[weibo] HS Media Weibo_20130108

#张根硕中官开通#Jang Keun Suk Grand China Official Fan Club Finally Open!!! This time Jang Keun Suk, not only he is the FIRST Korean star to open official fan club with Sina but also the FIRST star who open this new type modle on whole weibo. We believe strong partnership will make our Asia Prince’s exclusive world become more gorgeous and wonderful. We are looking forward to your joining.
##张根硕中官开通# Super happy! Eels’ blessings finally are here! 2014-01-08 18:00 Jang Keun Suk Grand China Official Fan Club Website formally come into Sina Weibo. Tons of brilliant stuff, eels please still tuned for more!!! Keep clicking http://t.cn/8keCdsN@张根硕


@HS_Media官方微博:#张根硕中官开通#张根硕大中华区官网终于闪耀落成啦!此次@张根硕 不仅作为首位携手新浪开创官网的韩国明星,亦是全微博第一位启用这种全新模式的艺人。相信这样的强强联手,必会使我们亚洲王子的专属世界更加的华丽精彩哟[moc转发]我们期待你的加入
#张根硕中官开通#喜大普奔的鳗鱼福音终于降临!2014年1月8日18:00 张根硕大中华区官方网站正式入驻新浪微博啦,海量精彩内容,鳗鱼们敬请期待!猛戳http://t.cn/8keCdsN @张根硕

Springsuk_USA’s note: Jang Keun Suk is an artist who always want to be the first. First doesn’t mean always on the top but the FIRST one who archive it. He did what he wants and he keep looking for new target. I say this again: He is warrior because he is not afraid of failure, he is pioneer because he always walks a new route out. He is the LEADER.

2 thoughts on “[weibo] HS Media Weibo_20130108”

  1. Well said sis Sarah… even though alot of Korean ppl hate him they can’t deny the fact that our Prince is really born to be a leader and a genius person…

  2. thank you dear Sarah for sharing this! I am happy for our Chinese eels! I hope more and more countries can build this special relationship with Sukkie. I hope he makes one too for International Eels and all updates are automatically in English, no need for crappy Google translate


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