13 thoughts on “[17.08.2011] JKS arrives in Tokyo”

    • Yes.. he is as both YAB & MMM made it to historical top best 10 Korean dramas in Japan recently, YAB (2009) is #2 after Winter Sonata (2002) & MMM(2010) also make it to #10.. really great as I saw the top 10 dramas are mostly those most popular in S’pore too… when I first saw YAB in early 2010, I told my sister then that this drama & the actor (Sukkie) will going to be the best I have seen so far ^_^ I became his eel fan since… good to know an artiste like him exist in this world… Oh yes, I just saw his Weibo, already past 400K now..the Chinese eels in BaiduSukbar are cheering!!!

      • Lucky you QQ… first time i saw SUK was at BV oct 2010 airing at local tv in IND,and start craziest him after i saw YAB nov 2010 since then i told my self no longer anymore he become big actor..
        HURRAY…good info QQ.. ^o^ i hope less than 10 days SUK can reach 1M followers…not intended unlike LMH but i think SUK have more talent than Lmh so DEFINITELY followers SUK at weibo should be more than Lmh.. 🙂

      • Cherry, actually I first see Sukkie in late 2009 over BV (on DVD) & HGD (on DVD as well as TV), but I was then never both to remember an actor name but I was amazed by his acting there as I kept thinking how come I never see this actor before & his acting so good, so I just note his name on the DVD and I also did not check the name of the actor in HGD but I’m so charmed by the actor’s good acting & expression there.. don’t laugh it I tell you I didn’t know both actors in BV & HGD are the same Sukkie as he is a chameleon which I only know after I catch a glimpse of YAB trailer on cable TV & I said to myself.. wow, who is the actor who can sing & act like a singer so well & the trailer looks interesting with the singing group ^_^ OMG.. the shock came when I realise YAB’s lead actor is actually BV & HGD…I’m stuck in eel pond since with this chameleon super actor..& later part, even more charmed by him as he is such a real person with charming personalities & multi-talents.. never come across & I think I can’t find artiste like him…one & only one..

  1. Sukkie, i noticed you like to wear the “lock” necklace ……
    You wanted to “lock” all eels hearts up !! …… love it 🙂

  2. 亲,最近更新的不够及时哦!!!
    Thanks for sharing!!!suk is so cute !
    Cri,I often pay close attention to your site!

    • I know …. sorry, busy…. 🙁

      many eels are on Facebook, twitter or Sina, so there are of course more updates there ^^

  3. ..Sukkie is so adorable..and he’s making all eels addicted to him..
    thanks for sharing aphrael77.. =D also may I know your twitter acc ? anyone ?
    I’m not too often visit this site regularly 🙁 and hopefully if we know each other account’s twitter will make me more update about sukkie.. Thank you in advance.


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