
Dear friends,

If you have other general feedback or suggestions to improve this JKS blog, please feel free to leave a comment.
Thank you!


大家一起支持小帅哦~ 加油~


429 thoughts on “Feedback”

  1. what u r doing here is really great, especially the translation part, all the JKS fans and JKS himself have to salute u. U r taking part in building JKS’s success and fame story. Keep up the good work. Cheers!

  2. I just wanted to thank you for your blog!
    I am not from singapore nor am I asian (Im from the UK) but thanks to you and your blog sharing news and translations I feel closer to him.
    Also thanks to your help I have now become a free fan club memebr on his website! I plan on being a official member too if I can!

  3. Thanks so much for all the information on Jang Keun Suk! I’m also a free fan club member on his official website. Pity I can’t access his site via macbook though 🙁

    Anyway, keep up the good work and I’m really glad I chanced upon your blog! JKS hwaiting!

  4. hey your blog is cool! 🙂 I would like to know, do you know if JGS is on facebook or twitter ? or if he has a personal website? thanks to answer to me 🙂

    • JKS does not have his own facebook or twitter, though some of his updates and pics come from his friends’ twitter. He has a Japanese official website, and 2 Korean official websites (old and new still in operation together) i.e. you need to be paid members of the website.

      Under “Categories” on the right-hand side of the blog, you can see “JKS Official Fanclub” and a post to guide you on how to become a free member for his Korean websites. This will allow you to see limited sections of his website but everything’s in Korean…..

  5. thank you for sharing all about JKS.
    I’m one of JKS’s fans that came from Indonesia.
    I just could get JKS information from your blog. really happy to see you always updated new information about him.
    so that I could always knew a new info about him.
    and I also could join his fan club for free by reading the step that you share.
    thank you so much and keep it up! 🙂

    • sorry, I don’t, because there was news of JKS being in Belgium yesterday …. so not sure where he is …

    • no se si algun dia jks lee esto pero soy una abuelita que desde puerto rico es su fan. que dios lo siga cuidando y le de una larga vida llena de exitos. espero algun dia poder visitar su hermoso pais y poder verlo aunque sea de lejos.

  6. Sencillamente es un hombre que admiro mucho.
    Me encanta saber por donde esta y que hace gracias.

    It is simply a man who I admire greatly.
    I love to know where it is and it does thanks.

  7. i want t0 member fans club of jang geun seuk
    i h0pe get all informati0n ab0ut jang geun seuk
    thank y0u

  8. Thanks so much for the updates …. It helps a lot with the English translation. For sure a lot of non korean speaking fans are really grateful for the effort you’re putting here coz I am….. 🙂 Thanks again! Keep up the good work!! For the love of JGS! 🙂

  9. Thx for your blog. BTW I’m from KL, Malaysia. I also started to the “koreanwind” through JGS. I knew him through watching YAB when I’m on my hospitalisation leave at home in Jan 2011. Thereon I started to go after all his drama & movies . To me he is cute , talented & owesome. Do post more and more info about him to us.

    Since you’re a Singaporean, can u updd me what is the pricing and the packages RLand is offering for Singapore JGS FM in this coming April . Coz I’m not sure whether to buy a VVIP, VIP or Gold category ticket.

  10. I really like JKS. He’s the first and the only Korean actor that I really like and wanna follow his moves.
    I wanna thank you for what you have done. Keep up the good work!!

  11. Hi, cri…thank you very much for your effort to update info about JKS in english.
    Hope you will always update the site regularly. Much love for you…

  12. i really like you keep good work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love you and an arabic girl from tunisia…………………i …love you………………

  13. .,thanks to you and your company for making us happy on your updates about OUR common denominator JANG KEUN SUK…
    i’m from Philippines but i’m working here in Saudi Arabia…
    my friend here loves korean dramas and she told me to watch some of it and he gave me the list to watch for.. one of them is “you are beautiful”.. i started to watch at drama captures my heart so much,, i love hyungnim”JKS” the way he acts, his style and his passion to music and when he makes pout-y lips and facial expressions… since then I’ve been addicted to JKS… I don’t even sleep until i finished watching all episodes..
    thanks a lot to all your posts…
    your such a great singaporean eels..
    keep our JKS on the TOP..
    more powers to you..

    ^_^can you be my friend in facebook or twitter???
    tnx tnx tnx…


    • That’s a good question, Gabrielle ^^

      Sources of info:
      – Baidu Sukbar main website and on Sina
      – KeunSukChina (KSC) on Sina
      – Malaysia Fans Club on Facebook
      – other fanpages on Facebook

      In particular, the PRC Chinese (Sukbar and KSC) are really professional and dedicated, and I dare say they are the original sources of information from which the rest of us take.
      They have translation teams to translate from Korean, video teams to create their beautifully edited videos and whatever happens, they know.

      It also means that I am online many hours a day checking up for JKS news and updates ^^
      Can’t live without PC and internet!

  15. in a way, we are alike.. I also get hooked with JGS after I watched YAB. From then on I become an addict of K-drama especially those starred by JGS.
    I just want to thank you for this great blog, surely yours has been my source of information on JGS. I am always in need to see and listen to everything about JGS, they are just like my life support. Your blog helps me a lot in fulfilling this need. Great Job!!
    Love JGS and your blog.

  16. I am so plesent to know that there are such great fans like you, because of your hard work I can feel myself closer to Jang geun suk !! I don’t have the words to thank you enought, just keep going and you ahve our support and love <33 I am from Finland ( country between russia and sweden:D ) And i was losing my hopes when i was looking for an english fansite, but after finding this…!!!!! I just want THANK YOU for your AMAIZING work, and love sukkie : )

    • Wow, Finland! I really think JKS will be so happy when he finds out that he has so many fans from so many different countries! And we know how difficult it is to support an artiste who is so far away from us (in terms of distance and language barrier), but still hope that you can continue to support JKS!

  17. Sorry i forget to add quastion on my earler comment, but i would love to know about Sukkie’s love life, i mean does he have a girlfriend at the moment or has he ever dated Park Shin Hye ( I am big fan of them, and i really want to see them together off screen) ? Thanks for your answer forehand : )

    • No girlfriend at the moment, and according to an interview I posted these few days (or was it last week?), JKS said even if he has a girlfriend, he wouldn’t announce it publicly, to protect the girl as well as to avoid having public pressure on their relationship.

    • hi lolita,

      For your request and also another from someone else, I can only do English subtitles when the video is in Chinese or has Chinese subtitles, cos I don’t undertand Korean and Japanese.
      Sorry to disappoint …

  18. is there any official website in english? i’m trying to login but everything’s in korean, can’t understand a thing! though i managed to register, i have yet to be a paying member. 😛

  19. Hi Aphreal,

    Must seriously give u due commendations and credit for your fantastic blog and extremely fast update on every of JKS news… Ur blog is really WELL DONE!!

    Its really cool and amazing at all the INFO available here… Really THANKFUL for all the effort in bringing JKS and his news into everyone’s daily life in this manner…

    Couldn’t be more GRATEFUL than ever… YOU’RE THE BEST!!!! (^.^)V

  20. well, luckily we found your site 😀 you’ve done a great job! i think jks has enough number of english speaking fans, can we request from the people behind his website to have the ENGLISH buttons? maybe we can petition since full membership requires payment too. his iPhone apps too! if we can present enough numbers, maybe???

  21. Hi Aphrael, can check with u? I was browsing through YouTube yesterday n saw a 10-part JKS 2010 Asia tour footages, only sub in jap I think. It’s so comprehensive, ESP
    loved the part 5 & 6 where it feature his sg tour!! One part JKS even attempted 2 singlish phrases, cute!!! U know if this series have any eng sub/mandarin version? 🙂 despite no eng sub, I was still loving it so much!!! Watched till now panda eyes @_@ heh 🙂

  22. Aphrael, TQ for your blog. Ist thing when I reach my office, I will open up this blog and wait for your updates. just dun know why got addicted to JKS though my age is not very young…… He makes me back to the past & seems much more younger, when I’m teenage time…. chasing for my singer/actor idol. You have done a great JOB! Really hope to c your in Malaysia FM 🙂

  23. Everything you are doing here is the great job..I’m falling in love with Sukkie’s smile.
    So it’s good thing to find his updated news here…Thanks again and keep doing for fans like me.
    Cheer up 🙂

  24. hi aphrael..tq so much for this blog..i feel much closer to JGS after seeing n understand it…coz it comes with subtitles..really appreciate what u did…em..i want to ask there any possibilities to make Youre beautiful season 2…?please ask them for me….really hope they work together again with park shin hye,jung yong hwa,n lee hong ki….tq so much….

    • Hi yusz,

      As a fan, I am in no position to make any answer on behalf of JKS or his company Tree-J.

      Any questions on producing “You’re Beautiful” season 2 should be posted to JKS’ company probably, or even whichever production company who produced the drama in the first place (and sorry, I don’t know which production company).

      Please also pardon my frankness…. I would not choose to put this question on JKS’ official website because I doubt the effectiveness of asking the question. What can Tree-J tell me/us? Sorry, only time will tell?? I think this answer is also beyond Tree-J or JKS’ scope to answer. It would be the drama production company who has the power to decide what drama they want to make and which actors they want to use… If whoever wants to produce season 2, they will produce in due course. If after 2 years and after (I assume) many fans’ request for season 2 and they still have not produced season 2, then they won’t. I’m not bothered with whether they do season 2 or not, cos I will watch whatever JKS acts in.

      Sorry about not being able to help you with this.

  25. Hi Jang Keun Suk Forever!

    I’m such a huge fan of JGS/JKS.^_^! Would just like to confirm if there is still an official registration for me to become a member of this site..please, please..thanks so much =)

  26. Hi Aphrael! Thanks so much for updating on uri KeunSuk, with the news, pictures, videos and everything 😀 Also the subbing of videos and translation parts. They are greatly appreciated! 😀 I really love here, it gathers the eels together to talk and spazz about our prince!
    Maybe you can add a tagboard or chatbox here? so that we can purely chit chat about our prince over there? heehee 😀
    btw i found your facebook! i’ll add you alright? 😀

    • … are u sure that’s me? … i have a few email addresses and names, so as long as it’s really me, ya, pls go ahead and add and say u’re from my blog, if not, i tend not to add ^^

      • haha cuz i saw u wrote the website haha! the name is rienne koh. correct?

  27. Hi Geum Morning 😀 I just wanted to say thanks for all the post of our prince Jang Geun Suk, Let me introduce My name is Isa and I am from Peru.
    I wanted to ask your twiter of facebook please to add there mine is Tw= @hysiz and Fb =

    • Thanks for your note! … just to say that you probably would not like my FB as much, because I converse a lot in Chinese … and because I seldom put any JKS news there! haha~!

      Hope you enjoy this JKS blog! ^^

  28. Hey Aphrael77, thanks for all the hardwork you have put in this blog. As a Fan of JKS always looking for his latest updates, now have become one of your blog Fan? hahaha!

    Anyway, i went to yahoo about his images then i came across this old photo that should be taken like few years back? Kept looking at the photo, looks like its his ex-girlfriend? Cause like so close and the hands and all. Just a thought of mine. But what about all of you?

    • oh, i cannot see the pic (website invalid), but anyway, whether it’s ex-girlfriend, current girlfriend, i think most fans will continue to support him anyway.

      Hope he can find his own happiness soon!
      Such a good guy deserves happiness!

  29. actually, eel fans really don’t mind sukkie settling down as many of us hope he can find his happiness just like any normal person, in fact if may notice many eels are elder sis, mother, grandmas^_^ I saw him hugging grandmas in japan too..we will just support him forever like a family member..

  30. Dear aphrael77
    Your blog is very wonderful, thank you so much.
    I’m Thai, and I’m glad to know that you will join the Cri Show in Thailand. So I want to say thanks you in person just a few second before the show. How can I contact you in private email. If you think it’s not good idea, it’s really O.K. However, thanks you, thanks you, thanks you for this blog.

    • Have sent you an email ^^

      It’s been a wonderful and memorable day in Bangkok.
      Would have regretted if I did not come!

  31. hi there,

    remember me? We had a short chit-chat while queing to enter the hall at BKK Cri-show 😉 .. see you in Malaysia ya 🙂

    Oh ya can you give me the contact person tat can help to buy ticket for Shanghai Cri-show?

    Nice blog you had here.. i will follow you ^_^ good job gal.. keep it up


  32. when will he depart from mlysia? i m at klcc 2dy, sure cant c him! huu, couldnt go to KLIA on fri..MISS him..

  33. thanks for make this veryveryvery nice site, i found this site 2 days ago, then i start reading, and i can’t stop it for a long time (5pm tiLL 2’am 🙂 ) hohoho. take care ur health sista so u can reached every up date from our oppa . . . 🙂
    and may i ask where country are u come from?

    • hi and welcome 🙂
      I’m from Singapore

      Gosh, u spent a lot of time on reading up!
      Wishing all of us here more happy reading and happy video-watching of our dear Sukkie! ^^

  34. Hi,thanks for ur amazing blog.
    I have a question: Does he have his own twitter account? if yes wat is it?
    I searched abt it but found noting..
    thanks for answering^^

    • No twitter account. You can follow Tree-J twitter account, they often upload his pics and news and Korean messages from JKS too

  35. Hello, thanks so much for this website. I have great admiration for your dedication to our Star and enjoyed immensely reading your and other die-hard fans’ experiences seeing him in person. The feeling was like I was there with you ladies too. I am so jealous reading all your ladies planning to see him in Seoul. Wish that I can be there too. Again appreciate greatly for your hard work. Btw I saw this great 45 min interview w/ Mickey Huang (even though I have no clue what they say ^_^). Have you seen it?

  36. Hi,
    I am a silent follower of your blog ever since I found it a month ago. Nice blog u have here and great job done. Thank you!!!
    Just want to let you know that I can lend you a hand if you need help to sub any videos from chinese/cantonese/malay (if there is ^^) to english.


    • Thanks, Grace, for your kind words…

      Actually I think there is much room for improvement in terms of the blog and my own efforts… so I will work harder ^^
      and thanks for your offer of help! Translating and subbing take a lot of time, so if you can spare the time, I’ll email you a guide on how to do subbing…. 🙂

  37. Hi, every one~ Do you know JANG KEUN SUK is losing in the competition with JYJ??
    Please vote for JANG KEUN SUK here~~

    • Have posted this earlier in this blog. Probably you can give it a try coz I managed and still able to vote, vote, vote non stop.

      I Used Internet Explorer (after still have the word “inaccess to page” using google),
      – just create a new yahoo account,
      – log in,
      – add tab,
      – paste voting site
      – choose preferred language,
      – click on “voting event”…..till click confirm.
      – close voting site tab
      – sign out from yahoo without closing the tab
      – sign in again
      – add tab to go into voting site again

      Hope this works for you. Our prince really needs all the support from us. GO!! GO!! GO!! FIGHTING !!!!!

