* Private & Confidential – Please do NOT re-post this information /pic anywhere else online. Much appreciated. *
For easy access to project updates, please refer to the new page “Project” that is under the blog banner.
Hi, most of you would know about the full-colour Photo Booklet project that we are doing, which aims to showcase JKS’ international fans i.e. you.
Currently, fans from these countries have submitted or will be submitting their information to us.
If your country is not represented here or you want to let Sukkie see the strength of support from your country, please action now and send us the information required. Don’t wait anymore, action now and let Sukkie see your support! 🙂
– Iran
– Philippines
– Malaysia
– Mexico
– Peru
– Singapore
For project details,
Please email these information / pics to jksforeverproject@hotmail.com
Please use English (my PC software can support Korean characters but not Japanese).
Blog ID: [the ID / username you use on this blog. For example, mine is Aphrael77]
Real Name:
Personal profile picture:
[any pic in .jpg or .bmp – whether it’s your own photo, JKS photo, ur pet photo, cartoon, whatever.
If your Personal Profile pic happens to be the same pic that another participant has selected, we will still accept because it is your choice.]
My signature:
[Please use black marker pen to sign on white paper, scan and email to us. Or use mobile phone to take pic of that paper/signature, and email to us]
Personal message to JKS:
[A message to show your support in 2 to 3 sentences. You can use the title as a guideline of what to write]
My country:
Brief introduction of my country:
[in 2 to 3 sentences. This will be translated into Korean. Purpose of this is to let JKS know a bit more about the country his fans are from. If I receive a lot of information on this, I’ll edit accordingly.]
Other photos:
[ Optional. If you have other photos of JKS, be it your favourite photo or photos taken at events which he may not have seen before, you can email to us. The pics you submit here will be placed on a page next to your country page. Subsequent participants who submit duplicate photos will be informed if they need to re-select other photos. Please note this is different from your Personal Profile Pic.]
* All JKS photos must be in high resolution.
I want to pay for a copy of this booklet: YES / NO [Please read below. ]
If you know Photoshop and would like to participate in design, please let us know ^^
3. Deadline for your submission: 15 August 2011
Besides the copy that we’ll be giving to JKS, all participants in this project have the option to get a copy of our end product as a keep-sake.
You do need to pay for
– cost price of the booklet (we do not make any profit from this, estimated cost around 30 to 60 Malaysia ringgit)
– PayPal admin/transfer fee
– mail delivery charges
For full details on the project, please refer to this link.
* Project team members: Carol70, crazyoverjks, daydreaming and Aphrael77
im from iran…and i wanna send u my paper…but i dont know..how i should pay?!i should exchange my money to ring?but right now i cant!so what should i do?also…from iran whooooooo submitted???!
salam sara,manam az iranam,khoshhalam ke inja ye irani peida kardam:D
and if one person submitted from iran…..so does it mean that icant?cause we ganna talk about 1 country!!
You can still submit, because you have your own message to write!
You can still provide your description of your own country.
For that, I’ll do the editing to combine the information.
and getting your own copy of our booklet is optional.
If you want to pay for it, payment is only available via PayPal.
but you can choose not to get it. Your message will still be included in our booklet
tanx alot!sorry one other question….i wrote my id..name…message..and about my country on a pic that i choosed(not jks pic)i should send that pic to u?or i should send my info as note to u urself…edit pic for it?
Sara, vy simply. Use microsoft word to type yr personal details ie. Blog name u used, real name,copy paste yr profile pix (can b jks or whatever), write yr message to jks & write something special about yr country.
Then scanned yr signature on a piece of paper & submit both to the email address given. Dun worry! anything missed out,we will email back to you. As long as u read yr mail. Tq
hiii,sara fek nakonam,ma be2nim album esho begirim,akhe fek nemikonam emkanesh bashe ke pool variz konim,faghat mi2ni profileto befresi,una 2 albume chapesh mikonan,ama nem2ni ye noshkhe az albomo dashte bashi:(
salam arghavan jun…manam az didanet khushalam…are..midunam..vali eyb nadare hala! shuma aks chi ferestadi?rasti az key fan sukki?man 3 sale^^
man ye 2 sale,man asan 2 khate serial korea e naboodam,ama in sukkie baes shod k asheghe korea ha besham,man axe khodamo feresadam,be nazaram umad age bekham axe khodesho vasash befresam,kheili maskharas!:D rasi man ziad 2 profilam raje be iran naneveshtam,age chize behtari raje be iran be zehnet resid,vaashun befres,FIGHTING!:D
Hey… thanks for reminding …as I was just abt to email you guys.. 🙂 So excited when i read abt this project.. I had just send my details… thanks a million!
