12 thoughts on “[VIdeo] Budokan M3 concert news on Japan TV”

  1. aphrael, Thank you so much for translation… is this the vid which Sukkie commented on “Home Run” in Weibo? His comment is so funny as I laugh everytime when I see this & relate to Sukkie’s reply in Weibo.. really a smart & humorous young man!

    • Farina, this news is about recently there were few occasions this month (4x of celebrating birthday with friends after YMP filming) with public seeing Sukkie driving his “Louis” Porsche (value at NT300million) on the road & looking very handsomely cool at the driving seat. (the reporter commented he looks hot enough to drive fast car)
      The article also mentioned Sukkie is one of the highest paid foreign artiste for CF in Japan (extra from me >> I read in BaiduSukbar that his CF in Japan can demand record breaking price for foreign artiste)
      Last sentence mentioned Sukkie has a group of friends he will meet occasionally for sport car convoy or rally.. .

      • Thanks lots QQ 🙂 tonite gonna be the topgear show rite?! Yayy!!!

      • I saw the trailer just now but not sure if the date for TopGear in Korea ..Farina, are u a fan of Formula 1 next month? It would be nice if Sukkie can attend F1 as guest next time ^_^ oh yes, I saw this vid below with Sukkie in Top Gear, just a glimpse..

      • QQ, nope I know nuts abt F1 lol….. I just love sports cars esp Ferrari

  2. Sallie, the article is about the best star award, not the facebook awards (best actor, best actress, best drama & best OST song) .. this is the expected results ^_^ did I mention that in BaiduSukbar, the eels changed strategy to give lower priority to best star last few days as most want to secure best actor award for Sukkie? that is the reason why you may see the gap gets bigger in best star & closing gap to chase the best actor award which is more meaningful for Sukkie..under facebook, MMM got best drama & “my bus” got best OST…. I believe Sukkie will be getting few awards next year.. my sixth sense ^_^

  3. QQeyes007 , Can you tell me …. our prince , which award will he get ? nest actor , best star , best sing or best movie MMM ? . I really confuse and i dont know which award will i get ?

    • Can somebody tell me which award sukkie will get ? . i just know ….PYC will get best star award . but What about best actor , best song , best movie ?

  4. Aphrael,

    Thank you so~ much for the translation!! I wouldn’t understand a thing without your sacrificial help! 🙂


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