  38. I have trouble login to JKS’s website, no reaction after click login
    and i am using Internet Explorer
    Can anyone help? thanxxx

  39. How about Korean adaptation of “When Harry Met Sally” which is really a good movie, for his next project? any tv drama this year? belated happy birthday and keep up the good work…I enjoyed Beethoven Virus and the rest of films/dramas…right now, its hwang jini…next will be lovers in prague…i started with the recent ones and retracing his old shows…

  40. Love your blog, aphrael! I became a JKS fan after watching Mary Stayed Out All Night (or Marry Me, Mary). Since then, I got addicted to his acting and charms. Hopefully, I get to attend one of his fan meetings in the near future. 🙂

  41. Hi, like your page very much always can get latest info for JKS.
    However, today I read from; our prince left a long message at his official web – seems very down. Regret I am not a full access official fan so I can’t access to their site to read what did JKS write.
    I believe one of your team should be able to help to find out what is happening there.
    Can you pls help?

    • Sylvia, I actually don’t have full access to official site but I read bits & pieces of info shared by eels from BaiduSukbar, but I guess not appropriate for me to share until officially release the full message.. sorry about that as this is better for Sukkie as in case wrong info is interpreted…

  42. too bad as BaiduSukbar said they won’t release Sukkie’s message to non-official fan and they also remind all their members not to share the message to third-party web.

    • Sylvia, I guess that is the appropriate way to do at the moment until official release of any further information…we eels just to have to wait & provide words of support for Sukkie

  43. How can i have access to official site??? it is really difficul to be able to support him wihtout website 🙁 🙁

  44. Hi There,

    You’re Beutiful is the first JKS drama that I watched and since then I become a JKS fanatic. I love and admire everything about him. I even asked my nephew to buy me JKS photobook since it is only available in Japan and Korea. My nephew is studying in Japan and he pre-order the photobook since July but he received it already last week and I am so excited as my nephew shipped it out for me. This is the first time I adore so much a foreign artist. I want to be updated on everything that is happening to our dear JKS. I bought this JKS iPhone app but I dont know whats wrong bec since last month, nothing is in there (no updates / photos / scheds). Once a month, my mom and I visit the Korea Town here in LA to see whats new for JKS. My friends often bought me posters of him as they know how much I adore him. I followed him on twitter and I am so happy to see updates from him every now and then but one thing bothered me, his tweet dated 10/18/11 at 11:28 am. The translation that I have doesn’t look good. I don’t want JKS to feel sad and upset. If only I can shelter him from all the not so good things that are happening, I will. I love him and I adore him so much and always wishing him happiness.
    Thank you so much for your blog and updates. For sure, I will browse this website of yours more often.

    from Los Angeles, CA

  45. Aphrael! May i ask u smth personal? How many years did u spend to learn Chinese? Or is learning Chinese compulsory at schools in Singapore?

    • Ooops!….Aphrael, dear! excuse me, pls, for my ignorance! I didn’t know that chinese is one of four official languages in Singapore!

  46. I love how almost all of your translations are clear and very easy to understand 🙂

    Im not korean and I often get confused with all the translation I get to see online.

    Thanks again! loving your website even more everyday 🙂

  47. Hi aphrael! I just found out about your blog recently and eversince, I have been constantly following this site for updates re JKS. I’m from the Philippines. Please continue to share your your updates with us since you are like our means to glimpse JKS. Take care!

  48. hi aphrael! really appreciate the existence of this blog. thank you so much for the efforts in constantly translating and updating the stuffs about JKS. kinda have the impression that as much as JKS needs eels’ support, you do need some as well. hehehe. so thankful for this blog really! so fighting! 🙂

  49. hi aphrael! your blog has been my lifeline to anything and everything JKS ever since i started following him several months back. it’s like the first website i check in the morning and the last one i go to at night. needless to say i really love your blog and all the eels i got to know here! thank you so much for all your hard work in keeping this blog and all eels here updated on JKS.

    i must admit, it is only now that i have browsed the other sections of your blog ’cause i always go directly to your posts (hehe!). i was looking for a way to send you a message and i saw this feedback section. i wanted to ask for your permission if i could re-post in my blog some of your entries here. actually, mine is more of a personal blog, but lately my posts have all been about sukkie. i don’t know, i just love to write and rave about him. i’ve actually re-posted two of your recent entries (with proper credits) but i took them down as i thought it rude of me to just go ahead and re-post without your knowledge. would it be alright to re-post some of your entries?

    would greatly appreciate a reply from you. thank you so much!

  50. Hey there Aphrael,

    I’m Yifei from Malaysia,Penang. I am so glad i found this website of yours in the Internet! Thank you so much for being so considerate for all the Eels in the world!
    Because of this blog I learnt a lot about JKS. I love him a lot and I’m happy to find that so many of you all here do too! I hope you will continue to update this blog. I will visit it recently! Much love,Yifei x

    P/S : Is the Tree J address real? 🙂

  51. Aphrael, this is kind of embarrassing, I lost the picture file I sent to you for that booklet for Sukkie. Thate international one. If you still have the picture file, would you mind to send it back to me? Many many thanks.

  52. Anyonghasaeyo JKS chiii!!!! Saehengbokmannie-parduesaeyo. How r u?What r u doing?Are u tired?Chornuen mobchi kurivonhada nan so much, too much, very much. This year hope my idol successfully in everythings that u need.I’ll inspire u in every minutes that u do everthings naka. And I hope you’ll inspre me too.Please remember my goal is I’d like to help your job and work with u, I try to practice my korea language in every day And I hope that my dream will come trues as soon as possible.Anyonghisumusaeyo,Chaika, u jub jub.Chongmun saranghaeyo my idol.

  53. Thank you so much for this great site. I have greatly enjoyed it. I haven’t really liked any idol but still I have been deeply touched by JKS. Never had I spent so much time reading about a star like I am doing now. You site provided a lot of information I needed. Thanks again for the great work.

  54. Oh what a relief!!! JKS forever’s working again!!!! ^.^ ….aphrael, u don’t know how much i got used to ur blog!!! my day’s incomplete without being updated on ur blogsite!!!! whenever i have free time (before sleep, after sleep, in the break time at my work, in the breakfast time, lunch time, etc.), the first thing that i do is reading ur blog!!!!! hope u’ve finished with all problems that caused its crash!…..

  55. Love the new look of the site. First time I’ve been online again since new years eve. At first I thought I was in the wrong site but when I saw familiar names of fellow eels I know I’m on the right spot. Thank you Aphrael77 for your tireless effort in keeping this blog and I look forward to another year of fun and laughter on this site.

  56. Hi Aphrael and tenshi, you are doing a good job here. Really, I am a new eel and I come to this blog everday to get an update of JKS. Thank you.

    And you know what, today I am bringing home JKS Nature Republic’s poster from Korea (hahaha the lady gave me as a gift after I purchased some masks from her, I went there again today and get one more….haha) I would like to give you as a gift to thank you for everything…oh plus 1 pc mask with Jks on the cover… I want to share with somebody that likes JKS, my friends all don’t like him……….sigh

    If you want you can write me an email.

    Happy New Year!!

    • Hi Tay,

      Wow! You are now in Korea? That’s our favourite country right now (or Japan), most of us long to be there and do a JKS itinerary or something, haha~ 🙂

      Thanks so much for your compliment!
      Will drop you an email ^^

  57. Hi aphrael,

    I am a new fan and have just discovered your site, thanks so much!!

    I really really would like to watch the second part of his interview with kneedrop guru but sadly megaupload has shut down. Can you upload it to dailymotion again, pretty please? if not, can you direct me somewhere I can watch it? Thanks so much!!!

    • hi summer,

      no problem. i should be able to do it over the weekend but if I forget… can you remind me again? ^^

      • oh thanks for the fast reply!!! oh, i will definitely remind you,thanks again, this is so great!!!

        by the way just a question. I am just getting to know JKS and I have a theory but why isn’t he that well liked in Korea unlike in Japan? admittedly I was at first a lot disappointed when after watching YAB and MM, I googled him and he was so unexpectedly the way he is- but then I kept on researching and came across the subbed KBS documentary about him and my views shifted.

        Despite all his quirks, i find him charismatic, endearing and quite loveable in fact that I decided to get to know him better. He is a very good actor who can be really great if he’s given the right material. So I’m on my road to discovery and thank you so much for the subbed videos and this site, I’m coming to appreciate him more.

  58. Dear Aphrael,

    You are awesome and I just want to say that whenever I am sad, coming here and seeing news about Sukkie just brightens my day. Keep up the good work.

  59. Hi Aphrael,

    Just want to say a big thank you for a job well done! Updated and translated news on JKS! I am new and just got hooked on him…. ha..ha…. Keep the news rolling in… I just cant wait to read more… btw any chance on knowing his schedule for the following months? will he be in Spore again? And does he have a habit of not replying his twitter or facebook? or its not him at all? Too many accounts and dont know which is real….. confused me…

  60. Hi Aphrael and Tenshi,

    Now that Love Rain is about to air, I wonder if you are thinking of opening a special thread on this blog for us eels to leave comments about the drama, the episodes, Sukkie of course, the cast … I think we can show our love and support for him through this discussion forum. Thank you for reading this feedback.

  61. Dear JKS blog, This blog is very nice,but I’d like to leave my message that I’d like to tell with my idol(JKS) to him, so don’t trouble me na, because I don’t know how to contact him.Chongmun comsahamnida.

    JKS Message:
    Anyonghasaeyo JKS chii!!How r u?What r u doing?Are u tired?Chornuen chongmun kurivonhada nan mobchie.I’d like to tell u that I’m very hengbokhada that u have a new album,but why don’t your album isn’t sell in tae-kuk nara? For easy to me for support your album,umm!!!quenchannayo I’ll tro to buy your new album,and nan yak-sak hada to cri show at impact muangthong thani like the last year that u show cri catchie.I’d like to see your concert,otherwise I’d like to give nan chonmun that I pay-attention for create and make for u.Unjinjanghada,Unpriguenhada,Chongmun manni hengbok hada ,fighting fighting fighting taemun nan is my idol,my beautiful,and my inspiration.If my planning is suceessfully that I’d like to work in hang-kuk nara next month I’ll see and inspire your performance all the time.Anyonghisumusaeyo,Hansangcongkanghasaeyo,Tachipepki nan parimnida,Chaika,Chongmunsaranghaeyo my idol,love u jub jub.From:Jum(Tae-kuk fans).Otherwise your hair new style is stranger, but OK na,because you’re very so smart that make you’re match with every hair styles,however if your hair style is changed by yourself and by your job.I’ll inspire and stand with your side all time.Chongmunsaranghaeyo my idol,love u jub jub tachie naka.

  62. Jang Geun Suk involved in a car accident

    Hallyu star Jang Geun Suk has reportedly been involved in a car accident in Gyeonggi-do Yeoju. The accident took place while the actor and his manager were on their way to Seoul after filming ‘Love Rain‘ at Mangsang Beach in Kangwon-do.

    The car his manager was driving had hit a guard rail and the cause of the accident is said to have been due to his manager dozing off at the wheel. Fortunately, the actor was not seriously injured but has sustained bruises and is complaining of body aches.

    A representative of his agency, Tree J Company, stated, “Jang Geun Suk was transferred to a hospital in Yeoju. However, he did not suffer from any external injuries and because he had another schedule for that morning, Jang Geun Suk has returned to the filming location.”

    The actor is planning on receiving a thorough examination after concluding his filming for ‘Love Rain’.

    Source: XSports News, No Cut News via Nate


  63. Hi Aphrael and Tenshi

    Firstly, thank you for your effort on the updates, news about JKS…really appreciate it…

    I’m a new fan here heheheh but starting to fall in love with JKS. He’s charming, sweet, cute and more more hahaha…

    Anyway greeting from Malaysia…hope he will come here again…

    Thank you again….very much appreciate it!!

  64. thank you so much for making this. it’s beautiful. i so love his music. it’s inspiring. more of my friends getting to like him and we aren’t that young, but it’s a change for what we are used to. hope you tour in united states near at least new york city so have a chance to see or meet you to thank you for your work. also love your words of wisdom on you tube video that eels made. hoping some day that my friends and i make it to japan and korea for our children are so into the musice, anime, and manga that they are even studying the language to understand it more.

    • hi, I think his cri show Asia tour in 2012 also involves a celebration of his 20th anniversary.

      As for whether there is any additional events, we have to wait for official Tree-J announcement.

  65. tks at last i found a club with english…
    Is there anyway that we dont to repeat our name n email to post a reply as we r the club member. Tks

  66. thank you for keeping us posted on Jang keun suk, thanks for the hard work… I appreciate it very much….

  67. Hi! Thanks a lot Aphrael! I love this site so much (not much as i love suki though…sorry :))…LOL… but really…thank you for keeping us updated 🙂

  68. u people are doing a great job….yes i love sukkie so much….i jus wanted to no i searched for alien sam with eng translations everywhere but coudnt get it so please can u translate it please i very badly want to see that serial please its a request from one of his eels not only me but many pple woud want to c it i guees so please help…….

  69. and thank u so so much coz of u guys i was able to watch cri show in english keep up ur good wrk thank u so much:)

    please keep posting more videos wid eng subs i follow only u guys

  70. Hi aphrarel and tensi ….Nice to know u

    Its really an amazing work that u did in this blog ….that u share a lot of things about jks. Im from indonesia …I wonder when he having tour to indonesia. And where i can get the album just crazy.

    Thank you for keeping us update ….

  71. Hi my lovely Aphrarel and Tenshi ,

    Thanks a lot. I love this blog so much.I’m from Malaysia.You people doing a great job.
    I appreciate it so much.

    I’m his fan since watching YAB. But now I’m really really really fall in love with our Prince Jang Keun Suk.

    Hope I can see him in person soon. Saranghae sukkie !

  72. HELLO Aphrarel and Tenshi , thanks for the faithful updates on JANG KEUN SUK!!Your updates are always clear and filled with JKS’s tweetss!!! as i dont have a twitter acc i am very grateful to be able to see wad Jang Keun Suk tweet often and i am very happy !!!!! THANKSSSS:):):)

  73. Hello Aphrael77,

    It’s been sometime, I’ve been really busy but my JGS love has never stopped 😉 I just wanted to congratulate you on what your site has become, it is truly amazing! Congratulations!

    ps: Even if I do not comment that doesn’t mean I don’t drop by from time to time!

    • Hi sweetarsenic

      Thanks for your note ^^
      I must say credits go to my wonderful team-mates tenshi_akuma and sukkiefanncusa for keeping us all updated with news.

      mm… did you change your nick?
      well, I won’t say drop by more often (seeing how we are all so busy), but don’t forget our Prince! 🙂

  74. Hi Aphrael77,
    I’ ve been follower and reading this blog for a while but just started to post comments after the last episode Love Rain was on-aired on KBS2 on May 29. Many thanks to you and your team mates to provide loads of translations for the drama itself and updates on JKS. I really enjoy your excellent works here and let me give you a big hand &…Thanks again 🙂

  75. Why is there a cut-off for joining the Website (May 31st, 2012)? As a newcomer to Korean entertainment living in America, we do not have much advertisement about Korean stars. However, JKS is fantastic, with a lot of special gifts and talents. I just stumbled on him.

    • Hi Dena,

      Tree-J has their reasons for setting a time frame for JKS official website member registration.
      The next round should either be in Dec this year or Jan next year, which is just a few months away.
      You can still apply to join then. It’s a yearly membership that needs to be renewed every year.

