Posted by: sukkiefanncusa
Credit: uploader
Words from uploader: I’m always amazed how well Japanese eels behave. This video obviously shot by someone who were sitting in the front row behind the security line. They did this because then the persons who are behind them can see Jang Keun Suk’s face too. We know he has so many fans in Japan, I bet everytime, there are lots of fans receive him at the airport, they are always in good order. And needless to say Jang Keun Suk loves be in Japan too. 🙂 They screamed because they are so happy to see him, but there is no movement of the fans and no chase him when he walked by. I love to see Japanese eels set a good example for eels in all over world. We should keep order and be safe the first to show our love to our Prince Jang Keun Suk.
Sis Sarah, thanks for posting this mini fan cam. This fancam makes my day. Always love Japanese eels’ dedication and discipline!!
Awww…Sukkie is soo sweet too, he walks out from hiding behind the guards and the managers to greet his eels, up close and person. I bet he does against the pre-warning from his managers. Yahhhh….. Sukkie is Sukkie. He does things what his heart tells him to do, so spontaneously, and sometime, so unpredictable too. This is one the many reasons why I love him so much.
Based on the uncontrollable issues right now…I am totally understand why we didn’t have much news coverage about Sukkie’s Japan airport arrival….that’s why I was a little sad. As long as Sukkie is safe and happy…. I can be satisfied just seeing or reading a little thing about him each day; I’m perfectly OK with that!!!!
Japanese Eels are daebak!!! 🙂