[07.12.2011] SSTV: Seoul Nuclear Security Summit

Video credits: Jangkeunsukchina
Pic credits: as tagged



Serious Sukkie as befitting the ceremony

Love his smile 🙂

Wow, close-up!

Hmm, what is it about this ring?

If you want to download the set of 91 pics, you can:
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25 thoughts on “[07.12.2011] SSTV: Seoul Nuclear Security Summit”

  1. his unique eyelids on his beautiful smiling eyes is very obvious in this series of photos ^_^ the watch he wore looks good on him.. very elegant & looks expensive!

  2. He looks so young yet mature beyond his years. That suit is beautiful on him and I love the red lining, very sophisticated. Really does confirm to me that the suit he wore at the film awards show to present Kim Haneul flowers and congrats was borrowed (the really bad suit that seemed to be fall off him). Curious about the coat of arms on the suit. Its hard to see so don’t know what it says.

    • yeah,very refined taste,everything was perfect!! I love the super close-up photos esp. his teeth,hahaha..,I want to kiss the screen of my PC now,thank you aphrael..

    • Mindy, thanks for sharing! It looks JKS official channel… Because the vid uploaded there is an official DVD CF. TreeJ has changed the name?

  3. he looks so great! noticed his skin looks much, much better now. i guess he has rested now despite his still busy schedule, unlike during the arena tour.

    he looks elegant and dashing in the black suit… really love him in black, it suits him perfectly! love his smile, especially love his eyes, and love everything about him! 🙂

  4. The ring on his left hand is exactly the same as that he wore yesterday in 3rd Asia jewelry awards so reporters’ve wondered if he has a girl friend now or not, I’m so curious^^

    • I’m curious about it too… it says Park Yoonsoo. I googled that name and I did come up with a clothing designer. So maybe that is it?

  5. This news vid is very short and unclear, but I share it and the brief translation here.
    Korean popular actor, Jang Keun Suk.

    He is appointed as the publicity ambassador for the Nuclear Security Summit which will be held in Seoul in March, 2012. And the commissioned letter was given to him.

    “Through this summit, not only Korea but also Korean people will contribute to world peace.”

    Under the influence of Fukushima nuclear plants, the safety of nuclear power will be one of the major themes in the Nuclear Security Summit next year.

  6. very nice pics , thanks apnrael for sharing. by the way i didn’t find any green button on the links you posted , so i couln’t download it .
    like you , i’m very curious to know what’s behind this ring , so why don’t you Andrea and the others eels who have access to his blog and app post this question on them , perhaps he will reply to you .
    out of topic , i find this videos on YT , can anyone tell me whre they came from(interview/show) and if their a sub version .


  7. Absolutely love his look over here. I read “Kosmo” (Malaysia newspaper) this morning and they mention about his official ceremony as an ambassador of Nuclear Security Summit. It is not in the entertainment news section but in foreign news section. Kkkkkk he in world news now.


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