  76. apharaei77, i want to tell you why your blog is very important to me, the history begins in May of 2011, searching about JKS in You tube i read a comment of a girl{ QQeyes007} she invited others to visit jangkeunsukforever blog, so i did it, i saw all the information and read all the comments in my forced vacation, because i have a operation, i liked so much that i visited twice a day, i feel the love that all of you have for Sukkie, but i don t wrote comments because my english is not very well in writing and i am very shy, so i saw and read all in silence, but in my normal vacation this year, one year later i have the courage to write my first comment, but i notice that you dont show the comment fast, i think , did i said something wrong? but later i saw it, i am very excited, i think, ah they are reading first and then decide if they aproved, i liked that, because i feel secure and i like the fact that you don t show my e mail. My love for JKS increase in this blog, now i visited the site more often, i feel warm and loved here, you are good girls and i feel that you are my long distance family. I feel very special feelings for Tenshi because she is like me in some ways and because she translated the most of the news, i like to tease her some times, but with all the respect that she deserved. I visit others sites, but don t feel the same, so i don t comment in any other. I like the name of the blog, the notes that you write in the news, the fan accounts and the comments. Please understand me when i write about a new before of you, its not with bad intention, its that i like to share the good news of Sukkie and you are sleeping when i wake up or working and i am very impulsive and impatient . I hope you continue doing this great job for us, the international eels, thanks, Esther.

    • Hi Esther,

      Thanks so much for your note of encouragement – there are many of Sukkie’s eels all over the world who continue to do very good work of promoting JKS, simply because we love him for the genuine person he is, for his talents, and for the laughter and cheer he brings to our lives. Too many eels all over the world doing good work to name, but I shall try to list a few here as I want to thank them for their great efforts too~!

      JKSforever team: tenshi_akuma and sukkiefanncusa (my wonderful team-mates)
      QQeyes007: our JKS walking encyclopaedia and Youtube Queen (although is bro Saad competing to be YT King? ^^ )
      Farina: our ECI President who have brought international eels closer together on Facebook
      Meg: our bubbly correspondent on external K-pop news website
      Fanclubs in Peru, Russia and Philippines
      Vietnamese eels for doing such great subbing
      and many eels who make great fan videos etc

      Our Sukkie has so many news updates that sometimes we are overwhelmed!… we try to keep up with his news, but apologies if it comes a bit slower

      Thanks again for your encouragement and support, we will continue to work hard.
      and don’t worry about your English, it’s fine~!

  77. Hi all beloved Prince JKS eels, im glad to fin out this website as i can read chinese either….not to mention Japanese or Korean! You guys done a great job where allows us to closely following the latest news of our prince!

    BTW, anyone of you attending his coming soon Taiwan concert? i will be attending and really x 100 excited about it! Hope most of you will be attending as well to support our Prince!


  78. Hello Ivy!

    I really love your blog so much. I’ve been visiting your job since October 2010 but
    I don’t have the courage to join here and make any comment. I can’t live for a day without visiting it. Thanks for always updating us news about Sukkie. You’re making us JKS eels happy by reading news about him.

    Congratulations on your great job!

  79. I’m in the USA for short period. Still can keep up with JKS updates here everyday..Thanks to the team.. But I can’t watch any vids or mv.. So impatient to be back home..

    • Hi Ning,

      Those are his old (official) websites that may or may not be updated.
      His new official website is

      Registration is on a yearly basis and has closed for this year.
      You’ll have to wait until December or Jan and look out for news of when 2013 registration is open.

      • Thanks alot Aphrael for your great advice..Well i just have to wait patiently …

  80. Hi anyone know where to buy JKS concert DVD in singapore. I’ve checked with HMV and they said they don’t carry DVD. Thanks

  81. Hi, I will be in Korea on Sept 13-17 . Is anyone know if JKS has an event or show where I can watch or see him ? thanks

  82. hi ! anyone knows how to watch KBS2 & MBC (Korean) & FUJI ( japan )online without installing any software. thanks

  83. Mnet is currently updating our Fan Site database and we would like to get more information about your team. It would be great if we could get connected to the direct point of contact. Thank you.

    Mnet Team

  84. Hi Aphrael,
    I am looking for Thailand Cri Show ticket. Do you have any information when the tickets will be out? hehe

    Cheers 🙂

    • Hi pyori_j,

      If we have news of the ticketing website and how to buy tickets, we will post the information 🙂

  85. Hi Aphrael, is it really it is ??? our comment can be seen right away without waiting for admin’s approval? just want a confirmation..^_^

  86. i really wanna thank u for ur blog…now i can comunacate with people that actually feel what i feel towards JKS…thank u for his blog!!!

  87. Really disappointed that JKS Cri Show II in Thailand scheduled in October 2012 was cancelled. Anyway I’ll continue to support our prince any other ways.. Thanks to ECI team, we’ve got this blog to update his news everyday.. 🙂

    • Hi Lorraine,

      Under the website banner, you will see “Eels Club International”.
      Please send the requested information to the email address provided. Thanks.

  88. thank you so much for creating this blog i really loved this site cause it helps me know what are the updates i must know about him just a fan of him :] <3

  89. thanks for the infos about JKS though its very difficult to be a part of his growing fan clan in his official site.thanks for sharing and keepin’ us well updated about JKS. i really admire him so much after watching all his dramas and movies,even searching all his fan clip and mv’s makes my day fruitful. as part of my new year resolution is to live life to the fullest, to see more of JKS, to travel where he is…the feelin’ of chasing someone who doesn’t know your existence…to know more about JKS…. to see more of him… to experience him more in my life…

  90. hi,may i ask you a question? people says that in my dream by jks is inspired by snsd which interview that he mentioned the statements?i am so curious to death..hehehhe

    • Hi, this is a completely unfounded rumor. A gossip newspaper wrote so, but we just ignored it. He wrote the song “In my dream” to recall what he’s done in his 20-year career, which fact was well-known by us eels. There is no room for doubt.

  91. Hello ~

    I love Geun Suk and I love his drama etc, but I’ve never seen his concerts. Neither Team H Concert.
    You would know a site where I can find videos of concerts?

    Thank you so much !

    • Hi Aib,

      Team H concert DVD is in the making and I believe will be released in Japan in the near future.

      If you search Youtube, you may be able to find some of his concert videos from 2010.

      We do not encourage viewing of pirated concert videos.
      If you check out Amazon America or Japan (English website) or YesAsia website, you may find some of his original concert DVDs for sale.

  92. Sisters….Is there a way for us…his international fans to vote for our dear Keun Sukkie..reading the Peaksang awards 2013 are due…and Yoona is already nr. 1 as female favorite for Love Rain and our Sukkie got non, and he’s the spice in LR…weird…..and really sad …he really deserves some accolades, he’s such a good actor

  93. Hello :o)

    I’ve posted this in some other tread but I’ll post it here again, in case you didn’t see it there:

    ‘Tenshi, please post this information so everyone can see it…

    I’ve found out at the board that international fans can now vote at The 49th Baeksang Arts Awards… It’s an app for Android phone and you can get it here:

    Unfortunately, it’s not free and it costs $1.5 per 5 votes. But luckily that’s not to expensive.

    C’mon international Eels, let’s make this fight fair!


    • Hello, Jazzy.
      Thanks for the info. But I heard this year CRI-J (His fan cafe) protested the voting and they decided to boycott. So we also follow their idea. Thanks, anyway.

      • Oh, sorry, Tenshi. I just saw your post… Yeah, why the boycott? Good thing that I saw this 🙂 I’ll stop voting now 🙂

        Thanx for the update.

  94. Who has the most Japanese and oversea fans? JKS. Who will bring in the most money from the voting? JKS. Voting should not tie in with money. So I will support Cri-J too as my personal belief is that all eels should be united in our action.
    If you feel otherwise and wish to vote, please do so. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

    • seriously I’m getting pretty sick with all these voting polls. Firstly , there are always conspiracy behind and its just a tool for organizations to make moneys or push reputation far more than giving real recognition . Sadly , from the media they only care about exposing the surface results rather than the true running behind the industry. Secondly, fans are being led to spent too much time , money and effort to concern about voting! Though it does build bonding among fans group but I believe this can also be achieve with more meaningful activities.

      • Eve, I agree with you as if the money is spent on charity or community via eels’ bonding.. it may be more meaningful ^_^

  95. can i know do u can get the video and translation ASAP??
    because i think i can give chinese translation version if the translation is in english

  96. I don’t think he meant it was a bad drama and he was a victim. People on allkpop seemed pretty upset with him about it cause of a naver article. Sigh.

    • abalonegyro, yes..of course Sukkie did not say Love Rain is a bad drama but others who didn’t understand misinterpreted wrong and some are antis, so they would take the opportunity to attack him. Let me show you a BTS of Sukkie in Love Rain..
      we can see he clearly enjoys the whole process of filming and love the drama himself..just like any of his past work…. to the extend of thinking very highly of it… but I would give an analogy of why he is hurt by the drama to our working life as adult.. if I work hard, put in my best and I know I do well with my work and have good relationship with all my co-workers… but at the end of that year for annual appraisal, I didn’t get any recognition (not necessary in the form of money or fame…just a simple “well done!”)…. what is the usual response to this? I would definitely be sad and feel demoralised and the next action? quit the company or career and do something else or continue to do better? I admire Suk more after this as everytime.. he didn’t choose the easy way out but take up the challenge and move forward.. he may vent but that is normal to me (just like the analogy I have given on working life)… I would say Zikzin to him!!!

      • let me share also the drama award history Suk in the past.. I must say “Well done!!!” to a young man to achieve so much in his 20 years of his entertainment career.. really Zikzin all the way despite up and down! ^_^ See also how his Korean eels supported him throughout… he always got the loudest cheers in each award ceremony.. oversea eels are proud of feel for him even we are not in Korea..

  97. JKS is not to be blamed for being vocal about his ill feelings to the drama LR, we know for sure that he has valid reasons for saying it. Let us not be too judgemental. People should realized that no one is perfect in this world and that everyone is entitled to his /her feelings. Supports of everyone who believed in him is the most important, also he must have advisers, good advisers who can advise him the proper handling of his everyday life concerning showbusiness….many untowards incidence really happens in show business so actors/actresses must all be strong enough to handle such things so that at the end of the day they are the winners, self esteem is intact and that they should not succumb to all the bad publicities. Distractors are like devils, they are happy if they can eat the flesh and drink the blood of these stars. And as i observed, Koreans are so much obsessed when it comes to idolizing their stars. Ok…i hope nobody comes offended i just wanna share my opinions. Thank you for the opportunity….GOD BLESS!!!

    • I don’t think he was “bad-mouthing” the cast/director/production etc of LR but the very fact that it did not resonate with the public when aired..this often happens to good shows that later become hits. I have read several interviews (various translations) and I think that he was just disappointed that the ratings did not reflect the quality of the program.


  99. Just wanna say that old and young generations loves to watch Koreans film dramas here in our country, because we have an easy access on buying pirated dvd’s (with good and very bad subtitles) and downloading in the internet and so the Korean dramas are so much loved here….

  100. I was able to see another film of JKS, its Hong Gil Dong. Although he’s not the lead star, his role shows that he’s really a versatile actor. So I hope I can see him in a comedy film….because that’s the only role that I havent seen him act. And for sure he can do it perfectly.

  101. Who is supposed to read blog (JangKeunSukforever)? Does he have people at TreeJ fluent in English?
    I feel that even if I offer constructive tips i.e. language nuances in English so there won’t be any surprises during interviews on their up & coming LA trip; I’m talking to myself or other Eels.
    I’ve left messages on Kurt’s & JKS’ FB but there is never a response. Even if it’s only once a month, some sort of feedback should be given as encouragement and courtesy to ECI and blog supporters. This has been voiced on JKS’ blog recently. The only communications from TreeJ is when they need to push a CD or an event. Thank you for listening. See you in L.A.
    Champagne wishes and strawberry dreams for all your kind efforts and hard work.
    Konbae (Cheers)

  102. Dear admin, I was trying to get in touch with the webmaster. Going through Tenshi Akuma Kung and she suggested I wrote on Feedback. I did and I found it said mine was under moderation. What is wrong with that message of mine? Is it your language problem or you found my comments offensive? If it’s the latter case I am sorry. I did not mean to hurt anyone. Especially my beloved Prince. Please tell me what is the problem and write to me directly. The problem I stated was that the admin had linked my comments to the website of my work place although you said that it would not be publicized. If I get no reply probably I have to leave this website forever.

    • Hi Sudie, I’m sorry to trouble you.

      There seems our blog has some technical problems. I don’t know why, but most of your comments seem posted as Anonymous. I think this might be the reason why your comments are pending. Until now, we couldn’t recognize who posted those comments. But this time we finally understood that you left them. Sorry for kept you waiting for our reply.

      But still, I don’t get what you said (I mean what happened on your work place’s website) correctly. So I think it’s better to ask you the detail personally. Please wait for our contact.

      P.S. Is there anyone who happens the similar things here?

    • Hi, I may understand your situation.
      When you leave a comment, you typed website address?
      Most users don’t use the field, but I think you typed your company’s address?
      I think originally it’s for someone who has their personal blog to visit.
      If it’s your problem, I’ll delete all the field you typed before. Then, the link will disappear.

      • I deleted the website field you typed. I’ll check later if there are some left.
        Please make sure that our blog says “e-mail address isn’t published”, but doesn’t say about the website link. As I said above, this website field for those who want to share their blog in public. So you don’t have to type any in the field. I hope this will solve your problems ^^

        About pending issue, we are not sure perfectly, but I think it’s mostly because there is no blog ID in Name field. In this case, our website considers you as Anonymous. Please check before committing the comment.

        Please let us know if we still need to contact you personally. I hope your concerns will disappear now : )

    • Hi Sudie

      Its been a pleasure reading your comments. Please do not be offended because of your comment suddenly being moderated. It has happened to me before too. It’s just a technical problem. Will look forward to your continuous comments and support for Sukkie! Hugs!!

  103. To Tenshi Akuma, Recently I added JKS Line. I really think his support team should pay more attention to the photos posted. If it is JKS choice himself, I have no comments. The one when he said you could do silly things when you are drunk (kissing a man), and the one when he put something on his chest pretending they were female Boops. As I am a non-Korean fan. These behaviors are not accepted for a male. If he is honest, he once told us that he was a male, he should have told us that he has changed or in a transitional stage. I hope he cares for this comment if he wants to be international idol. It is ver bad taste to do so. He is going to be 26 soon and if he wants to stay longer as a prince for us forever. He can be playful but not like this. You once explained about male Koreans telling they love each other very often and that is the norm. I asked my international Korean students they said no, that is not the norm. I want him to be honest to us what ever sexuality he is. We love Elton John forever, even we know he is a gay queen. We love James Dean forever, although we know he is bisexual. We love them because of their performance, their sentimental, their look, and everything about them.

    • Hi Sudie..
      I think crossing culture is beautiful but sometimes leeds to misunderstandings..I’m not saying everything is allright..OK : )
      Sukkie is in Japan and I think he got some “titties puddings” maybe from fans and was playfull..Japan also has this festival what is a bit awkward in the west “Japanese fallus festival” just google it and you’ll know what I mean..
      and for some Korean culture explanations…maybe it’s better to have it from non koreans who choose to live in Korea rather than asking Korean living outside of Korea..for some are saying things just to promote Korea..(it’s not wrong) but I know koreans outside of korea too and some of them are like spirited and really openminded but most of them tend to holdback and more traditional..
      I should know…I’m an asian living outside of asia and know some are really not honest and want to keep the old asian tradition and image..and sometimes they just don’t (wanne) know that asia is modernizing very quickly, even quicker than the west
      maybe you can watch some of this on youtube

  104. The information I got is from young undergraduate Korean students who just came from Korea to study in our country. You probably haven’t seen the picture I mentioned. If you follow JKS Line or you have friends who use Line ask them about it. It is very bad taste for me and many fans of him whom I know. This feedback is constructive we want him to be in our heart forever and ever.

