18 thoughts on ““Budapest Diary” promotional trailer”

  1. Oh aphreal , thanks for subbing it too ^_^
    I can’t wait to watch the whole movie. It seems he really put a lot of himself in this movie. He shot with so much emotion. If it’s truly about someone he loves now , she is really lucky ^__^ Sukkie I wish for the day where I can see you so happy with the person you love most by your side .

    • I do hope it will include an English sub , but if it doesn’t we always have our dear Tenshi-san to sub from Japanese when she has time to do so ^__^

      • OK, you can always rely on me 🙂
        But I’m sure it’ll be released with English subs because it was previewed in non Japanese native countries ^^

  2. I’m looking forward this film, it seems he work harder (:
    You’re great Geun Geun (this is how I call him ^^”) 😀

    • I’m looking forward this movie, it seems he worked very harder (:
      You’re great Geun Geun (this is how I call him ^^”) 😀

  3. Hi gals, remember to submit your personal profile for the “PROJECT” ASAP for our compilation !!
    Fighting eels ! Very simple just spend a few minutes to complete your profiles and personal messages to JKS and send to the email address given (do you want him to read your message ?) hahaha

    We really hope the numbers of submission and participation will be as high as possible to show our support to Sukkie & to give him confidence that he will be The Prince of World instead of only Asia !!!

    • I just submitted mine from Australia anyone else from Australia? maybe I should resubmit my personal msg to JKS and say “take me out when i m there in Nov”?!

      He looks so good like he just roll out of bed 🙂 and i love it when he whisper that maybe the person he is dating now lol

      • Hi long time never hear from you ! Day dreaming name has been taken up,
        so your “day dreaming” to ask Sukkie to take u out for a date in Nov has fly far far away like jetstar LOL

    • Carol , thanks for reminder.
      Sorry I’ve been so busy these days, but I’ll definitely submit by the deadline. Please wait for a while…

  4. Yeah I have been busy busy lately still read the blog everyday but dont have time for anything else!

    Yup maybe I should add it in my msg & wait and see if he does contact me for a date 🙂 lol

    Hope the project is going well 😀

  5. Hi all… I just got back from Seoul this morning. Am working now… Please wait for me with the project. I am feeling a bit tired now because I have an overnight flight and arrived Malaysia this morning and went straight to work. Plus, I left my SOUL in Seoul!!! Please wait for me for the project… I will submit by dateline (15/Aug, right?)

  6. today or tomorrow I will submit my profile I have a couple of friends who wants to participate too I think they will be a part of this blog tomorrow.
    sorry for being late! I will participate as Syrian , since I only work in Kuwait.


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