31 thoughts on “[pics] Jang Keun Suk Got Hair Cut for “Beautiful Man”_20131115”

  1. Personally I like a man with short hair. If he’s Jang Keun Suk, I can’t help but admit the game is over… as Ma-Te said. As soon as seeing his new hairdo, my heart started beating fast…. Kya, what should I do…??? I don’t know how to stop…

  2. OMG OMG OMG Sukkie , u make me to miss ur childhood again .. I love u so much in short hair. I wish to see in shirt hair and now I see it ..

  3. I cant handle this look. Too overwhelming for my heart. Hahha. He is painfully good looking in this short hair style. Missing his long hair though. But its ok it will grow….right?

    • yes, it will grow… haha… I have a heartache, too, to be honest :p. This is a different face of him, let’s prepare ourselves to fall in love over again 😉

  4. Finally. The anxious wait is over. I’m so gonna miss his long shiny hair but this one looks very chic and perhaps more suitable to the concept of Dokgo Mate for the drama :). Bye Bye Mu Gyul’s hair… Hello, Mate’s chic style! BTW, that sense of fashion… can’t help but loving it!

  5. Oh…he look so much younger with short hair. I was always wondered whenever I see his old short haired photos, will be look the same if he cut his hair. And now, that is. He is exactly the same like 5yrs ago

  6. guess cutting hair is a way of releasing a Broken Heart, anyway, long or short, you look beautiful, cheer up love

  7. First, I wanna say THANK GOD he’s not blonde!!! Hehehehe

    I’d say he still had a long hair when he was having that cap on… You can see the ponytail a bit…

    I like his new haircut. He looks very handsome…

    However, if I didn’t know it was him on these pictures, I’d think it’s just another Super Junior member or something… Hehehehe.. I swear, they all have very similar hairstyles 🙂

    Can’t wait for some HD pictures of him with a new haircut!!!

    Tenshi, thanx for being super fast with this post 🙂


  8. oh. my. god. can this man get any cuter? my ovaries went into hyperdrive hahaha. the new hairstyle accentuates his lovely forehead of which he is quite proud of i heard.

  9. is it only me..?i think dokgo mate before is more handsome than now..i mean after hair cut..but no offense..he still look good and different with this new face.personally..i think he look more boyish than manly with this haircut.yes..like kpop idol.kkkk..BM FIGHTING!!!

  10. Love Sukkie in any hairstyle.. even mushroom hairstyle like In Ha in Love Rain… or crew cut in Beethoven Virus … long flowing hairstyle in MMM… he is one actor I find we can fit so many hairstyles with different feel when he plays different roles.. and with his special side burn (my favourite!!!)

  11. I think it’s too early to guess how he will look in the drama after the haircut. The stylists will make some changes and and with the make up – ohhhhh, it will be something!

  12. I personally don’t like this hair… I was very dissapointed when is saw it. It is not because it is short, but i just don’t like the concept of this haircut. Never liked such… and think it looks creepy. I prefer something like Joon in Love Rain had 🙂
    Anyways, it will grow back soon which makes me fell a bit better 😀

  13. Last pic makes me speechless. So hot and handsome. I have been waiting for this day for so long. JKS cut his hair! Yeay…

  14. I think the poster hair cut looks more set out to charm women,more Casanova and mature…this new one,kinda looks boyish..however I hope they set his hair differently for the film and make him sexier..

    • exactly..i think the earlier mate style look more sophisticated and mature..idk how the drama will progress coz he look younger than before.just hope they will do something with his hair later. i know he will.

    • The advantage of having a longer hair is that there are various ways to style it… Suk always looks younger with a shorter hair even when he tried to cover it with facial hair just like the BV days, he was still the’Mister Baby Face’. I like this new look for being chic but yea… The stylist team of BM needs to figure something out to get that ‘casanova look’ back 😉

      • yes..i think the baby face could lead to difficulty too..when he look younger than his age.he look so boyish with that hairstyle but with some adjustment and with suitable suit..maybe he could kill me anytime..haha..u know..suk always surprise me with his transformation.

  15. I met Keun Suk with long hair! (last year) I also felt something in my heart, but I was waiting for his haircut, I like him always but more with short hair ^^ Will Mate look younger now than when he was a student?


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