    • Hi Sudie,
      I have his LINE and I´m glad there is a direct English one too..very happy about it.
      But I tend to lean back more when I don´t really get what he says..because I know I sometimes don´t understand all the `asian` humor and just wait to see if any asians reacting…
      But I tend to google a lot when have certain issues..
      youtubed ` bromance` and skinship korean and also got this link with some Qens

      and the pictures with the fruits..I have a lot of `youngsters` from that age around me..esp the boys(when hanging with each other) would these kind of `stupid` things, fruits and cucumbers etc
      The other pictures kissing and hugging, and running away thing he was just copying the smileys of LINE, no harm in that I guess

      But I understand your concerns though..

  105. Another point about this is that, JKS has a lot of child in him. That is his best qualit. He is innovative, energetic, eager to please and to be pleased, adventurous, fun loving, etc. However, you can have a lot of child in you until you pass away. It has nothing to do with age. One example is Einstein, that is why he is the idol of people until now. However, to have a lot of child in you and to be childish are very different. I really wish JKS reflect more on this point and stay in our heart as always forever. This is the feedback on his Line.

  106. Now his Line has improved a lot. He learned to tease his following eels using clips of his voice, showing us where he is and posting nice pictures with funny scripts. However, I wish he could be more interactive. For example, he could open a happy hour session from time to time for his fans to interact with him through a group Line. I think the company Naver should support him more on this. Anyway, the Prince can challenge himself more on his creativity to get connected with his eels on Line with less energy and with the limited time he has with his eels.

  107. 26 June, 2013: I want to give a feedback to our Prince’s Line. He has becoming better and better with his Line. He could make us wait for his message then he uses his audio clip, photos, and messages to stir our curiosities. The lates one is when he said, “I’m gonna mess you up”. Actually he really messed his eels up emotionally, we are waiting for more messages to find out how he is going to mess us up. Waiting can really mess us up. We really want to tell him “Come on, mess me up” but the truth is we have already been messed up, dear Prince. You are great to make us frustrated. Three cheers for you, bad boy!!!

  108. I wish we could get through to Cri-J, Sukkie and/or his producing companies when releasing his works to always add English subs…for international eels who really wants to purchase his stuff it’s more attractive

  109. Wow….less than 170000 eels to go on weibo and Sukkie’s weibo hit 10.000.000 followers.
    Wonder if he will shuffle on the great Wall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Chinese eels…ZIKZIN

    • OMO….another 85000 eels needed…wonder what Sukkie will do…
      Will he keep his promise??????????????
      Can’t wait to see him again..
      I already love the news he is the new spokesman for FERRINO Korea…..
      He loves outdoor activities and loves camping..yeah

  110. I have been watching videos of Michael Jackson and Mariah Carey, and Whitney Houston, three of my favourite American singers, recently. I’ve got an idea to share on our Prince visit to the US. The US culture is quite different from people in the east. They seem to enjoy a small gathering in a theater or concert hall rather than a big concert venue like sports complex. You can only gather very very big audience for special occasion like the one that the City of New York did for Simon and concert in the Central Park, NY (both of them are New Yorkers).

    My idea is that American eels and Team H should work out the venues for our Prince to perform for his eels. It should be like a one week concert tour in USA after the new series is done.The Prince should take this to be a working holiday. This should be a reward for him and BB after so many big events that they would do in Japan this coming August.

    I love the photo of him (I think taken by Akuma, Tenshi) sleeping soundly on a small bed on the floor of someone’s home. The background was the roof of small houses that you could see through the window. It must have been not so long ago. If he is so down to earth like that meeting with his American eels in a simpler manner like what I saw in the videos of MJ, MC, and WH the three American gold record winners. This will introduce him to the US. The only problem is his innovation to conduct his concert in a simpler down to earth but impressive manners.

    With lots of love and best wishes to my Babe Prince.

  111. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You work sooo hard and I wanted you to know how much I appreciate what you do to feed my obsession. I am sooo proud of the man he is, and you help in so many ways to understand him even more. I feel like he is my best friend, or son. He fills me with sooo much pride. He is soooo genuine, and he truly shines from the inside out.

  112. For who is interested in watching Budapest Diary with english sub..I stumbled on to this and very happy to see it with eng sub…
    Too bad even we purchase the DVD there is no eng sub : (

    you can watch it here…

    Although a lot of advertising I love this short movie from Sukkie.
    It’s an artfilm..I love to see how he emoted the role…the takes are so well done…I esp love the part he’s playing that guitar…wow a total rocker yeahhhhhhh

  113. Hi all I am hamza and i am live in pakistan in city lahore
    i am muslim And non-combatants thing I know about people pakistan
    i really like it sir sukkie
    I mean jang geun suk
    i am only one person in pakitan to like it jang geun suk noboodyhere same to em to like it jang geun suk
    pakistan peoples not like it korean idol he hates but i am very sad
    not watching korean channels I like his flow is flowing I jangeunsuk
    He then B is a boy I like

    If someone is going to definitely help me make my message

  114. We recently found Jang Geun Suk in You Are Beautiful on NETFLIX. Researched and found he recently toured in Los Angeles. Will he be coming back to the US for a more extensive tour…may I suggest Seattle, Washington? His voice is a great comfort to me, my daughter enjoys his drama series, and my granddaughter just thinks he cute. Hope his trip to the US was enjoyable; there is much more to see…we’ll be waiting. Stay well.

  115. Hi Admin,
    Please don’t feel offended, I usually will come to this blog and
    The Eels Family Official Bulletin blog to check on the latest news of JKS.
    It looks like The Eels Family Official Bulletin have a lot and bold enough to share
    everything related to JKS. I hope both sides can amalgamate as one. It will be perfect!!!!
    Sorry just my opinion .

  116. Can’t believed I found such a COOL site like this! 🙂
    YOU are really doing a great job!
    I am now addicted to this, as in every morning in office can’t help myself not to glance. It seems to be my daily energy pill! lol

    Keep it up! and More Power!!!

    To JKS – I will simply support you in the most possible way I can 🙂

  117. Just wanted to say “THANK YOU VERY MUCH” for what you all are doing !!!
    This blog has become my ‘home page’ since beginning of the year 2013, I am a new mamaeel here compare to most of you whose show amazing support and love to our prince since 2009 or even earlier ?
    Well, good job you all have done and please email to me if you all need any assistance in any way even thought I seldom left any message here but I visit this blog every day !

    And to our beloved prince:
    Please really, really taking care of yourself in handling your killing schedule! We as eels will support and love you AS YOU ARE.

    • @mamacri- thanks for sharing this artik. is he really that much hated in korea? i wonder why the part about him does not say something great towards the end like for the others on the list. i really wish his new drama does not make matters worse. but whatever happens he has truly swept me off my feet and im hooked.

      • Dear Newb-eel…welcome to the eel pond lol

        I don’t know all the particulars but having read a lot…I tend to think(that’s my feeling) that sometimes people are stubborn just because and tend to stay rancorous and that these things tend to cloud their minds and visions..
        Easy for me to talk living in a country where anything goes…freedom in everthing..maybe I’m the one that can’t understnd the deep rooted “behaviour” of some…I hate false modesty and pretends; they call him arrogant and proud..arrogant if you stick by your opinions? And why should one not be proud of his own achievements; he does not steal..he works damn hard for it..
        Yes..he’s handsome…can anyone denied that…he’s the first to make a joke of it to stay real..

        The only thing I as his eel can vouch for is that JKS is a very friendly, loving, talented, bright,sunny and quick witted artist and young man, very well brought up..and he’s the real thing..(or at least if he pretends he’s doing a great job at it hahaha)
        I especially admire him because he still keeps Zikzin and stand straight and tall despite all the negativity and hatred surrounding him and yet able to share his many talents with so many off us.. He’s not easily swayed
        It’s not easy working in such enviroments; he must be very tired of it.

        It’s true…Our Sukkie does not fit the K-wave shoes..he’s not Cinderella..he’s the prince. Having been so many years in the bizz he knows everything that is happening in the industry…I think more than the hatred he is showered with he hates it more to have to do and say things others want him to do and say..things he does not feel comfortable he choose for himself and started his own company
        Either you love him or you hate him…he is what he is..
        It is never easy to stand tall in a storm…for that I must agree he’s gutsy..
        Well..why no mention of his greatness…well..I don’t know; maybe he did not challenged or slayered any of the giants of Korea…so he failed to show his right? Instead they mention LR and what he said…As far as I know only in Korea LR was not a hit; anywhere else where Sukkie is well loved it’s a big hit…Is he the only one accountable? if I’m not mistaken there were other very well loved K-wave stars in this drama..just because of them LR must have been a boom in Korea…So I fail to see why the blame only on JKS..(same as YAB…Big hit anywhere else but and it made JKS the hugh star outside of Korea)
        As he already said..he is not responsible for the succes of a movie or drama..He can only do his part..
        I know already Beautiful Man will be the same as YAB and LR for JKS…but as we love him and believe in his real talents we will look forward to this drama…whether succes or not in Korea…
        What counts is that we will get to enjoy his acting for he is the one who makes me watch a korean movie or drama

      • Mamacri, please allow me to say……… I always love your posts, always looking forward to your post every day or every time I come to visit this blog. I don’t know why, every time I read your comments, I feel enlighten and comfort in some ways….I don’t know how old you are….but I think of you as truly a mama of eels, to me at least.

        Mamacri, you are like a mama of eels who always said comforting words to us, always voice your opinions and explanations about Sukkie’s adversity in Korean in a way that you can, and always seems to show the positive light in a dark channel about Sukkie’s pig situation to us. Thank you soooo much for sharing your wisdoms and thoughts with us here.

        To be honest, it’s not easy being an eel… have to learn to defense all kind of negative attacks from everywhere. I fully understand the concept that we cannot please everyone or the beauty is in the eyes of beholder…etc. but what I don’t understand it why some people hate Sukkie so much just because they think he is arrogant and proud of himself….. I am not a psychologist or an expert of human behaviors… so I totally don’t get this concept!!

        As for Sukkie playing in Beautiful Man drama, honestly, I feel worry….even stress about it. Geezzz….this Drama is scheduled to AIR in just one month time, the production company still can’t find the leading girl. I read sooo many never ending of BM casting rumors and updates. I am confusing as hell of who is in, who is out?? In my opinion, the production company seems soooo unpre-prepared and unorganized in dealing with Beautiful Man……which makes me worry for Sukkie even more……aigooo. I wish and hope at the end, they will get every things together and produce good Drama.

    • Hi Mamacri! I always feel refreshed each time you make a post to defend our beloved Sukkie. And I’m tempted to read this article of how they leveled these boys as BS, whatever. But in my opinion,these people who act like mini gods, just cannot accept that these boys have solid talents and have real backbones. And its a slap on their faces that how much they put them down, they always emerge as winners. KUDOS to these men…they are the artists that would remain in the scene even in their old age.

  118. @mamacri- thanks a lot for your thoughts on our prince. i am getting to know him more each day specially through this site and generous people like you. btw could you share any reference as to how his friendship with big bro started! i loved this vid i saw just now. zikzin!

  119. Thanks for this Blog,
    JKS Your singing and your acting is very good enough to make the public understand the meaning clearly,
    Good luck Sir.

  120. i just started watching your movies and dramas, got crazy after finishing love rain. i luv it the most and have been persistently going on google search to know and learn more abt you. please write to me. i would be honoured. i am like going crazy for you.. i just luv you a lot,,,

  121. Hi Guys Me hamza
    form pakistan
    Eels Of Jang Geun suk
    I love it Only ia m to here in this country pakistan to like
    it janggeun suk nobodyhere to like it
    since starting 2012 August To firt time janggeunsuk drama
    love rain
    I like it janggeunsuk songs drama modeling
    many eels heer another country but not here in pakistan WHY ………….
    janggeunsuk like it Many Girls
    not a Boys
    but I am a boy
    i hope janggeunsuk perform to in my country
    and now New Drama
    Beautiful Man i hope Janggeunsuk good perform in this drama
    Bye Bye

  122. I get bored running our country today, I would not have any Channel Korea
    Can you all luck is good seeing you I can not do anything either
    please send me link any here
    listen my words
    i really cry…………

  123. Dear Aphrael

    Thank you for making Thanks to the team as well ( sis Tenshi and Springsuk and ECI members) for their timeless effort to shower us with latest JGS update.

    I have known this site since long time ago but I got my self as glued to JGS and as daily visitor here weeks before Bel Ami’s airing. Since month Nov, I noticed that this site has changed its banner for like 3 times now. As new visitor, I have missed so much in regards to JGS past news/video/pics, but I can catch them easily as they’re all (almost) recorded here. However, I could not find any Banner Page ( or is it me who couldn’t find it?), a record consists of the past or retired header collections. It would be awesome if there is a Banner Page in the main menu,consists of past banners – to include date of display,the story behind the making, and the creator’s name – so we the visitors could enjoy them as the past fan’s works as well. It will be more like what Google do with its Doodles. It is a request from me, hope it is not too much. Please do consider.

    Thank you

    • Hi Rham, I’m a frequent visitor of this blog since 2011. And I know where you can find the best articles and videos even fan account for Sukkie. On the right side, when you open this page, the different areas you can browse are arrange. From videos, articles, fan account and many others. All posts are arranged chronologically from the latest to the oldest. And if you want to know more why some Koreans are have this negative outlook on Sukkie, try to read under the Fan Account, its an account written by a person who is not even a fan of JKS but wrote something what took place during that time, the misconception of these people. Enjoy browsing all those stuff, I know i week is not enough to fill you with everything you want to know about this man. And I’m sure at end of that filling your curiousity of this man… the more you will love for who he is. And you will come to realize why a lot of people wanted to inflict pain on him.

      • Thank you Daryl

        wow you’re a senior in this site . 🙂

        I hv checked some of the past posts here. The man who wrote the insightful story abt JGS, hv read it as well. I hv come to conclusion why everything – his image in SK- happened.

        Now am looking for the collections of JKSforever past header/banner images. The eels are the ones who made the header images right? I’d love to know the creativity of JGS fans.


    • You’re Welcome! Just try to browse under Fan’s works, I think you can find a lot of the EELS’ projects of different kinds. But not so sure about header banner.

    • Hi Rham, as far as I know, this header banner is actually a part of projects for supporting Suk’s current drama, from ECI :). The first one used (on the D-day of the Press Conf) was the one chosen for the rice wreath banner from ECI for JKS. And after some period of time sis Kaori (Tenshi Akuma) changes the banner with the other designs submitted for that purpose, in order to appreciate the effort I guess 🙂

  124. I love Jang Keun Suk as a person, Actor and a singer and I would love to contact Jang personally via email to express my words to Jang. I can relate to Jang as a person. It true that him and Park are dating in real life or is this just a rumor? I hope that Jang Keun Suk will visit Canada as I know Jang Keun Suk will love Canada.