Hi, I’m a new fan of Geun Seok and I would like to take part to this project ^^
Is it a problem the fact that I never write in this site web? Because I found it just a week ago but I really like (:
I f I can’t, I wish you lucky with this project! 😀
Yes you can. Just send us your details as specified in the post.
Thanks for joining!
Thank you so much 😀
I’ll send you my details asap (:
hi..i wanna send my info..but is it ok..if i sent it…a week later?also if i send my own pic..can i be sure..that my pic is safe?!(soorry)
A week later is fine as it is before our 15 August deadline.
And yes, your pic will only be published in our booklet. A copy is given to JKS, and some of us also want a copy to keep as souvenir.
We guarantee that any pics submitted to us will not be used for any other purpose.
In fact, we can also delete personal pics after the project is completed.
but what if i just want to my pic be in the booklet which jks has?i mean exept for jks…if i don want to other fans which paid for copy to keep as souvenir have my pic……what should i do?!
Not possible, since we are only preparing one booklet.
In that case, you can choose not to send a pic of yourself.
salam sara joon va arghavan aziz kheili kheil khoshhalam ke inja fanha irani mibinam bacheha man inja tazevaredam mishe komakam konid?
salam elham jun..az didanet khushhalam…rasti komak darbareye che khasti?
salam aziiizam,yyyyyy che hese khoobie ke inja irani mibinam,che komaki az dastam bar miad?:D
We already send email to join us, in this proyect.
Hi JKSChile, yes we got your email on the project and has replied to you as well.
Thanks for your support in this project. 🙂
merc sara joon mishe ye jaye dige sohbat konim inja kami sakhte ….
are..sakhte..nemidunam…mikhay biya blog man albate kheily vaghte update nashode…vali khob mituni to ghesmat nazarat ya balaye safhe ye ghesmat chat hast kari dari begi….bye
i sent my info…my gmail had lots of probs!i hope u understand what i wrote!:D
i wanted to know if u got my email?also one part i wrote:دوست دارم
i dont know if u can read it but if ur pc wont show what i wrote..u can write:(duset daram)instead of that…..i wrote the meaning of it in my mail
Just wondering, how are you planning on getting this photobook to JKS? 🙂
Hi! I will be going to korea in October. So i will deliver by hand to TreeJ Office
Aphrael/crazyoverjks, i just submitted via e mail all the details. But about the booklet, is there any other way like online bank transfer? cos I don’t have Paypal
Jen, believe me, you won’t want to pay via bank transfer because the bank transfer fees will be at least 2 times more than the actual cost of the booklet … anyway, we’ll update about specific details when we get to that phase …
okie. Thanks Aphrael.. Do let me know the updates when you reach that stage.. I’ll see what i can do. 🙂
aphrael, I sent a e-mail to you about inquiring the Japanese eels’ page. I didn’t send it to “jksforeverproject@hotmail.com” because it wasn’t the submission of the detail information. But if you are too busy to check my inquiry, I’ll resend it to “jksforeverproject@hotmail.com”. So please let me know what I should do.
Just replied you…
sara jun to weblog barat pyam gozashtam lotfan bekhoonesh web ghashngi dari vali natoonestam vared oon yeki besham
salam arghavan jun manm kheili khoshhal shodam shomaha inja didam vali harf zadan inja sakhte bayad jaye dige ba ham sohbat konim mesle facebook
sara jun to ham movafeghi?
count me in 🙂
First time in this site and I really like it. Great project! I’ll be sure to take part. <3 For our beloved JGS.
You'll design the booklet on the computer, right? Then, why don't you upload it (to rapidshare, magaupload or whatever) so those who can't pay for it can at least download it on the computer? It's just an idea. I know Park Shin Hye's fans did this not so long ago with the Cheer for Heartstrings! project.
Well, really great site and lovely project! <3