[fan-made MV] Cheering Up and Thankful MV to US Eels

Credit: Hershey Pagtakhan from ECI

Many US eels got affected by the postponed Team H Party Show in US, but eels just like Jang Keun Suk, they’re strong and they’re marvelous. Here is a video to thank two US eels Stv and Tes who have worked so hard for marketing Team H US Show in LA and also a cheering up for US eels to looking forward to brighter future with Team H. Team H will come to US for sure. We will wait till the day come.

27 thoughts on “[fan-made MV] Cheering Up and Thankful MV to US Eels”

  1. Just look forward to his plan of visit. His team may need to learn how to organize the Team H parties. Geun Chang should consider his US trip as his working holidays. USA is a big country not like Japan and Korea. The density of the population is also lower than China which is highly populated. He probably need to go back to the origin of Team H first party not the full option concerts like what he had at Tokyo Dome, Thunder Dome in Bangkok, or the one in Shiang Hai. US eels may have opportunities to jive and juke with him and the team more. All the best.

  2. Can’t wait to hear the new tour dates! I hope they keep up the great work, because it’s only a matter of time before they rock the US! We love to party any time of the year. Hopefully with the new dates, the venues will be even better. I’ll be hoping for a show that I can get time for work to go and see. 🙂

  3. I think that the little setback that Sukkie experienced with the cancellation of his US Tour is for the good. For one, he can rest up a bit and come back with more energy when his concert comes–he needs his rest and us Eels should really have his health first in mind. Plus, Powerhouse has more time to market his upcoming concert now. I imagine him getting more popular here in the US with this well-planned and well-marketed concert. All in all, I truly look forward to seeing Sukkie here in the US!

  4. thank ou grils for your wonderful job …team h are the best if i live on uk i support us eels ….power eels ,power of love ,faith ,hope and joy …jyoo zikzin

  5. I am so happy to see all the support. We can wait. It’s better that you wait and do things right rather than come here too quick and frustrate your poor US eels. We have so much to offer as do you, get to know us first. Good luck keeping up with us and enjoy the journey! -Nicolle

  6. Hello Jang Keun Suk
    By this line I would like to let you know that I love you, you are in my heart You have my respect, my admiration, my support and I will be here for you next time you come to USA. Your eels in the USA love you very much. Thing happens and life goes on your eels are here fighting for you and we know you are fighting next to us. USA LOVE YOU- WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU. Best wishes.

  7. Jang Keun Suk-ssi,
    You say that “America is your Dream” … this American woman wants you to know that “You are our American Dream”.
    We are waiting, holding our breath for your successful entry into the U.S. market.
    Our hearts are always loyal, loving and protective of our Asia Prince. We are with you moving forward towards your dreams.
    ZikZin, JYO, Konbae, Cheers!

  8. Jang Keun Suk:
    Your Eels are faithful to you , through good times and bad. We know you work hard at everything you do. Just know that we love you and our dream is to help you fulfill your dream to be World Prince! I am saving my money to go to any show you have in the USA. Your spirit and talent has touched so many lives and have brought many people together. THANK YOU! ZIKZIN!!!

  9. Yes, we are sad you (and Kurt) are not coming this summer to LA, but looking forward to a future Team H party! Good luck on your new drama…We are always by your side!


  10. Jang Keun Suk, as a US eel, I was a little disappointed that the Team H Party did not happen as originally planned but now I am really looking forward to the rescheduled concert. Hopefully with better planning and promotion, this concert is going to be the BEST EVER!!! Don’t lose sight of your AMERICAN DREAM. Your eels are always going to be here to support you. We can’t wait to see you so we can finally show you how we PARTY IN THE U.S.A. ZIKZIN, ASIA PRINCE!!! —- Radji

  11. don’t stop dreaming your American Dream Boss!!! it will definitely come true…your US eels will always support and love you and you’re not gonna break their hearts right? ZIKZIN!!! TEAM H will rock the world!!! just believe!

