12 thoughts on “[fan work] “Beloved JKS” by an eel member from ECI”

  1. I will always remember these words and keep telling him and myself 🙂 Really touching and inspiring.

  2. Suk is thinner and he looks “sadder” these days.

    I think his wish is coming true – eels will be his ultimate companion for the rest of his life. No girlfriend? How about those SM girls and Japanese women who are linked to him? I wish him happiness in the new year and the years ahead – with eels forever and ever.

  3. I feel the same way too. Your poem describe my feeling. Suk is thinner and his skin is not healthy like before.I hope we eels Love can protect you and give you warm.

  4. Thanks for the touching and beautiful words and those soulful picture. Only his eels understand him and will be at his side always.

  5. I can feel it too that our Prince isn’t really happy recently…He’s smile in every photo feels different…Hope he can clear his mind and be happy again very soon..T__T
    Maybe I’m wrong and being too worried…

  6. I can see the pain in his eyes and I know that he always a hard times I can fell and have a sympathy for what my Sky JKS really felt now.But I believe that he can overcome all the obstacle he had now.I’m so much worried every time I look at him though he has a beautiful smile but I know deep inside sorrow keeps.Tsk!tsk!tsk! what a poor guy,and no matter how popular he is and despite of being a Asia prince he suppered a lot of critisizim to those people dislike him but to to my Sky JKS “Fight! let them know that no matter what they say’s agaisnt you though it’s affect inside of you, you can always stand still with heads up high and be proud because being an Asia prince is not you’ve got in a one blink of the eyes or you grabbed it to other’s but you’ve got it with your humble heart, hard word and sacrificed.That’s why you have nothing to afraid of you are really deserving to be the Asia prince and remember if times come when some people turns back on you put in mind that I am still here for you in every road you take and I believe with all my heart that your eel’s fans will also stay with you that’s why Fight! okay?

  7. Thank you for sharing these beautiful words.I have a feeling that sukkie is sad recently and this is really breaking my heart I wish I can do something for him.I just hope he can feel our love for him and know that we will always stand by his side.

  8. Hello EELS,
    Happy New Year for you, I know it’s too late. I miss EELS here and this blog so much.

    I felt sad read that beautiful message. And I also felt the sadness read the EELS’ thought.Ah, come on EELS,don’t think he has deep sorrow now, please make the atmoshpere of Keun Suk life’s fresh and happy. If his smile doesn’t crunchy anymore I believe EELS will pray for him that he will get back the crunchy smile as we hope. If his body get slimmer I believe EELS will know that he has many activities and let him get relax with a special girl that he loves.

    I do believe we are really love him that’s why we feel sad when we know he looks sad,in painful or in sorrow. And instead.

    Thank you for sharing, and love you all.

  9. truly express what eels feel towards Prince JKS…he’s our BELOVED now and forever!
    thanks Den for the poem and Sarah for sharing 🙂


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