JKS’ schedule in Hong Kong

28 April 2011

22:30 hrs (amended) Arrive in Hong Kong, Hotel W

29 April 2011

15:00 hrs Press Conference

30 April 2011

13:00 hrs Autograph & Photo-taking session
20:00 hrs JKS 2011 Cri Show in Hong Kong
22:30 hrs Celebration Party
00:00 hrs (1 May) Private party at “Beijing”

Credits: 希尧Cri @ Sina

4月28日 10:00 抵达下榻W酒店
4月29日 15;00 apm张根硕发布会
4月30日 13:00 apm举行签名 、合照会。 20:00 九展举行《2011张根硕 CRI SHOW IN HK》 22:30 庆功宴 00:00 BeiJing私人派对

8 thoughts on “JKS’ schedule in Hong Kong”

  1. so how come the HK schedule was release but the Singapore one wasnt? is Singaporean fans more crazier lol

  2. How come JKS has many functions or appearance on 30th? Till midnite,leh?? Having celebration w HK eels….OMG

  3. maybe he wants to express his gratitude, because HK eels doing so much for him (such as bus advertise their doing with their own money). one celebration maybe isn’t enough… ^^

  4. Quite unfair leh! Malaysia ticket is not cheap either. VVIP cost RM658, much more expensive than S’pore. I also think is a bit more than HK.


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