[Whereabouts] JKS’ possible flight to Singapore


I do not know how true this news is, so please check my blog later again for more updates.

Just want to add that I don’t think he’s arriving in Singapore tonight. Tonight, JKS has dinner with a group of fans (they won the Ole lucky draw prize for a free trip to Korea and dinner with JKS), and looking at the flight schedule, I don’t think JKS will be able to make it on any flight.

– Aphrael77


KeunSukChina’s (KSC) update @ 12.17 pm, 20 April, Singapore time

News from Thai fan janepisut, who heard it from a Tree-J staff, is that Jang Keun Suk has a cold and is flying tonight (20 April) to Singapore.


6 thoughts on “[Whereabouts] JKS’ possible flight to Singapore”

  1. im sooooo jealous to those fans who will have dinner with girly PUNK…
    i wanted tooo…

  2. Hi, er anyone going airport to welcome JKS? When to go??? I hvnt done such fangirl things since my teens long time ago, but for JKS, I’m considering to go fan girl mode again *LOL*

  3. I checked out the possible flights that JKS may take.
    Korean Air:
    KE641 arrival 23:35 21/4
    KE643 arrival 14:00 22/4

    OZ6783/SQ609 arrival 21:55 21/4
    SQ5751 arrival 21:25 21/4
    OZ6787/SQ15 arrival 00:55 22/4
    SQ603 arrival 14:15 22/4

    Given that the afternoon flight arrival time tomorrow is too close to his fan meeting at 7pm, JKS may arrive tonight?? Any way to confirm if he’s really arriving Spore tonight?


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