[12 Feb 2011] Osaka Day 2

Credits as tagged

The rehearsal on the 2nd day is over, and it’s about to start.

I don’t know whether tonight I can last until news of the 2nd Lounge H performance in Osaka come trickling in slowly via fans’ Twitter and Baidusukbar, because the strong cough medicine I’ve been taking for the past 2 days are making me very sleepy, despite the doctor’s assurance that the day-time medication is non-drowsy. I mean, I haven’t even taken the night-time medication yet, and I want to sleep at 9 pm, something which I haven’t done for the past 20 years or so, haha!

So here are the first few pics circulated today, and just to explain the second pic below, a humorous eel has added her own captions about what could be running through the minds of Jang Keun Suk and fellow colleagues, and the captions fit their expressions well…. I’m curious though, does Kurt always look so grumpy?

I’m in luck…. Before I make my sleepy exit, I check for news once more. Though today’s LH is similar to yesterday’s, I am rewarded with a pic showing the wine bottle that JKS had drunk from, now obviously a treasured item in the hands of a lucky eel who’ll probably keep that bottle forever. Good night (or morning), everyone!

A late lunch time, together everyone?
迟到的LUNCH TIME,大家一起!翻译:柚衣。

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