    This is a rare video showing our Sukkie in Korea; in the streets with a lot of fans…he’s seldom in those “programs”
    I don’t know what occasion this was but I love his smiling face <3

    and for the one interested
    I personally love him very much in this; this shows what perfectionist he is and he dares to go all the way out of his comfortzone..and he is BEAUTIFUL!! what amazing features (7 parts)
    thanks to the uploader..

  126. jang keun suk, te dire una cosa a pesar de que sea en espanol, aun no hablo bien el koreano> creo que en estos momentos no estas siendo tu mismo, estas escenificando un personaje en la realidad que hace que pierdas la escencia de ti. Vuelve a ser tu, vuelve… yo solo soy una simple plebeya que miro desde a fuera la realidad del principe.

  127. Me ha costado mucho llegar aqui, al principe le puede parecer una tonteria pero solo la gente como yo sabe lo que se siente. En mi pais el internet esta muy restrigido y hay que sacrificar muchas cosas para llegar aqui. Yo sinceramente te digo esto desde mi corazon…el sueno de la plebeya es conocer al principe y no importa el tiempo que pase o las sircustancias, yo siempre he dicho y seguire diciendo que nada es imposible y te lo demostrare. La plebeya conocera al principe.

  128. Hi,

    I am a Chinese who lived in New york,
    I joined the Chinese site as a fan but their order only send to China
    Can I order the 2013 zikzin 5 dvd’s special edition thru here? I can paid by PayPal account!

  129. I 보이는 뮤직 비디오에 매우 행복 볼 때 근의 석, 나는 매우 운이 좋은 사람의 입술을 생각하지만 난 정말 볼 때 당신의 눈 숨겨진 슬픔을 참조하십시오. 그래서 먼 나라에 살고 있지만, 나는 왕자를 보호하기 위해 내 전기 뱀장어를 사용, 뱀장어 후 나와 함께. 약속. 그것은 잘 들리지 많이들 사이에 작은 목소리,하지만 난 그 목소리를 높이고 있습니다. 약속. 7SF

  130. 我很欣賞你在漂亮男人Pretty Man的演出,你的演技真好,很令我感動!

  131. Hello, just want to point out to the administrators that the current banner should read “I want to live as an actor for as long as possible”. “for” is missing. Apologies if I ruffle any feathers, it’s an occupational hazard as I’m in the editorial line. Nonetheless, I want to say thank you for the excellent work. You guys have been tireless in bringing Keun Suk’s news to international fans and even though I have been a silent reader, the updates are the highlights of my day! Keep up the good work!

    • Thanks for your comment. We actually borrowed this line from some English translated articles, but as you’re a professional editor, I understand now the grammatical error. Thanks. We will change a new banner in the near future, so we will keep this until then.
      P.S. I’m an English learner. I don’t use English in my daily life except sharing Jang Keun Suk info with international fans. So please forgive my poor English. When I was a student, I liked English grammar class, but now I haven’t taken time for studying grammar. I’m trying to translate his news using English dictionary, but still my speaking skill is not good because of little chance to use it.

  132. Dear Tenshi, as I have been following the news about the recent shipwreck in Korea on BBC News. Is there anyway we can get more info about the 6 year old girl who survived but all the other family members are still not found? Watching from the news she is so good looking and good tempered. She cried quietly that broke my heart. Actually, she reminded me of our Prince who started his career at about the same age. I wondered whether we together with our Prince could raise fund to support her for whatever is needed. In my culture we love to do good deeds together with the ones we love so we will meet again in our next life. I want to meet our Prince and all the international eels again in my next life (if there is one), that is why I raise this question.

    • I’m sorry but I don’t know. A lot of passengers are still missing. All we can do now is praying…

    • Sudie, actually a fund raising effort has been initiated already at Cri-J but due to the urgency to help up the victims and their families.. the fund raising may be already cut-off by now…

      • Thank you for both Tenshi and QQeyes007 for the replies. I will try to follow through Cri J as suggested. I just really feel sorry for that little girl who lost her parents and brother. Thinking of a girl at that age broke my heat.

  133. thnks to u tons..for each n every update and translation of JKS events..and stories..well i m from INDIA.and wnt to tell on behalf of every Indian fans of JKS..WE ALL DREAM OF YOU EVERY DAY AND NIGHT…WE ALL DREAM OF YOUR VISIT TO INDIA…

  134. dear Tenshi…can u pleez help us..the indian fans to just let hum know that there r fans waiting for his visit to india….

  135. Hi Aphrael..Thanks for your blog..It is such a delight that JKS fans could just unite, share and care for our PRINCE. Getting to know him better through shared info in this blog just makes me forever want to hold tight to our PRINCE and support him unconditionally. Do you think it is a good idea to add a section where fans could just write to him to express our support and love for him.Maybe the section could be titled
    “To Sukkie” or “Love Letters”. This is our way to reach out to him at the same time we want to respect his privacy. I am just hoping JKS reads this blog too. Any ideas?? It is another thing if he decides to respond. But for me, it is enough we write him expressing our love and support.

  136. Hi! Its great to see the fanclub. I am trying to get an office address of Jang Keun-suk so that I may send a courier to him. Can you help me in this regard? Thankyou.

  137. Dear jangkeunsukforever
    First let me say thanks for all the information and translation which you do. As an avid fan of JKS who don’t read any Asian language, your translation is totally awesome to me.
    Please keep up the good works so that we can continue to follow his career. I hope he continues to do both acting and music. He is sooooo awesome in both!!!
    Secondly, I am interested in knowing how Bel Ami is being received in Japan now that is an article I would love to read….can you give us more information about this.

  138. hi! good day to you..:)
    i’m so thankful because you did this blog for all the JKS fans…
    thank you(3x) you made us happy… and of course keep up the good work..hehehe
    ai thank you for all the translation… salamat..
    is there a filipino fans here? well im a filipino.. haha 😛

  139. I really love visiting here and being a member of ECI. JKS is truly an outstanding guy and I will always support and love him for the rest of my life. I think this site is a great way for his fans to connect together and to connect with him in a great way! Thank you for putting together this site! Love you so much!

  140. hello comer on this can i join here?how can i be a member here?im not already a member of any fan clubs of our asiaprince but i want to join..thanks alot.godbless you all..

  141. hello Aphrael and tenshi_akuma,

    good job for this is amazing and excellent site.i really enjoy browsing here because i can see all the updates about Jang Geun Suk especially for his latest projects.congratulations and thank you for creating this site. i can say that i am now up to date about Jang Geun Suk,hahaha.i really like Jang Geun Suk since i watched him for his drama “You’re Beautiful”.he is so amazing and adorable.he is irresistable!! thank God i found your site. by the way, im just wondering if i am allowed to send a personal letter to our prince of asia Jang geun suk??im worried because im not a member of EEL fans club,,im just a fan by my own.i really admire Jang Geun Suk..that’s why im asking a permission about the letter but if it is not possible it’s ok i’ll respect your decision.thank you so looking forward for this..another thing is what is the exact address of Jang geun suk if ever im allowed..thank you very much..more power for all you guys and Godbless you all..

      • hi tenshi_akuma,
        Thank you so much for reading my message. i feel so great.thank you! thank you!.
        By the way i just want to say congratulation to all of you,you were doing a great job..its nice to know that you really dedicated to put an endless effort for our prince. keep it up guys.i will pray for all of you and for our prince Jang Geun suk..Again thank you very much..Godbless you all..

  142. Hi,

    I commend you for this blog. It is truly helpful for people like me who wants to know more about Jang Keun Suk. I never am a fan before but this amazing person has truly caught my eye when I watched You are beautiful just this year, although twas shown in our country years back and also when I watched Mary Stayed Out all Night. From then on, I got hooked! And seeing how you guys lovingly put together this blog, reflects also I think the kind of person he is, a very dedicated artist and one who is kind and ‘humane’. More power to you guys, God bless and looking forward to more of your blogs! Kudos!

  143. dear tenshi and aphrael..
    i wanna thank you guyz for this wonderful site.
    i feel that im close to our prince..

    can iask a question
    im just wondering..are his album available here in the philippines?
    as u can see im just one of those poor fans who cant afford to be a members of the jks eels ..i dont have any memorabilia and im going to start collecting all his albums to support him..thats all i can do at least…id love to see him in person but i dont have enough money hahaha maybe soon..who knows…
    thank u so much for this site..hope to be your friend tenshi_akuma and aphrael…
    keep it up andpost more about jks!!!

    • Hi, we have many Philippine eel friends here and ECI. They will give you some useful info later.

    • Hi dear Cheryn, I am an admin of JKS PH Group. If you are interested in joining the group I can help you. Yes, JKS albums are also available in our country and we also help in the promotion of his album. We do album launching several times already in cooperation of Warner Music Ph, Odyssey and AstroPlus. I am only using my mobile fon now. I will give u the link of our Official Group site tomorrow so that you can fill up the forms for your membership. Excited to know you sis and be part of our group 🙂

    • hi sis sorry for late reply. I already accepted your request. Welcome to our group sis. Feel free to comment and post in our group. 🙂

  144. i want to be entertain so i watched prince previous appearance in variety show…but why i can’t open the video of his previous guesting in smap? 🙁

  145. hello there sis tenchi!!!
    just like to greet you a happy new year!
    thank u for this site about sukkie coz everything u wanna know about him, and latest news…i found here!
    hope u continue to bring infos about him coz th thats make my day complete!!
    do i have an fb account? can i be ur friend? thank u so much!!!

  146. hello tenshi and to every eels around the world,i would like to greet all of you a blessed and prosperous new year. thank you for accepting me as new member of the eels..and thank you for helping me to get in on the official fans club of prince JKS. i admire and appreciate all your efforts for giving an update about our prince.i really love this blog,it helps me a lot to know and understand everything about Prince JKS. may God continue to bless all of you with abundant blessing..HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE ^__^
    by the way i have questions regarding to the official fans club access, i received a notice that i have to check my personal information,and when i checked it i found out that my name and my last name were not place correctly. because my surname was placed as my name and my name was placed as my surname, what i’m gonna do to make it correctly??and another thing ,what will i write to the section of deposit information:BANK,BANK ACCOUNT,NAME(which name will i put there? sorry im just confused)??thank you so much. godbless!

    • I think send e-mail to them is better. We can’t answer your question. Pease send them how you want to correct your info via e-mail directly.
      Please send your inquiry using registered e-mail, mentioning your name and ID. Please send both e-mail address.

      About bank info, I think this year we don’t use the info. In my case as well, I’m sure no need to fill in there. I think you can tweet to them where to send your inquiry, too. Good luck!

    • don’t worry, I have feedback the same problem and I believe they are aware of the issue already. Just wait for their reply on the next action.

    • thank you guys,i’m just a little bit worried about my registration that it would be cancelled because of wrong information. now i understand. THANK YOU AGAIN ^_^ and HAPPY NEW YEAR

  147. hello tenshi, Happy New Year……..
    i’m from Chennai – India, i really like JKS, his acting & songs are so good, i love his voice very much, unfortunately in my country we don’t have facilities to see his regular programs & serials, anyway best of luck, Luv yu JKS. All the best, We want to see in chennai – India.

  148. Hi there, We were really inspired by the song Raining on the Dance Floor of the H Team (JKS and BB) that we made a dance music video with Lexi Noval . . . Lexi Noval is a member of the popular dance group in the Philippines HOTLEGS . . . She dances in TV shows, Major Concerts and is also a Commercial Model . . . Inspired with the original music video, we did almost a similar set up but placed a love story line in the video . . . We hope you like it and would post it in your JKS FaceBook account or Website so your followers may also see it, Thank you . . . Please set the You Tube setting to 1080P HD to fully enjoy the video . . .

  149. i m emna from tunisia , i ‘ m not well in korean or chinese language but i love your songs , you are the best JSK

  150. Hi I m Hanya from I can not speak English or Korean very well, but I’d love to talk with Jang Keun-suk.and say to him,ilove you, You are perfect.

  151. Hi Juan,

    I just came to know about you recently through my friend who shared one of your drama….my goodness you are so awesome in acting. Your expression, passion on acting, your voice, style, was vowwww..vowww.

    I feel bad that I don’t know the Korean language but seeing you I didn’t realize that much difference. I think you are the most wonderful actor in Korea.

    Love to see you in India. I love to be your fan. not sure how I can contact you directly.

    No words…to say how much I am happy after see your drama…

    Have a wonderful journey in your life….with love. Veni

  152. i like your acting and i just love your expressions then your voice is really good and totally you are awesome.i’m expecting to see you in india and i’m not your fan i just love your acting and expressions.i like to contact you directly not i cann’t because you are a celebrity so you woun’t leak your personal details and contacts hmm if i can talk to you i’ll be happy and be happy always,god will make you comfort………..

    • hi i’m one of jks eels in Iran and i wanna join to his fan pages and webs like as weibo or this web but i can’t. please help me. and please do a fever for his fan and make a instagram for him .also we can make a conection with him easier.
      we always will love him and it will be bigger in time i know it beacuse of myelf
      thank you

  153. can u help me find “Lovers In Prague” with english subtitle? i found other with same title, not JKS’S 🙁

  154. Hi. If the real actor will read this, please send my regards. I just finished watching You’re My Pet. It’s one of my favorite mangas. He was able to act in that movie. I’m not a fan girl but I’m not ignorant about his talents. To Jang Geun Suk, you’ve got a great voice there. I’ve seen some of your dramas. And i really don’t know how popular you are. Even so, I commend your talent in singing and dancing. In acting, i guess there’s room for improvement.

    If I have time, i can make poems you could sing. Hopefully…

    -greetings from the Philippines

  155. Hi JKS,

    I am 4m india. i became fan of you after watching your beautiful & love rain. i just love them outstanding performance very few actors have the ability to express their feelings through eyes you do it very well………..its really really good in both the k-dramas i tried to join your fan club its some what complicated. anyways i wish you all d best n hope your all your dreams come true tc.

  156. Hi I’m from the Philippines I recently watch the movie doremifasolasido and I became addicted to jang keun suk His smile really made my day! He was really a good actor and singer. Everytime i see him cry on his movies it made me cry as well the emotion he gives feels natural. Im looking forward to have a chat with him. (in my dreams) i know its impossible 🙁 but anyways i just want to say how much i adore him he make me feels what is the feeling of being inlove by simply watching he’s movies and shows.

    If he can read this one I’M YOUR NO.1 FAN HERE IN THE PHILIPPINES!!

    CASELYN <3

  157. Dear Tenshi Akuma,

    Hi, this is Linda, I have been JKS fan for many years and today I came across your post on buying online from Japan As I do not know how to contact you via private mail , I may be able to assist fans around the world to access this shopping service . Is it possible for you to drop me a note so that we can explore feasibility. I will be glad to be part of this network too.

    Thank you.
    Basketdelight, Linda

  158. hello ^^
    i can not watch zikzin radio episode 20 and 21 “birthday” they says its privet 🙁 please help
    and thank you for all your work ^^

  159. [Reposting in the correct area, hopefully]

    This is a lovely website, How do I join this page or the FB page? Can I just post comments here like so? Also, how long is the Official JKS Fanclub membership open for? The translation is not the best at times; English is my first language.

    • Hi, our secret Facebook group Eels’ Club International (ECI) has not yet finish preparing to accept our new members. We will announce when the time comes. Please wait until then patiently. About his official FC accepts new members once a year and you need to renew every year.

