[05.11.2013] Jang Keun Suk’s Weibo

@HS_Media, Jason! Korean eels and Japanese eels they all can join the event watching the drama (Pretty Man) premiere, but no way Chinese eels can join the event too?? gul gul
@HS_Media官方微博 Jason社长!韩国的鳗鱼和日本的鳗鱼都有一起看电视剧首播的活动就木有中国鳗鱼也能一起看的法子吗?? 哼哼(翻译:绿茶)
@张根硕 : @HS_Media官方微博 제이슨 사장님! 한국에서 한국장어랑 일본장어랑 드라마 첫방송 같이 보는 이벤트하는데 중국 장어들도 함께 볼 수 있는 방법없음?? 꿀꿀

Suk to Jason: You better to look into it.
Jason replied: Preparing it now!!! kkk

【Jason:现在正安排着呢!!呵呵 】【suk:马上去打听下比较好…】//@张根硕: //@JasonJang: 지금 바로 어랜지 들어갑니다!! ㅎㅎ@张根硕ㅡ당장 바로 알아보는게 좋을것이야…

5 thoughts on “[05.11.2013] Jang Keun Suk’s Weibo”

  1. Wow! Wish I can join too lol but honestly I am hoping and wishing that Me and my ECI all sisters will also be there to give support to our one and only prince in his up coming up BM premier 🙂

  2. i like it when he exercises his “boss” antics! ^_^ oh how i truly wish i could be there too!! i feel like Christmas is early because of Jks drama! thanks for sharing!

  3. Shizuko, our target for our blog is international eels. So please try to use English when you leave your comments here. Thanks.


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