[Personal note] In Shanghai!

Dear friends,

Since a hectic Wed 6 July when I left for Shanghai after a busy day of work and last-minute speed packing, I haven’t been able to access internet for the past 2 days. The good news for me as a first-time visitor to Shanghai is that I actually got to see more of Shanghai than JKS this time round 😀

As an eel, that’s bad news, of course.

Due to travelling inconveniences and the slow internet speed, blog updates may be less frequent and timely (Poor daydreaming, previously known as Chicken Little, has to bear with all of my travelling quirks and my incessant “I want the internet” ;p )

Thankfully, I think most of you have other sources to get our Prince’s information too ^^

So my apologies and do forgive my tardiness during my Shanghai trip.
Will be back in Singapore on Mon 11 July but expected to be busy for a couple of days more ….

p.s. due to spam filter, your comment will be held for moderation if you post 2 links and more … If it’s not too troublesome, perhaps u can post 1 link at a time… sorry …..

Cheers from Shanghai,

19 thoughts on “[Personal note] In Shanghai!”

  1. Good luck to you and your company… keep safe and enjoy the CRI show.. we will wait for your story…Fighting CRI !!!!

  2. aphrael & daydreaming, enjoy your trip in Shanghai itself 🙂 Needless to say, the Shanghai Cri Show!!

  3. Hi Aphrael!!!! So nice to hear from you! Thought we wouldn’t be hearing anything from you due to inaccessible network. We keep each other company during your absence with updates of any Suk news 🙂 Can’t wait for your personal fan account but I know you won’t be able to ‘feed’ us till you have time. Don’t worry, we’ll wait patiently cos your fan account will be worth waiting for 🙂 Enjoy yourself and be safe!

  4. Good to hear that u r enjoying at SH though was the 1st day. Both you & day dreaming enjoy whatever u can at SH 😉

    • Yes, yes, please vote. Our Prince-J is losing – 47% vs 52%. How can this happen? Please vote. Grazie !!

  5. Yeah Aphrael!!! So good to hear from u! I’m so missing u & daydreaming back home! Hehee! ;p
    Glad to know that u are enjoying SH, rem to drink lots of water to combat the hot weather there k.
    Meanwhile, take care, have fun, be safe & most imptly enjoy ur Cri-show!! 🙂

  6. have a great time in s’hai! and do tell sukkie that u’re from s’pore!! and that we look forward to his YMP movie. love and kisses to u and sukkie!

  7. Glad to hear from you! Am even more glad to hear that you are enjoying SH so far. You and daydreaming have a great trip there yeah! and of course we will wait patiently for your fan account. your fan account is worth all the wait! 🙂 Take care and drink more water!

  8. Aphrael dear, remember to tell him about this blog…. (whisper) give him in a note. I remember Tenshi told and tried to give and I don’t know what happened later.
    Enjoy the Cri-show in Shanghai….. Wish you well and safe!

  9. Hey Aphrael, enjoy your trip! Shanghai is a beautiful city if you’re not afraid of heights like me lol


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