[28 Apr 2011] Videos of Hong Kong airport arrival

JKS at Hong Kong airport, posted with vodpod

Credits: Youku Entertainment

JKS at Hong Kong airport (2), posted with vodpod

Credits: ็„กๆ•ตLOLIxi

17 thoughts on “[28 Apr 2011] Videos of Hong Kong airport arrival”

    • … did u see it on iPhone or something? I posted with vodpod n i can see it on my PC …. if I have to put it on YT, it’ll have to wait till late tonight ….

      • I tried to view on iphone & pc also cannot…..
        Nvm, i will wait for your post tonight on youtube then. Thanks aphrael! ๐Ÿ™‚

      • crazyoverJKS, i think u need to upgrade the adobe flash player… ๐Ÿ˜›
        i can see it too with IE browser, firefox or Opera browser….

      • Hi cajuputte, ooh must upgrade flash player! I didn’t know that. heeheh!
        I guess my office pc is out-dated! hahaha!
        Thanks for the advice. ๐Ÿ™‚

  1. OMG!! I just saw a video from youtube showing JKS & his manager being pushed by a BIG group of reporters!
    Poor thing leh…. Tsk Tsk Tsk! Why are the reporters so rowdy???? >.<

  2. Hmm, quite surprised there were not more security staff around to shield JKS…given that it seemed a long walk to the car (unlike the shorter path at sg airport) & that everyone knows how aggressive the HK media could be…hope no eels were harmed in the process!

  3. ๐Ÿ˜€ and after being chauffered in a stretched limo in sg, i think the service car they used in hk is a bit ordinary ๐Ÿ™‚


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