12 thoughts on “[Wallpapers] Lotte Duty Free Calendar May 2014”

  1. First wallpaper: GORGEOUS
    Second wallpaper: emmm…..can I said *ponyo*……kkkkkkkk ^^
    Anyway, I am still super love you no matter what “size” you are !

  2. This year Lotte Duty Free JKS photos are just toooooooooo muuuuuuuccccccch, handsomeness to the max! More than this might give me a heart attack lol 🙂

  3. ahjushi with ponyo..i think the second photo is the fattest suk pic i have ever see.kkkk..i wonder how much his weight at that time.

  4. Thanks for sharing this dear Tenshi! Our Keun Suk is the same and always different ….. Elegant, dignified and imposing attitude or cheerful, lovely and full of life young man …. I love both situations because only he can look so good anytime !!!


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