12 thoughts on “[26.09.2013] Tree-J twitter”

  1. How many cakes did you eat during birthday carnival month? kkk
    I love this natural Suk without make-up. Again, happy birthday to our Prince ^^

    • LOL…luckily there is always fruit on them so he gets to eat at least the fruit…I don’t know anybody that gets that many birthdaycakes to cut…and what do you wish for everytime….hahaha..I’m sure he’s wishing to have a long and loving relationship with his eels..

    • haha..see the way he cut his cake..look like he getting tired doing that.kkk…i love his face without make up the most.so baby face.

  2. Hi Tenshi! He ate more than a hundred cakes of different flavors kkk… I love it too when he does not wear make up. He looks younger, he does not look 26 years old if he has no make up. He looks like a teenager.

    Thanks for sharing this photo!

  3. Oh how nice to see him again…looking healthy and boyish…can’t help but notice his beautiful hands kkkk…Happy 26th birthday, Keun Suk^^

  4. Totally like his no make-up look, how naturally stunning. How come his face is glittering all the time? Is he a vampire by any chance? But there is little sunlight indoor…my bad. Like any eels I wish him a super duper happy birthday!!! Btw Prince please don’t stab the cake like that even though you have many already~Haha

  5. Really like his face without make-up too. He must have had enough rests lately. As he looks like a teenager, much younger than his age.


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