed not to feel cheerful everyday. I know we all love the cheerful and spunky Sukkie but we have to mind his feelings. He has to have a lot on his mind everyday. Just hope whatever is bothering him is over with and he can go back to his shuffling. =)
I don’t know if it’s full version.
Thank you Tenshi-akuma! JKS sure had a lot of fun there. It feels so good to see him in such a relaxed mood. I really love the way he laughs, just like a little boy, so cute………..
I couldn’t access the whole message he left on the official fan club but i have read some excerpts Chinese fan club, only two parts, and it doesn’t what is exactly correct order for the words:
1. It was suppose the day off for everybody of shooting team of YMP, but he was called to go to the record room and worked till next day 3am. He has to go to work at 8am. He just feel so tired and sad about it. It’s just too much, but he said he loved the new song and say hi to all his eels and thank eels. this words was written at 5am, because he couldn’t sleep and he drank some Japanese sake, then he felt his eyes about to close…
2. May not in the right order with the above one
The word: In the future, even we become grey hair grandfathers, hope we can be the friends that sit down closely, drink soju, eat kimichi pancake, talking about past memories and at the end, my friends, are you!
I think he was at a down mood for the moment, because it was just too much work and only him has to work that late.
I feel his pain, i feel his sore of body, his tiredness, he sad mood for the moment. And I also know he would fine and show up to work the next day, that’s him which amazingly true. Actually there was a picture of shooting the next morning. That was so touching when you read those words and now you see his working photo. He is back, because he will not turn down everyone. We all know how hard is that. But he is strong, he made it.
We love you Sukkie and support you all the time.
I apologize that translation may not be the accurate, because I’m not good at it. I still want to share here with you, my eel fellows.
Thank you… he is incredible.
Thank you sukkiefanNC, I can’t hold my tears reading your post. JKS is indeed a one of a kind person. I love him so much. Hope he will be fine and will have sometime to rest after YMP.
I hope Asia, ESPECIALLY Korea will appreciate YMP and all his future works. And try to hold negative criticism. After reading this, I’m loving him even more <3, for his hardwork and keeping a smile for his supportive eels. His staff should think about not having their hard working Sukkie to go back to depression mode . Like what happened a couple of months ago.
But i think going through this, will definately increase his acting ability. Being able to express his emotions to the audience.. AHHHH i can't wait for his drama "love rain" hopefully there's a few scenes of deep drama. Just seeing JGS shed a tear makes me want to cry with him too.
I Love You Foreverrrr JGS.!
PS. Many thanks for the translation. This is the first time I wrote something long that is about JGS. hehe. Just gave me a serious feeling for him that no one should think bad about him.
SukkiefanNC..thanks so much for your exlpaination.. ^^
it’s make me understand why SUK feel so tired..i think its natural feeling he’s just young men with full responsibility and it’s our job to make him cheer up again right eels… ^^ I’m sure he can through this phase and back again with full passion.. SUK FIGHTING !!!WE LOVE YOU…
Thank you SukkiefanNC for sharing this message with us.
Ya, totally agree with you..Sukkies’s manager should arranged and let him have a break…poor prince…
Give you fully support, Sukkie!!
sukkiefanNC, Thanks to share part of the messages with eels here.. I remember Sukkie went through similar phase during MMM filming when he has only few hours of sleep & he started to miss his Suni while filming MMM… I believe there are few things which happened together which made him feel down at the moment.. I hope he will get over it after some good rest before the filming starts for Love Rain… really pity him to face so much stress at such age & yet each time, he pushes himself through to next level but with much sacrifices…
I saw one short message in earlier Weibo just before he wrote the long message is Sukkie mentioning to eels not to blame his staff & co-workers, he mentioned they are nice people he has worked with & he hope to have good long working relationship with them… any issues, just blame him alone will do.. (below is the Chinese translation with original message in Korean) I’m not sure of the background of any incident which prompt Sukkie to write this…
내 에이전트 내 스텝 욕하지 말아요..좋은 사람이고 오래 함께하고 싶은데 상처주고 싶지 않아…그런거 나 하나로 족해…… 서로 사랑하며 삽시다……계약은 내년까지지만 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
i feel sad when he is sad.. and i get so emotional because of it. how i wish i can hug this guy so tight and give him a good pat in the back.. he needs it.
Thanks for the effort on translate..don’t worry on the long as we can feel his meaning behind the words….understand he is ambitions and with his dream to conquer the world …but he also is a normal human being…he need to work with life balance…furthermore..he is a public figure and eyes are watching him….really understand how he feel….he really need a lot of mental support..also hope he dont pressure him self too extreme….take a good rest whenever you can…dont worry..we will always support matter what happen…sometimes he need someone to talk to inorder to release his stress…..JKS we are here for you….
Thank you my friends, thanks for the encouragement for the translation. We will all always support our prince Jang Keun Suk with our love.
look at this gals :
credit as tagged,
this pictures really describes him, i really appreciate the artist, she has a good understanding of him: combination of angel and demon, a professional at the outside, and a kid at the inside, yet in that pretty handsome face, we can see tears… Y Y …i hope he gains the spirit soon!! please be happy…
let’s continue motivating him eels, we are his energy, remember? (^u^)
i like jang keun suk