[2.8FM] Plz check our notice for picking up the 2nd priority tickets at princejks.com so that you can pick up your ticket(s) without any problems.
[2.8FM] Plz check our notice about borrowing a translator machine at princejks.com
Kaori chan, thanks for sharing.. it will be my first trip to Seoul FM and I would love to hear what Suk said with the translators… it is always my dream to attend his FM in Seoul since I know him though I know he will only speak Korean most of the time, unlike in other Asia countries, he speaks in English during the concerts.. but FM is different from usual concert as Suk will be chatting a lot and it is really a communication session with eels.. I’m so excited already as it is my first FM with many eel friends though I have attended a few of his concerts in the past… looking forward to the bonding too ^_^
Me, too, dear QQ. It’s my first FM and attending his show in Korea. Seoul FM must have been originally planned for Korean eels. But we overseas fans are lucky to attend there, too. We’ll see his frankness in his home country and in front of his eels, which already made me so excited enough even before attending there. See you soon then ^^
O…dears..I so envy you huh huh huh…
Even I cold apply for the tickets I’m not able to go for it’s a bit expensive to fly from the Netherlands to Seoul..I hope for one of his concerts later this year althought it won’t be in Korea.
I’m very happy already to be able to register as a official eel..
I wish you en QQ en all the other eels who will attend a very very happy and meaningful time being upclose and personal with Sukkie…; walking the streets and visit Tree-J building and Hanyang universaty and visit all his favorite and personal(drama) (food) hotspots
I hope maybe some things to share in the community space in princejks.com
@ Kailey : it is an old FA post in this blog written by an eel named Rose. I remember as I read the FA a few days ago.
@ QQ and Tenshi, good luck for you both. Please each of you update us w ur FA after that. And if you happen to meet and talk w Korean eels or bypassers, please ask them abt their thought and acceptance on Bel Ami. Still courious abt that one though
wow! i am happy to know that both sis Muimui and sis Kaori will be attending Sukkie’s FM in Korea. though i don’t have the luck yet to see him in person, your FA’s in the coming FM are enough for me to feel happy…..
I couldn’t go too eventhough I really want to .. Tenshi and sis do enjoy , awaiting for awesome funny Fan account.
sis QQ and Kaori Chan, I’m sooo happy knowing you both can go to his Seoul FM. You both are GREAT admins, totally deserve to be with Sukkie, at his homeland where he can talk freely with no language problem. Someday, I wish I can attend Sukkie’s FM or Concerts,too, especially able to meet some ECI members, that would be my ultimate dream come true.
That translator Machine should be good tool to use….unless you are both so mesmerize by his voice and speech and actions, totally ignore the Trans-Machine….ROFLLL. (I think I read FA somewhere in the past, one eel totally gave up on Trans-machine because she didn’t want to miss seeing Sukkie for a moment…LOLL)
QQ and Kaori, please update us about your FM in Korea! Very curious to hear how he relates to his Korean Fans. Have a fabulous time!!!
nice to see your comment again here “staying up late.”