18 thoughts on “[Japan magazine] 2 pages …”

  1. I wanted to leave out this magazine cos the available pics’ resolution is not high enough …. but I cannot bear not to post his sweet smile, and at the right side of the 2nd pic, omg…. just look at his pose….

    • aphrael, I’ve just got this magazine after dropping into several bookstores!!
      So I will try to scan the pics and translate the article later.
      Wait for a while ^^

  2. The sweetest smile on earth. Just captivating.
    How can someone’s smile turn someone’s insides upside down and in a good way?
    someday, I’m going to find out what exactly is the secret behind that smile!
    It’s like 90% of the fans mention his smile first thing when someone asks them what do they like most about him.

    • people who met even say that it’s even way better in person! If pictures bring a storm of emotions , I don’t want to think about what meeting him in person will do!

    • The secret of his beautiful smile is a kind and caring heart. His warm and sincere personality radiates through his pretty face and shines on us via his sweet sweet smile. His smile, his eyes, everything about him is so great !!

  3. I’m thought of to get a hug from him during KL FM, but I’m afraid being speechless when meet him face to face….. Aphrael, make sure you remind me to stay coooolll & must askkk for d hug.

    • To relieve your nervous tension, why don’t you try to put on my face mask? If so, you’ll keep cool and I feel being close to JKS remotely! We are both happy ^^ LOL….

      Anyway please enjoy your blissful time and tell me how to control your emotion in case I see JKS in person!!!!

    • TQ for all your moral support, definitely will ask (though I know how fast my heart beat will be)…… I will get ready with ointment lol ! Hope he won’t turn me down. Wap, u really make me laugh…..kiss & piggyback ride, which I never ever dream of. Tenshi, sorry I can’t use your idea….. coz JKS wanted to see me, yah! hahaha


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