16 thoughts on “[25.8.2011] JKS news on Sukkiri”

  1. “he is always welcome” awwww Sukkie will be very happy with this.. ill borrow this and tweet the link to him hoping he will see it 😀

    thanks for subbing it for us!!

  2. Thanks aphrael & QQ for uploading this video here! 🙂
    As you know, it’s related to what he put the comment on twitter the other day.
    There are some TV programs which are not kind to Sukkie and broadcast him against what he really is, but I think this TV program “sukkiri” is so nice to him. I really looking forward to carrying out their plan. I was so happy and glad to see his smile when he found the sign! 🙂 At the press conference, he looked a little tired and nervous, but at that time he looked real Sukkie! 🙂

    • i noticed it too! he definitely lighted up when he saw it… like a little child seeing his mommy lol

      this should be a nice breather for him, as we all know how exhausted he is that day from his MMM FM the night before and flying really early for this presscon
      i love this guy.

    • aphrael…Thank you so much for uploading this vid ^_^ btw, have you gone for the polling already for the “Tans”? lol… (sorry ladies, today is the election day for S’pore President… coincidently all the 4 candidates are with surname “Tan” ^_^)

  3. i’m not sure if i misunderstood the english sub above, but really not happy when they made a joke of jks can’t wake up early to join their show, hum.. 🙁

    • ren121, actually the uncle is not joking of Sukkie not waking up early..he even suggested to go to his hotel room to record as all the production team really love to have him on their program as they took so much trouble to prepare to meet him at the TBC press conference & I believe Sukkie also joked as this is a nice & humorous way to convey his message than to say “sorry uncle, I can’t join your program this trip due to my hectic schedule”.. if Sukkie’s schedule can permit, he will definitely wake up early.. but I guess this trip is too packed. So most likely, we look forward to his next trip in Oct for Arena Tour…I got a feeling he will appear in this program.

    • I think this vid is pretty funny and entertaining. In the show business, you have to know to laugh at something, to light something with your humor. I think Sukkie did pretty well with his humor and the TV program was trying to play with him on that. I don’t think this vid is really trying to hurt him or being negative on him, they just try to make things laughable and entertaining the people who watching it and I think Sukkie actually take is pretty well. He is a very mature person even he is at relatively young age in this business. Even there is some negative thing happen to him, not really here but somewhere else like what Tenshi mentioned. I think he knows how to handle that too. As a public figure, there is not gonna be always praise or positive reports, there will always be some critic and negative media reports about him. One thing for sure for Sukkie, he is a person, he will not lie or cheat. He will be just himself and we, eels are all know how he is and who he is. We will support him, we will love him and this is what he wants. As he said: My eels, I will protect them. We say: Our eels, we will protect our prince as well. Isn’t that great? The love between us with him?

    • buddy, Thanks to share this again as some may be missed out this in earlier sharing ^_^ Sukkie looks so adorable even when he falls in style..remind me of my nephew learning how to walk & falling with a laugh, just hope he didn’t hurt himself here..

  4. As you have already understood how much Sukkie is loved by the MC and staffs, they were so excited to see his smile and, unexpectedly they received his flying kiss! They looked they really wanted to see him in person even though they understood it’s quite difficult because of his tight schedule. Going to his hotel or not making him sleep till the morning are kinds of joke. Their wish to meet Sukkie won’t disappear till the very day coming ^^


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