[12.07.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS & friend twitter

Friend (bride): Something blue, something borrowed and something old : )
JKS:Congulatulations, my friend.. Like this we’re going to be mature.. When in the world my turn comes? T_T
“@yeagnam: Something blue, something borrowed and something old : ) http://instagr.am/p/M84Xd1yXna/”ㅡ축하한다 내친구..우리도 이렇게 무르익어 가는구나..도대체 나는 언제 ㅠ
tenshi_akuma’s note: “Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue” is a traditional saying that has become a wedding custom for good luck for a bride. The often unquoted last line of the traditional bridal saying gives a hint at its origin. The complete phrase is: “Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, and a silver sixpence in her shoe.” Each verse refers to a good luck item: Something old – continuity with the bride’s family and the past Something new – optimism and hope for the bride’s new life ahead Something borrowed – an item from a happily married friend or family member, whose good fortune in marriage is supposed to carry over to the new bride Something blue – Before the late 19th century, blue was a popular color for wedding gowns, as evidenced in proverbs like, “Marry in blue, lover be true.”

Walking down the Champs-Elysees, I got a bottle of wine, but couldn’t find the newspaper. So my first attempt was failed… But I won’t give up… You just wait..!!!
샹제리제 거리에 가서 와인병은 구하였으나 신문지가 없어 1차 시도 실패…포기하지 않으리..딱 기다려..!!!

Seo In Guk: The press conference “Do you read me? 1997″… As I’m the leading actor for the first time, I coudn’t sleep… What should I do?
JKS: You’re really a good actor, so you don’t have to worry. k
“@sigstyle1023: 응답하라1997 제작발표회… 설레서 첫주연이라 잠안온다… 우짜노”ㅡ넌 연기 잘하니까 괜찮아 ㅋ

I’m an uncle!!!!!!!!!!

Seo In Guk: I love you seriously.
@AsiaPrince_JKS 사랑해 진심이야

BB: Even I’m Uncle, Child is good.
JKS: Bear one~~
“@bigbrothersound: @minzzangde 아저씨여도 애보니까 너무 좋다”ㅡ 하나 낳아~~

BB: You’ll have a baby with me. We’re dating.
JKS:Are you drunk?
“@bigbrothersound: @AsiaPrince_JKS @minzzangde 나랑 하나 낳자 우리 사귀잖아”ㅡ취했냐

Uh, it was irrational… I admit.
@AsiaPrince_JKS 아 무리수였다…인정

T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T T_T shya..ahh..ahha..ang

Instead of doing aerobic exercise today, I’ll go sightseeing…
오늘의 유산소는 관광으로 대처한다…

Omg!!! My savior has appeared!!! You’ll have to take care of my night…….
Omg!!!내 구세주 등장!!! 넌 나의 밤을 책임져야 할 것이야…….

BB: I feel sort of uneasy…..
JKS: Me, too…
“@bigbrothersound: @AsiaPrince_JKS 뭔가 불안하다…..”ㅡ나 역시…

7 thoughts on “[12.07.2012] AsiaPrince_JKS & friend twitter”

  1. Awwww…. the BABY is sooo super CUTE!!!

    Hahahaha…soo funny reading these 2 crazy friends tweeted each other. They are speaking in code words…or alien language….LOLLL

  2. The 4th photo …. is it Sukkie ???
    Does it mean our Prince has transformed into a muscled man??? His personal trainer must be that good to help him to develop those muscle within such a short timeframe.
    Personally, I prefer Sukkie to just have some muscles and a fit body. I don’t like him with those ‘chocolate abs” which Koreans prefer.

    • anjellsmiles, me too, mild muscles will do like BV but not like “Hulk” LOL! I’m scared to see chocolate abs men in fact! (for some reason I can only say in ECI.. which I have said before) ^_^


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