    • Diana, the Japanese lady Yumi san is very popular MC eel for many of Jang Keun Suk’s FM events in Japan… Normally Suk don’t require MC in Japan events like concerts as he can communicate directly with his Japanese fans due to his fluent Japanese. However, for some special fan meeting or occasion like this Suk’s 20th anniversary in entertainment surprise event during his Cri-Show 2 concert in Japan, Yumi san was also invited by eels to sort of represent eels as MC…

  160. I just wanted to leave a comment to say what all the other commenters have also said… What a brilliant site this is! Congratulations to the people who run it, it must be so much work to keep it so up to date. It is perfect for me as I have only just discovered JKS – he is totally unknown in the UK it seems 🙁 – but through this site I have learned so much and am just sad that I didn’t discover him earlier! This site is a fitting tribute to him 🙂

  161. Hello Admin.

    Such an awesome blog! Congrats!

    Need advice how to purchase JKS concert ticket in July 2016? Anyone can help me? Or, will he organize other concert in Korea around this year?

    Am a fan from Malaysia and would very much love to see his concert!

    Thanks 🙂

  162. hi i wanted to know how i can join JKS Official Fanclub and what is Required, if you can help me that will be great thank you zainab

    • You have the only one chance to apply Jang Keun Suk official Korean FC ( membership in a year. You need to wait until 2017 membership registration period starts. We will post the info when it’s released. So please wait for a while.

    • I’m sorry the application period for ECI 2016 ended on May 31st as we announced beforehand. Now we’re trying to contact all applicants to register them in ECI. So if you didn’t apply before May 31st, please wait for the next round. If you’re talking about his official fan club, you also need to wait until they start accepting new members for CRI-J 2017.

  163. I have seen love rain then jackpot.
    I cant express the love And emotion.
    May i request you Ma i get the email address of jks?
    Plz plz plz
    Take care.

  164. Señora Tenshi, yo se que mucha gente ve esta página y también las anguilas, solo les quiero hacer la invitación para que voten por nuestro Príncipe y por 대박, yo sé que somos muchas, la verdad si realmente lo quieren apoyar pueden votar todos los días, sólo deben de transcurrir 24 horas para volver a votar y estoy segura que ganará…

  165. Hi! Is there an official Facebook account for JKS? I was listening to zikzin radio and he mentioned he has an official Facebook account but am not sure if it’s still active. Thanks!

      • You mean Jang Keun Suk Forever was his official Facebook page? sad that it’s not active anymore as this could have been one of the largest platform to reach non-Chinese/non-Japanese eels.. but it’s good we have this page! Thanks a lot!!

      • gotcha! I wish he can have it activated again as well as his IG account. Thanks!

    • Hi! You already commented with your blog name. That means you’re already considered as our blog visitor. If you mean ECI member, we don’t recruit new members currently. So please wait until the next recruitment starts. Thanks.

  166. Oh I see thanks a lot for your prompt reply…thanks again for your effort to upload JKS news and pictures for us eels

  167. Looking forward to give support to Sukkie and Eels through ECI. Much love and respect for JKS from the Philippines!

  168. As a recent JKS fan, I just discovered your site, and it’s wonderful resource! Thanks for creating it?

    I have a question about this song that JKS sings:

    It’s a Korean song (with the Japanese translation of 曲 まぶしいほど幸せだった日/チャングンソク)
    I’ve seen reference that the song is from the OST soundtrack for Pretty Boy/Man (キレイな男), but I can’t find the song on any of the CDs for that Korean drama. Do you know where I can buy or stream the song?

  169. Hi!

    I’m a new fan of JKS and I would really love to get a copy of the 2020 daily day by day with you ~ calendar, but I missed out on the advance reservation ?, is there anyway or anywhere I can still purchase it?

  170. Posted something like this already, however it was pending on “moderation” then disappeared. Saw it is a known technical problem here and as it is actually impossible to inform as asked here before, it means a comment about it has to appear – just waited patiently for another comment to appear so now giving it another try:

    Dear admin,would you consider dedicating a section for Sukkie’s fooling and goofing around? This feedback section appears to be it, but sometimes you want deep discussions or insights, while in other times you just want a full (fool:) pool of these super cute-super talent, mostly early evidence-pure joy to watch:)
    Such as this
    And this

    Aside this idea, maybe even hard-core eels such as most visitors here, almost surely others who just discover him and this blog, haven’t seen such as the following?

    (Yes, got very deep into his history and starts, his story swallowed me whole, trying to figure out how this unbelievable performer developed, had no clue what was lying there waiting to be discovered…).

    • Hello sis.
      Seems you are a new eel in the pond. ?

      As you mentioned, sometimes there is problem while commenting but Tenshi sis fixes it when she notices. Yes comments of new visitors take some time to appear. ?

      Coming to the video links you posted.. ECI & blog supports JKS official DVDs so they are not published here. Even eels in SNS post only a few secs clips after buying the DVDs & later after a year or two they post a little longer version. ?

      For more videos like you mentioned plz visit fan pages in FB like Jang Keun Suk Europe FC, Jang Keun Suk World, the Eels Family, eels Bolivia…. You will find manyyy lovely, funny n sweet videos of our Prince ? I also have a fan page Jang Keun Suk India, you can find some more videos there. And in IG you will get much stuffs under his hashtags. Jap eels are active in IG n Twitter

      Now in YouTube too you can find many dvd clips many with subs too. In these channels you will find many ?

      And for eng sub videos you will find a lot in this blog.
      For so many years now tenshi sis have been translating tonns of stuffs here.. JKS’s interviews n talk shows are amazing, like a treasure. he is such a genius n adorable guy.
      You will find many eng subbed videos here

      His Star Date interviews by KBS channel in youtube are a mussttt watch too..

      And then since you want to know more abt his life story, his struggles, his success n yes his close bonding with eels, there are soooo many fan accounts, articles in the blog too & we dont mind spending hours n hours reading them. ? These are so amazing n full of eels’ love. So this is just the SUKLOPEDIA for us & eels’ MOST FAV blog too. ?

      Like the last link you posted, you will find many videos in the above sites where you can find Sukkie very close to his eels. ? And here are some more links showing JKS & EELS love for each other. you will loooove it. ? (A must watch)

      You put your comment dew days back, hope you will see my reply. Hope the links help for your questions. ?

      We may not be commenting much now here bcoz we r just missing him to death.. n just resting like him hihi… but yes eels interact a lot in FB n IG ? & yes in chinese weibo (i dont have an account there but see their links shared in FB)

      Waiting for him crazily n love only him.. the mosttttt ???? Love you oppa ♥️♥️♥️

  171. Hi Priya,
    Tks for your post.
    My last sentence was in past tense 🙂 The story that swallowed me whole had already done that:)
    Already knew some of the channels and the “must watch” link you mentioned, it was one of the first I found and it really blew my mind, have never seen anything like that before. It is indeed a must re-watch any number of times for anyone. Not sure what is more divine, his voice there or the interactions. Will go through all your links and mentionings. Didn’t finish yet:)

    But, and this is the thing, it took so much time and effort to get to the bottom of this never ending story. A post like yours should be the first thing people see when they find this blog. Eels are interested that people will know abt Sukkie, not only the already-addicted ones, right? Most important is, that Sukkie himself wants people to see the way he went through. Songs and shows have names, stories do not, you don’t know what to look for and in this case even songs are too hard to find because they have not accurate names so many times and in so many languages:)

    SUKLOPEDIA ha ha, exactly! That’s why it is so huge, that even people that really really want to know more will miss important things. Take a person that is used to search for info, maybe not an Eel as her interest is wide, still the only one she wrote about and chose her own-made sketch of for her profile is Sukkie (MYDRAMALIST site).

    Initially was just interested to find out why he was nicknamed Prince of Asia and regarded as a phenomena, moreover the CENTER of the Korean wave (was like – WHAT?!). Same as some comments here, was not too impressed in YAB, not the type to warship anyone or be interested in Idols. First thing was LR, to notice the great actor he is (still, even now, think nothing comes close to Sukkie when he is on stage, not even his acting. That’s because he is totally free there). Liked his music very much but back then had no clue how prolific he is and started to search more thoroughly upon coming across some shows in which he did not sing very well or his voice was far from the stunning voice in others. Just couldn’t understand why the audience loves him so dearly, that fact was very clear, he is loved deeply, impossible to miss that on vids.

    Throughout this search, repeatedly found out things that he wanted to portray artistically reached the exact target before even understanding the lyrics or coming across relevant info & things he said, such as his own definition of SAVE ME & TURN OFF as a reflection of him in those years, musically speaking, apart from the deep meanings and the deep identifying with his role in MMM (because YAB is so famous, first thing you’ll find is abt the guidelines of resemblance to that character), also his fondness that continues over the years to the unique PRECIOUS. The broken glass opposite flashes of childhood memories in IN MY DREAM broke my heart although knew very little abt his childhood at that point, only a general idea, it pierced my heart.
    The more I found, needless to say the more became addicted. His music became like breathing and his personality is so dear and fascinating. Don’t care anymore when his singing is not perfect, sometimes in these incidents it is most profound and sensitive, more than perfect performances. Totally understood why he is so loved.
    Naturally, am one of those who felt inconvenient with his craziness, also seemed somewhat arrogant. Well, not the craziness exactly, as I do appreciate free spirits very much, to be exact it was the “not modest” things. Here too, all was needed is to get to know him better. He is totally great, and if I understood correctly, he didn’t exactly changed opinions or acceptance in general, as he did in other aspects. The only person that is “allowed” to behave like this is Sukkie. The way he swept an enormous audience of all ages with his TEAM H is just stunning! It is of course so very cool music for people who liked this style to begin with, but who other than Sukkie could ever teach so many different people to enjoy it as well?

    As for myself, not sure can be regarded as an Eel. Appreciate him a lot and totally addicted to his music, like a life line, his personality is beyond words, but cannot “align” myself, if this it the right word, with his so pure heart, same as Eels respect and dedicated to follow. I’m too mad upon finding out what he has been through…
    Even “light” things bother me, such as zero appreciation or mentioning (today) that he was the one that broke through any pattern, paving the way (while taking so much heat for it, sometimes hate) for everyone today that connects with fans directly, freely, warmly, creating any kind of art they want, using technologies to reach fans on remote seats in arena shows ets. People are, rightfully, blown away by anyone who dares and makes efforts, but have no idea who was the first to do all this and unaware of the fact that no one, to date, got so close to fans. Out of respect for Sukky and Eels way, will not mention what newest things reminded me so much of TEAM H’s FALLING DOWN, let alone the very idea of black’n white soul struggle in CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY, portrayed so clearly on the CRI2 production (on screen).
    New things today are treated as new inventions. They’re awesome, really deserve appreciation, however not new ideas. It’s great to use ideas or be influenced, it means they’re worth it, just not to be blind. Sukkie has done that too, he is like a sponge that observes and absorbs everything, he makes tributes, that’s how I see it, in his songs. Does someone know if he was indeed accused of copying as WOW WOW lyrics tell?! He is so unique!! BB too!!

    BTW, some links on the VID section are not available any more:( same as the ones mentioned by “Mama-bear” 🙂

    • Haha.. sorry for addressing you as a much newer eel earlier… You r already so much into him ? N yes sorry for my simple English too.. I may not be able to frame my thoughts like you did so beautifully still I hope you will understand the feel.. ?

      Loved every single thing how you described him…
      and yes I m sure every eel will relate to you.

      We all know how amazingly genius he is.. let it be his acting, his voice, his stage presence, his wits, his personality, his world views.. he is an inspiration and just too unique in every way compared to any stars in showbiz. The bond between him n eels is so strong that sometimes I feel we even understand his silence.

      But yes with all these we are upset with no. of followers he has in twitter or IG. With 18 M + weibo followers, a man with a star power like him doesn’t deserve these small figures.. Just like u said we want more n more ppl worldwide to know him.. And those figures haunted me a lot too during my early eel stage..

      But within these 5 yrs of following him I think I have matured a lot.. I know how much the no.s matter in today’s world.. but i also see many artists with 10 or above 15 M IG followers are too exaggerated by media. Their work is not substantial as Sukkie nor do they have any influence on me or even on their fans like JKS has on us.. They might have a huge quantity from whom maximum just follow as a trend but not out of dedicated love.. My friends too go crazy over every handsome k-actor with high rated dramas or any trending kpop grp but not even least interested in their life story or personality. They just follow them bcoz they are marketed pretty well.

      N seeing them I felt so proud of the “quality” of fans my Prince has. Not only fans, but all the people working for him, his managers, his parents.. they love him to the core n that’s bcoz he is the sweetest person. He is honest, friendly, naughty, funny.. n he never hides any of his moods n emotions.

      Once JKS returns u will see.. we will be occupied by lots of stuffs, articles, fan accounts, his interviews.. But you won’t see the popular eng media with millions followers, publishing those facts on JKS what they do for every other k-artists. Until now none of the eng kpop / kdrama sites have reported JKS getting the Giraffe, 5th rank of sports merit for his contribution to Paralympics.
      This is such an achievement still they don’t find it interesting enough to share.
      Reagrding the donations for gangwondo forest fires last yr, eels worldwide even donated more amount than the other celebs but they didnt report anything abt it. For JKS too they just wrote a small line in between the long article whereas he donated a lot more to different organisations than the figures they reported. There were many Jap articles regarding that but you wont see any eng one.
      Everytime he releases a new single or album, he gets a good rank in oricon but they never report that while they do report the oricon charts ranks of other stars.
      Let it be Voyage getting the 2nd place in Oricon, Jackpot being sold to Japan even at a higher price than DOTS, his numerous appearances in many popular Jap shows in 2017, his directorial movie ‘The Great Legacy’ winning audience choice award, his succesful Crishow concerts, his speech to eels waiting outside the award venue… hundreds facts like these which can easily target newer ppl go unreported.
      They even made big headlines last yr citing Park bo gum talented enough to design his own penlights for concerts. Do they even know sukkie already has his J penlight & Team H ones too?

      Even all his dramas are amazing but they are not reported nicely. Take the case of Pretty Man, it had the lowest ratings in Korea, but I have already watched it thrice & I love it soooo much. The media only reports low domestic ratings but never writes on how it was loved in china or how JKS n costars even had two huge scale fan meetings in Japan for the drama popularity.

      Like what u said, many things stars do these days, they have already been attempted by JKS.. I see fans getting amazed when their stars organize free hugs, or when they cycle to workplace.. but these have already done by our Prince.. much b4 advent of IG.. He has always been ahead of his age.. like a torch bearer to everyone.. but the thing is he is not advertised well by media.. And we are soo proud that unlike other big companies, JKS & Tree J don’t pay for having good articles. His action speaks.. his fans & his humanitarian activities show his star value… n honestly now i (also every eel) am not affected by the followers or ratings or anything.

      With all these we are so lucky to have blogs like & theeelsfamily running for him for 9 yrs now.. Old eels also try every effort to share old n new articles on him in social media platform.. If not media but eels do advertise him pretty well.. ? There r still some new stuffs i learn abt him from old eels even after following him crazily for 5 yrs.. once in pond learning abt him gets easier with other eels..
      And once u r addicted to him no mater how much time n efforts it takes, eels will get hold of everything ?

      He is just 32.. n have so many achievements..
      But we also know he will have loads of new admirers in future n someday we will see him on world stage too.. Always wishing the best for him ??

      • Along with the fan pages I mentioned earlier I just forgot mentioning JKS Taiwan FC in Facebook. They are translating every korean, japanese stories by fans n also translating every new video of JKS.

