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Credits: As tagged.
Annoyeong Cri,


the smirk

the tongue

The smile

OMG, the laugh

show me the teeth! >__<

I want to hear……


ahhh, handsome

fly kiss

Hi Cri, I’m Jang Keun Suk

suck the air in the mouth


pretty relax

was I good in the CF?

LUCKY eel!!!

fly kiss, yes, that’s our Prince J

He is most delicious orange juice!!!

Uri Prince

I’m here!

wow! he’s so cute and i can’t stand with those smiles..i will have a nose bleeding for 40 days :8=)
but its okay,for me it is just a some reactions when looking at him and make me feel healthy than before(^.^)
Wow! Sukkie is so handsome & more healthy looking. He is more handsome when he is gaining a little weight. He has also good chemistry with Park Min Young. Hopefully they have a drama together.
Photo #2 – unfortunate angle / placement of hand in photo. LOL
Though I must say I really do like the jacket length on him.
And the Eel is wearing Leopard! She sure knows how to catch Sukkie’s eye! LOL
Wow he looked soooooo good even without makeup…
thanks sis sarah 😀 will also share these. 🙂
gosh, his smile is soooo….— infectious!! haha. i haven’t seen any videos here just ‘basing’ my opinion on these pics..isn’t PMY infected???..hehe.
tongyi’s not mistaken in their description of keun suk as a model. he’s cheerful side really portraits the feeling of an sweet orange juice..woot, woot!
**i haven’t seen any videos of it yet.
He’s such a professional – liven up the atmosphere with his smiles & antics and live up to the image he is projecting for Tongyi orange juice. Tongyi is right in choosing him as their rep.
Sukkie is so handsome, cute, healthy and definitely a good ambassador for Tongyi orange!
In my opinion, Sukkie and Yoona is a perfect couple 🙂
I think I just died and gone to heaven hehehe…
Thanks Sarah dear, hugsss to you :)))
i love the radiance of your skin oppa 🙂
Jang Keun Suk looks so cute and refreshed in YELLOW:D hehehehe! go go go jang geun suk:D:D:D fighting ! JIAYOU!
he looks more “delicious” than orange juice kkkkkkkk… oh his smile really sweeeeettzzzz ^^
OMG, he looks yummy orange and soooo fresh handsome. Super love the “speed gun” shooting post. Got shot by JKS, I’m dead and gone to heaven and back……kekeke
you so cute and handsome jang geun suk, congratulations for your wonderful drama “love rain” love the story you and yoona look beautiful together hope more drama project and movies together.. job well done to both of you. god bless