  12. Dear eels in US and My beloved JKS and Team H it’s just postponed not cancel .Yet we don’t know what time to have a seat in front of Team H. Two guys playing DJ but in very very soon it will happen cos Team H already rock the world.Its Sukkie dream and our dream too .As we are always here for him and believe in him as always and let’s support them
    More cos we know Who is JKS.Eels and JKS bonding is always strong enough to
    Make thing happen.Dear sis Stv and other eel sister You did a great job to make his dream come true .This is what important to support him no
    Matter what.We are strongest. Fans and Master in the world .Jyo Zikzin

  13. Eels in the US are not losing hope… We will look forward to a concert here in the US and all the Eels in US will support JKS and Team H. “Fighting!”

  14. oyabun….포기하지말라요….우리장고는당신을지원합니다….하자함께zikzin이동!!
    “boss…..please don’t give up….we as eels will support your….lets zikzin together”

  15. Jang Keun Suk, USA eels love you and we will be patient and wait for you. Rest and take care of yourself. I am looking forward to your new drama. When the time is right, USA will be here to party with you. Zikin!!! 🙂

  16. You positive outlook and high energy gives me strength everyday to smile and carry on!!! We Eels love and support you in everything you do!

    Eels everywhere in the US are waiting for you when you decide to reschedule. ZIKZIN !!

  17. “Come to where I can see you. Give permission to let me see you.” – Tae Kyung

    Jang Keun Suk: Please come to the U.S. and give permission to let us see you. We need your confidence and humor.

  18. U.S. eels will be very happy to see JKS whenever he can come. I personally love the electronic music of Team H and am looking forward to seeing Big Brother as well. We will continue to support and work toward a successful show in the future. Thank you to all of my fellow eels. Fighting!!!

  19. Yes I won’t lie still sad that you are not going to see us this summer. Have faith in you and Big Brother will come to see us. We US EELS will wait for you. Please let us know what we can do to help. We all so want you to complete your dreams and so want to be a help in making them come true. Street Teams, email shows whatever you need ..we want to do for you and Team H we are here to do. We wait for you and love you always. Best of luck with new drama. You know we’ll be watching!!! Waiting every week to see you. With the hope you will come to see us soon after(wishing). Take care . Best wishes to you and Big Brother

  20. Jang Geun Suk and Big Brother/Team H. Please come to the U.S., make it a U.S. tour with multiple cities. Come to the East Coast like New Jersey or New York City. Then the West Coast like California. Friends of mine are curious since I talk about you and Team H, they want to see what you are about and asked for Massachusetts. Please come to the United States, we are waiting. I would like your music available for purchase in the U.S. too. You can be more than Asia’s Prince. Your smile, sense of humor and hard work can win over the world!!

  21. Still sad about the postponed concert. But I know it’s for a good reason. We will be here waiting for you JKS and will always support you in everything that you do. I hope too see you soon!!! Be strong…fighting!!!

  22. Dear Keun-Suk-ssi,

    You know it is said that to be an Actor …. an Actor must act. I realize that people think you are returning to acting with this new drama, but as a singer you incorporate your skills as an actor into the interpretation of your music. So in reality, you are always an Actor first and foremost using your abilities in various creative outlets i.e. singing, composing, dancing, modeling or directing your stage.

  23. Today is June 21, the day that I was supposed to get on a plane to go to LA, on my way to see my World Prince. We both know by now that it’s not going to happen. Along with all your fans in America, I am heartbroken and disappointed. And I was so looking forward to see you in San Jose too!
    I am sorry that things did not work out this time, but I am not giving up my hope to see you here in the USA, and I hope you will never give up your America dream. Please know that you are loved by many here and when you do get here, count on me to be there to cheer you on.

  24. I wish you continued success and look forward to seeing you in Los Angeles, hopefully, within the coming year.
    Everyone at ECI/U.S. is hoping for a successful entry into the U.S. for Team-H.
    Champagne wishes and strawberry dreams,
    Your American Noona in Boca Raton, Fl.


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