        Don’t know if you already know it, but if not you can follow them.. as soon JKS is gonna return to us n there will b so many posts coming up ????

  172. Nothing to be sorry abt. Very much hope that someone that discovers this blog will see yr reply n myself also will use everything you mentioned.

    And here I thought something would be misunderstood or out of line…
    Ha ha, English is not my language, didn’t see the need to point it out as this is a blog for the globe:) so “to get the feel” is a MUST here and your “simple” English makes it easier for me . Also, even dearest Tenshi said she uses dictionary. Naturally, Sukkie “forced” me to get more fluent in English, otherwise it is impossible to learn abt him. Have been wrecking my head for months now, what should be done, how to present him. Am like “this is not right, OTOKE?” you Eels already know and love him so writing here took time.

    The numbers don’t bother me, nor the power of publicity or paid-for articles, as Sukkie made his choices for good reasons and his self-production may seem small-scale compared to the main production companies but it serves him as his biggest power as well, and he is FREE! There is a price either way. And not all Sukkie’s over 18 M followers on Weibo tend to his concerts nor buy his albums, right? Numbers are numbers. Sukkie is the real thing and what is more important for him than fame, money, etc’?

    Exactly what you’re saying is what concerns me the most – once you get addicted you’ll spare no time and effort but that’s the problem, people find the most important things only after getting addicted. These things will get ANYONE addicted, or at least know what must be known – I’m a living evidence! Just bcs he was an enigma to me I went deeper and deeper. Even when I thought I knew a lot I still knew almost nothing. The addiction came later and due to what was found, then it was necessary to know what’s going on, outside the “buble”, looking at other artists very seriously in order to be able to understand the full impact of this young man and what he is up against. Clever Sukkie, chose to compete only against himself!

    We’re not talking the usual nonsense – goofing – adorable – cutest things that every fan will love abt their Idol and we’re not even talking abt Idols, as Sukkie himself said, don’t make a shrine – Sukkie is a leader, a role model, an ICON that proudly represents his country (at least on these levels, the formal ones, he is well recognized) and there’s no need to Idolize him as he is so very real and down to earth, capable and talented enough as he is.

    In addition, was like “checking the water” in the pond ha ha… wondering if anything I found can be new to any of the “SONBE” Eels. One of the sites you mentioned (maybe yours? or the Bolivia one? confused right now, can’t remember what was seen where all at once:) posted the 30 sec’s cut from JAPAN FM 2008 a few days after it was posted here, does it mean it was new to someone “old” or is a coincident? cos found some more from that “era” 🙂 even much earlier, they tell not just the cutest story ever, they are the core of Sukkie. Some even point out the tributes he put in his songs much much later! See? I said it swallowed me whole.

    1) Was it wrong of me to post here the OPERA imitation as it’s from a DVD? There is a reason this one was chosen and referred to as “early evidence” (meaning both talent and tendency), as together with the marvelous JACKT imitation, MEDYTOX, some of the virtuoso performings in 2017 CRI PRESENT and ROCKUMENTARY that almost sound and look as if were taken out of an OPERA, and him saying that the earliest musical influences where due to his father’s choices and included Rahmaninov – got myself imprisoned in the idea that it would be really magnificent if they tailored a drama for him (as YAB was, just recently found out abt it), such as a remake for THE FANTOM OF THE OPERA! Uchhh just thinking abt it!!! U hate me right now, don’t ya? Apart from singing, he would make a glorious villain and get to do the eyes acting he talks abt! They may even allow him a few spare kgs instead of turning him into a rabbit like they always do ha ha 🙂 it seem to do wonders to his voice 🙂

    2) Is it possible to put some references to the things you mentioned, same as you did with the GIRAFF (saw the medal for the Chinese Eels as well)? Knew abt THE GREAT LEGACY, it was reported, it must had cos he was an ambassador on IFFAM in addition to the presentation as a director, what did you mean it was not reported? Anyway, got deeper and found some references abt the 4 short movies he directed, gosh it was so hard to find! And only the references found, not the movies. The reason his beginnings interest me so much is bcs he’s not just another gem of a person and artist, he is a real diamond, thus went through so much hardship till became one 🙂

    3) Do you or anyone know regarding the lyrics of WOW WOW ? It talks about copying accusations, were there?

  173. O yes.. I posted that 30 secs clip from Japan FM on my page after you shared it in your comments here.. I have seen other clips of him dancig with his managers but yes didn’t check this particular one earlier… ? So Thanks to you I found something new n there were other eels who watched it too for first time.. ?

    Coming to the opera cut.. Its from the limited edition JKS 20th anniversary DVD.. Seems eels who could attend his dinner event got that n some clips were shared 2 yrs back in IG. Yes I think it’s not wrong in sharing those links in comments here.. And in the Line live Ikinari Lezgo series too, he sang a Japanese version of “This is the moment” n later on he sang it on Medytox.. Would love to see a longer version of him singing with the orchestra or a drama like u said..
    And of course all will love to see him in any new avatar. Even JKS’s dream role is also to play a psychopath killer.. Surely he will excel such roles. His negative character in Itaewon case homocide was so good n in Human, Space, time & Human his acting is superbb… From being a nice guy to turning a violent one, covered with blood pretending to eat flesh… he is excellent as Adam in the movie… n even with all those shabby outfits he still looks the most handsome.. Really hoping to see him portraying such difficult characters in future.

    Then abt The great Legacy.. here you can see JKS won the audience award for the movie in Shorts Shorts Film Fest & Asia held in Japan..

    His comment:

    What I meant by not reporting is this was a good win yet Soompi or any other sites have never posted this and many other news of him in their forum. This is so upsetting.

    These r the real figures of JKS’s & Eels donation for gangwon forest fires

    This is the video when he gathered eels after SBS award n showed his awards thankdd them n even apologised for not greeting them properly in airport for security reasons.. who does that?????

    JACKPOT’s and DOTS rights sold to Japan:

    These should have been shared with other intl audiences, right?

    Then coming to his directorials.. I have watched Daega Elementary School & The man in room no. 401 (or something… cant remember) in OFC site (which is paid fan club) but they were removed b4 the screening event of his movies that happened in Seoul. Just loved watching them even without subs… he is good in whatever he does..
    Have never watched The Great Legacy & Do you still envy such a life.. N badly wanna watch them.. Hope they will be uploaded in OFC in future.

    And WOW WOW, there r no such accusations.. ?

    And here.. sharing some links which i can remember now.. Dont know if you have seen them or not.. ?

    A very touching story shared by an AUDI employee:

    These 2 are musssst read accounts..

    Some interesting stories During Crishow 4 Voyage..

    His free hug DVD cut:

    Here is a book written on celebrity succes n JKS was the first case

    Ads by eels on Intl Herald tribune:

      • Mine was also pending.. thanks God its appearing now.
        You can copy paste ur long reply again.. ?
        Now the comments are getting posted as soon as we enter. ?

      • In the meantime till the 1st one appears, abt directorials:

        2012 short short which also won award here U get a glimps at it though the title’s abt THE LEGACY info (Korean, with browser translation) n some frames included here (this U surely saw already)  that’s all I could find abt it. That glimps’s supposed to be the opening scene, according to the description n I think it can be related to the time towards end of 2012 when Eels expressed deep concerns due to his “disappearing” n also to self reflections he shared abt killer sceds n missing his friends to death,  seen in the making vids of that years’s tour. Of course it settles right accordingly with one of the links U shared (?), where he talks about his fear of being imprisoned if not able to go out freely or express himself if worried getting into a scandal.

        Primary school U have a translated section / making 
        n a mistaken reference that caused me a real headache at the time, they wrote “CANADA” with Elementary school

        Didn’t see any mentioning to 5th short short U mentioned, Man in room 401 ?! There’s always mentioning of up to 4 directorials.

      • The first link is broken.. R u talking abt jks winning award for ‘Do you still envy such a life’ in 2012

        N the video of his primary school is a different one actually must be around 2006-07 . Daega Elementary School was his visit to Daegari too but a different documentary.

        The screening event in 2019 included his 6 directorials.. Nelson Diary, Camp, Do you still envy such a life, The great legacy, Daega Elementary School, The man from room no. 201 (The first still that appears in the video is from that movie) ?

        check this too.. He posted many pics n nemories n was so happy visiting his school again, after LOTTE fan meeting

      • As saved aside, thought to wait pending comment to appear, then copied n pasted here, links got mixed up with the text, couldn’t see it b4 comment was posted. N yes it’s same one but the name a bit different so didn’t want to confuse, just wrote 2012:
        1st – with the glimps
        2nd – with additional description
        Both with browser translation.
        3rd – which was sure everyone knows, states the years when filmed (as CAMP mentioned at 2013 and released only on 2015), now managed to see “201” filmed in 2014, understand it is “man in room 201, tks! No piece or thread of info abt it? What is it abt, generally (as U watched it)? 
        Just didn’t count CAMP cos its not a short-short and no problem finding it. For me it’s a development of the directorial experience started with him participating on BUDAPEST. It’s like the separation made between the big and small screen, so to say, isn’t it?

        Abt pending one – not sure I understand if U copied n pasted yr pending one or just waited. Don’t want a long one to appear twice so will wait till it disappear then post again?

        Some links U shared (b4, in yr comment I tried to reply to) require registration/logging in n I’m not on Facebook…

        Abt WOW WOW – Sukkie (BB too) tells his story and deliver messages through his art. WE ARE, the title track of 2012 album presents the new name TEAM H along with a clear say “sometimes they call me crazy, sometimes they call me freak…” so upon seeing WOW WOW lyrics abt haters he believes will eventually get hooked on him, then abt that BB is copying, thought there must be a reason but couldn’t find any. When recognized the tributes he put in his songs, became more worried someone twisted it into copying. See, I got into his music so much, that I can’t help but noticing things. To e level that a vid with pics from a BD expo is accompanied by one of the most amazing live recordings of WITHOUT WORDS n although there are several amazing performances to this song, each is so different so I couldn’t help but recognizing this one just by hearing. Poor me 🙁 vs ttps://

  174. In “short” –
    Some things U brought here I knew, others I looked for n couldn’t find, some had no clue existed.
    There are so many things with him !!! 🙂

    SOOOO glad could contribute even a tiny 30 sec portion to the pond ha ha 🙂
    So should post the rest from that “era”? 2004 till early 2009, “pre YAB era”, musical or music-related ones, that tell the cutest story n show the origins to some of the tributes in his later songs, as mentioned?

    1) The “on account of JKS” I already knew, couldn’t read, too hard for me. If I came across this in the initial search for info (if it was tagged as “history”, “beginnings”, “hiatus”, “struggles”, maybe?) it wd have been possible to learn a lot. I got the idea as forced myself to take a look as it’s so important! Not breaking, stay strong, keep working and getting better, stay loyal to himself, is beyond my comprehension how he did it n he was sooo young, too young to take such heat! And still loves his country so dearly, the proudest Korean, a true patriot. Now that I’m so attached n sensitive it’s just impossible for me to read it 🙁 it’s heart breaking enough if it was abt anyone else, but knowing what I already know is just too much abt one person.

    2) The book with the insights is a great honor, however you well know it is FAR from the real secrets or at least lacking severely. Only one point of many missing there is the long struggle Sukkie went through while transforming from a child actor to an adult one, which includes the insights of ppl from the industry or the media that explained exactly why there is such a difference in popularity even before the hiatus thing, objectively. The very same reason for low popularity in Korea is the secret of the craze in Japan. This U know for sure, as it’s in the additional parts of the documentary. Second, is the mentioning of BV as a success, while it was a big problem (in this context), right? In addition, came across an article, by chance and totally not related to Sukkie or to the showbiz, pointing out that the Japanese culture appreciates things that are not perfect and consider it as the real perfection. This is not an exact quota, nor can be sure this is the right translation as it was not in English (maybe dear Tenshi can confirm?), but is enough to understand that if Sukkie read and learned abt Japan from childhood he surely knew this and used it as his target was the Japanese market from a very early stage of his dreaming. Also Ken Hirai that was one of Sukkie’s inspirations, sings his heart out while sometimes it is instead of perfection and accuracy, Sukkie must have known he could win the heart of Japan, as one of his biggest secrets is his singing techniques, used to portray sentiments instead of vocal training techniques (his words while recording “Dream wings”).

    3) To be fair, same as expected from others, Sukkie did not invent the FREE HUG, maybe he was the 1st Hallyu star to do that which is not simple as it required being exposed in the street, but SJ did it years before and they were very famous, even conducted tours beyond Asia. If they invented it? can’t know.

    Will take me a long time to go over everything U mentioned, then will phrase clearly what generally wanna say regarding the real need to get new ppl to know him, the whole JKS, starting the ppl that find this blog but have little chance to find what’s most important. It’s tricky, cos he’s like “all over the place”, it’s endless, but there are some essential points that maybe experienced Eels can’t see in the eyes of new ppl… For example – it is 2020, nothing will be on any news anyway but ppl still discover him for the 1st time, most through YAB, while Eels were exposed to the 2010 FMs right afterwards when Sukkie simply ENGRAVED himself to their hearts, souls n minds, that is how I see it, however it is not the 1st thing U’ll find now, nor the 2nd and not even close to that. On the way U’ll find things that don’t make him look so good, luckily for me it only triggered a more aggressive search, other ppl will lose interest or think there’s nothing more to find. If U could take a peek on MYDRAMALIST at the “article” abt him including the comments, it will be very clear. See were it’s going? It’s not the hiatus defending as things are different now, it’s not the impressive numbers or recognition of achievements that will give ppl a chance to get addicted, although it’s his personality as a huge part – it’s mainly the access to the right music and live shows.
    What’s more interesting is, another one called “bad boys of Korean entertainment” that is very complimenting and basically not so different from the above mentioned one, but the comments show it was totally misunderstood just because it’s title.

    And as 2010 FMs mentioned and I go by the names of the vids+the channels they are in n no of views, let’s check if this one didn’t escape your radar:
    Comparing to the perfect performing of same song in Japan large scale (on stage, far from the audience), this “raw” diamond is far more valuable for 2 reasons – it’s in Korea where Sukkie has always been hyper sensitive and it’s smaller scale, closest to the audience as can be
    Even if U saw it already, simultaneously watch with another angle, synchronized – then the sound and view if synchronized well are almost like being there (also this “official” one can join on the 2nd part
    + this rare thing (there was another one that was deleted from YT)

    What abt tributes to Sukkie, such as and ?

    • Hello friend.. Sorry I was too busy to reply.

      I have watched the links you mentioned.. the Seoul FM , the dance cover of the fillipino choreographer etc.. Yes saw the article abt the short film too.

      Can understand your curiousity.. but I really don’t know what can I reply to your comment.. Just can’t make my thoughts into words probably.. hehe..

      But if you feel you have something you wanna share with other newbies or also to old eels who might have missed many stuffs that you come across, then better you can just start a fan page.. ? What do you think?
      Anyway just suggesting.. hihi..

  175. Gals (n boys hopefully? Sukkie deserves it n so r boys to benefit from his extra-super-duper talent) –

    Really struggling, not knowing if there’s a point sharing treasures as such rarest-one-time- thing
    Understood, there r many factors involved, not necessarily zero YT views indicate ya’l not familiar with it n there r new ppl recently discovered him too – for us it’s not just as exiting as it was for you from the very start, it’s also overwhelming as he’s do soooooooooooooooo much over the years n more some, impossible to digest loads n loads n everything’s so valuable. That’s why had to use some method, anything, just to be able not to get lost in this out of this world genius’s stuff…
    As English is not my language, very very hard to explain, apparently last post came out too long n’s not appropriate here (guessing, don’t really know so stay on the safe side just generally outing the basic thought n hope it’s understood).

    Admin/Tenshi dearest, pls advise/send Email as been Cataloging his stuff for moths n think it’s useless if spreading around more than it is already all over the net n so hard to find – wanna send to you. Came across an enlightening detailed explanation abt UMF lately, for me was really really important, it’s not as written there – for whomever don’t want to conduct a search, it’s just impossible to get to everything so if someone that’s already into it, sharing is very helpful. Takes me forever to finish reading as it is, am so slow with E reading:(

    Soon he’ll be back n again all forgotten/lost so valuable adorable bits n pieces from his past will get berried in enthusiasm of newest things, no one’ll have time for it at all, Sukkie is known to be a hard-to-keep track of-bomb/ automatic machine gun, so active ha ha 🙂

  176. Somewhere there is an invisible veil between our worlds. Only a tiny part of Asian culture reaches at ordinary people in Europe. Discovering China, Korea, Japan, I was frustrated and upset: Asia had a real treasure of wisdom, I didn’t know that. I was lucky, I like to research, to know more, so now I started to admire the culture and understand the people. Europe has so much to learn from them, about education, politeness and hard work.

    Before having internet, watching tv, I used to choose a documentary rather than a movie. Discovery, National Geographic, Viasat are very popular in Europe. People talk about documentaries. I was thinking, there are so many recordings, JKS is a phenomenon, it could be done at least three documentaries, about the wonder- child actor, about the shows and about popularity and power of the eels. I think documentary sites can be a good gateway to Europe and America. The viewers will be conquered by JKS’s music, movies, wisdom and gentleness.

    • 1) Treasures of wisdom:
      If U haven’t watched already, U’ll be amazed as we’re used to think ancient Egypt is the source of such treasures, right? As Sukkie is a gate to Asian n especially Korean culture, a patriot as can be and in fact serve as an ambassador, officially, numerous times, said that one of his goals in becoming a”prince” is to carry Asian art n culture to be known worldwide, will assume no one here’ll mind mentioning creations that aren’t his, on the contrary.
      2) Another based on true historical documentary:
      not “polite” at all, must warn U… too much for me, enough for me to read the summary. The above one is also hard to watch at times but if y’re used to documentaries shdn’t be a problem for U. Interesting thing is, the Korean wave itself is a phenomena as this recently-independent small country, surrounded by powerful larger ones, managed to catch up with a huge gap, artistically n technology speaking, within few years located in the world showbiz industry. It was investigated n learned as a phenomena n what was a huge factor is, that they allowed freedom of creation within government financing. No censure at all. So don’t expect only “politeness “. Enough to see the hiatus waves against their own national treasure, kind-heart boy, this is part of the reality. Just bcs Sukkie was referred to as “the center of the Korean wave” I started digging. Surprisingly enough, he took pretty much same steps that the Korean government took from the point of setting a goal to the target achieved. He was only a child, a young teen back then!!! I assume U can find all abt the Korean wave on the economic/business press, it is another view then what is shown on the showbiz media, investigates how come only Korea did it, or did it first, surpassing giant Asian cultures with unlimited resources.
      3) JKS documentary, working on it. Lacking skills though 🙁
      He’s like a musical Rhapsodie, soooo complicated in every aspect, everything’s linked and it’s so hard to get the whole picture. To be honest, 3 won’t be enough. N wonder. Just wonder, not only wonder-child, as he keeps surprising, what is so far from the guidelines of wonder-children usually. Destroying himself, U came across this already? He is so aware of this danger thus will not fall to this wonder-child or super-star trap. But U managed to put me at ease once more as this is EXACTLY why I started cataloging his materials n why I begged here earlier to try to see him in the eyes of strangers. You’re right on the spot, that’s exactly my goal but who am I? Just a viewer. No expert. Just noticed there’s a “looking down” attitude towards “P” ‘s (Pop, Popularity etc’), to a degree that some eels are “in the closet” as it is not acceptable in their country to follow artist, one eel shared here, that she “outed” with this only when she couldn’t hide a 2 days trip across half the globe just to see his live performance. No tourism, just JKS! On the other hand, popularity lovers reject him strongly. Is he the first genius to suffer such fate? Not at all! Come to think abt it, in case of a true-based, not pure documentary, how many actors (and actresses) will it require to play this chameleon? Ha ha ha 🙂

      Apologizing for my mistake on other thread, mixing Bucharest with his artistic Budapest short movie, it’s the Rhapsodie’s fault that my brain’s overloaded 🙂

  177. Thousands of thanks. They will really be useful.
    You told me you were conquered by his music. Well, I am addicted too, I got to listen to the walkman about 6 hours a day, maybe even more, sometimes at the office. A voice always warm, strong but endlessly gentle. Even without understanding the words or message of the song, feel it is beneficial.
    Have you ever thought that this voice has healing power?
    You may have thought or heard: look, his music is soothing to me.
    I think it’s something more.

    Some time ago, I had a few years when I had to keep the job and take care of my mom. My daughter was helping me, but at night …It was something at the limit of resistance, with 3, maximum 5 hours of sleep and the next day I was having to be lucid and efficient, without mistake. (Let’s say I work in Baek Joon-soo’s building …)
    After 3 and a half years I was about to fall. I was helped by reiki practitioners. That time I also started using music as a therapy. Interestingly, they were not meditation melodies, in low tones, but in quite high tones, in that playlist were Il Divo, Sarah Brightman, Yanni, Frederic Delarue. I can not recommend others that list, they were songs suitable for me, for the state then.
    It was spectacular how my distributive attention grew and my famous memory came back to me.
    Since then, preventive, I continue to listen music, changing the playlist depending on the period I go through.

    The tones in his voice are in that healing pattern. The pattern of his voice is so balanced that I replaced the old playlist.
    Music has great healing power. It should be used more both in the care of the sick and in helping the carers.
    Try, please, recommend his music as therapy. Use it if you care for someone, or if someone is sad. It helps.

    • I didn’t tell “you” ha ha, I told the whole world… “you” is where a direct thanks to your comment which really helped me cope with being worried abt him. As trying to explain fully results in too long comment, will leave it to you (n anyone who’s interested) to go on from here n find the specific relevant data on carefully selected above productions, such as “true based” or “award winning” can be used to search in database sites such as the one given (as tags/fields). Also search by the names of kings mentioned. Sukkie is a GATE to Asian culture! An ambassador! Such a comfort to be in it n such a lovely way to express my respect to this prolific world’s wonder boy-man. Can be less ashamed maybe – thus let it be my eel birthday. If “modern” social n culture is interesting: Sukkie’s cooperation with “In Soon I” on “DREAM WINGS” (2nd to WE CAN MAKE IT n have reasons to believe it belongs to same Government education promoting campaign) led me to find her song FATHER, keep searching even if it requires copy+paste Asian letters then y’ll find her story in YT comments. It is dealt with in drama “GOLDEN BRIDE” – may not be anyone’s taste, nor highest level especially some irritating parts but the social subject is important and ignored usually. It starts wonderfully (with another social subject n the end is a must watch. Sorry can’t expand all details:)

      ****this is just regarding yr 1st line 🙁 if i start with the rest there won’t be an end to it!*** Will say this much: HEALER is the TITLE of what i said i’m working at right now, not the big wide thing, just the attempt to bring his GUARDIAN STAR as a dose of comfort to ppl totally out of the drama world (finished just now, last proof n sending it, hopefully will be used as it’s not an article but designed to be a pool to fish from, sent to an editor who writes abt world phenomenas! will pray he will be swept by Sukkie). R U interested in sending to yr local press too? If yes, will basically translate n leave U the story building so ppl can understand (the links tell US the story but not to strangers with zero background). If yr up to such mission . It’ll surely help U reach some understandings as I had same wonderings, that’s why dig so deep. also a sense of at least trying to bring some of his comfort to wherever is needed. The general answer to yr 1st paragraph is OH YES, YES n another YES, this is the essence of what I’m working at from every possible angle already examined n added my own (no expert but my view is as anyone else’s, every soul he touches becomes an expert in this case). He’s a genius musician n genius in general, reads ppl minds n has VERY high E.I (E.Q is the term?) is only the tip of the iceberg! But again warning- there comes a phase that you won’t be able to listen to anything except TEAM H’s music, once U understand where his “wonder” powers originated n the full meaning of “singing from the bottom of his heart”. U won’t be able to see the PC’s screen at yr office as U’ll be flooded with tears upon hearing him sing otherwise. consider this… It’s not in the summary prepared now, this one is not heavy, just healing + artistic background.

    (Priya, u’re so right, he’s so innocent n lovely indeed. U got right out of yr cocoon in order to show support n dived right back to my softest spot – 1st time seeing a vid including his childhood CF as part of an idea, loved it so much! That song’s birth n evolving process is wonderful, from CRI1 through 2 n matured on 3. Reg yr other post, loved it too. Real problem though, everyone that gets to know him, be it a co-worker, photographer, director, journalist as long as it is more than a brief interview/covering an event, or governor. If all become eel-like, there’s no chance of “objectively” tell his story:).

      • Here, but totally different issue now, coz just wondering – is it a side effect of getting out of the cocoon?! “PLEASE BE CAREFUL”… R u SURE u wanna open this Pandora box (As in his words “R u sure yr nose won’t bleed?”)?
        🙂 🙂 🙂
        Believing TEAM V stands for Victory, same as the message in other vid “We got the world” (only u an I ,DIY) as this dual achieved the unbelievable, swept huge audience of all ages, with music that was not (n still isn’t, n they still do this) the mainstream. This is a phenomena within a phenomena!

  179. Someone recently wrote (ASIANWIKI) that he’s their new Bowie.
    Similarities r just too many to count, from 1st sec to last. TBH, Sukkie reminds me of soooooooo many artists simultaneously that I stopped counting them as the list got longer n longer! Males as well as females, he just owns the best of all worlds combined. Literally a fusion. Needless to say that goes for MV’s as well. Bowie or others, of course this song’s one.

    Really wanna do everything in my power but am powerless… no response yet from that editor that writes about world phenomenas n believe me I sent him the right material.
    Ppl are THIRSTY, in real NEED of an authentic, meaningful artist that captures the audience with his presence n have the power to directly communicate, making them forget abt cameras (see comments there on that). Sukkie was repeatedly reproted to be INTOXICATING in his analog performances
    However, last place they’ll look for one is in Kdrama/Kpop world, no disrespect, it is what it is. It represent the very same thing these ppl are fed up with (disgusted was the word used in comments to 1st link above). No use in telling them they’re wrong n there’s so much more to it than presented usually, if they just bother to look into it.

    STRONGLY believe a total change in attitude is needed now. Said same thing even b4 his latest situation created, just bcz one of his goals was unrelated to fame nor money, just to reach n touch ppl !!! If anyone interested, will sent relevant material, in each country other issues will correspond better (see comments on his latest movie’s thread here) . Assuming some of you r more than capable of writing an article that yr local press can’t resist, meaning not a sponsored add but an objective one. This is exactly what I meant by saying earlier, to try to C him in strangers eyes, it’s difficult cos he sweeps u over n u feel yr no longer objective but this is just the thing, eels are not buyest, just more sensitive to be captured right away. If it was the usual “crash” like with every other cuttie hottie that Asia mass produces, also very very talented artists, there’s no denial they are n some are multitalented, lately even dare to open up a to some degree, Sukkie wouldn’t have reached this point, nor keep his position for a decade.

  180. Priya,

    Responding to NB making u posted (end of vid reminded me 1:13 here).

    Like very much all the vids u arranged with similarities. First, it’s real hard to believe it’s the same person lots of times. Second, c’ing his usual gestures emphasizes how difficult it is for him to hide himself upon getting into a character. Once thought “who is he trying to con” when said Switch was hard for him, thought it was a piece of cake to this natural chameleon. Only after reading the process he goes through when acting, it became more clear. Did c similarities between 2017 n 2013, also vs his youth, but that is the total appearance (being a bit chubby, blond or light brown hair n not cut too short, makes him look just the same) n can recognize some unique features but his own natural gestures r not that familiar to me (in his case, also posing as a model is somehow part of him after so many years), was more into similarities vs his role models (there r so many! just like yr vids, collected them as part of trying to understand how he developed, where/from whom got inspired etc’).

    So helpful, u’re like DJ, fishing in all ponds for treasures, scrambling, while I barely get along with searching this huge “Suklopedia” 🙂 n following yr FB (used to search everywhere but now most of my time goes to arranging n cataloging as lost track of too many vids). As u seem to be an expert in tagging n finding everything, maybe u can help as lost track of the medal for the Chinese eels for planting trees n also could not find recognition from Korean government for Sukkie’s fanclubs being a good example for fandome culture, just saw some mentioning somewhere.

    1 more question – u mentioned clues in Daebak – does 408 prisoner no. refers to his BD? took me sometime to figure out this one, only after this post started noticing things between dramas n Sukkie’s life/performances, such as same/similar apron in YAB vs his 2008 FM in Japan 🙂

    P.S held myself not to respond to yr MONOCHROME pic, as can’t look at it without actually c’ing unforgettable “lovely devil” in my mind, even the same devil eye sparkle is in that pic! But it’s already clear that it’s very hard to renew to u thus decided to just wait. Surprised u still didn’t post it, any chance u didn’t c this looooooovely one? Dare to say, one of his best? Anyway, if narrator missed maybe others missed it too, in his 2009 1st Seoul FM he dared doing the same to his fans (light version, but still), it’s not quite like they say there, that he’s preparing n serving food to create a family-like feeling (well, it is family-like indeed, to tease n bully ha ha) u can c fans reaction while eating It may seem they’re just shy, covering their faces in front of him, especially while eating it’s polite n narrator say everyone is probably full with just 1 rice ball since JKS made it but it’s more like “fooled”, not full, as there’s another vid (again, lost track of) showing him inserting the hot paste after the balls r prepared, not with the mixture, so that they get “hit” at once n not taste it first. How cruel 🙂

  181. Haha yes that pig!!

    You are right!! In 2017 he was his true self again. I felt that too.. I got to know him in last half of 2015 only :”( (& I missed the Monochrome era in first part ? Just love everything about Monochrome
    But could experience the LIVE IN SEOUL, JAPAN, SHANGHAI that i love so much.)

    And after that 2016 happened.. his comeback with ambassador of Van Gough exhibition, PD 101 n then Jackpot. So Jackpot was my third JKS drama after YAB n love rain.

    N during that time there were so many interviews about him n everytime he was more reserved n calm n silent too. That made me so sad. I missed that childish funny Sukkie which I was reading only in the old articles. I love ppl with gentle character more though (thats why I call Baek Joon Soo as My Hubby.. hihi.. he is just like a male version of me) I was also in shock when i saw his team h 2013 parties for first time haha.. love him being sexy n hot though.. still it was hard for me to digest initially. But anyway when its come to JKS just love everything about how he is.

    And in 2016 I even fell in love with all those wild stuffs he did since I missed that part of him so much.

    I was personally having a very hard time in my life since 2013 n I got to love him in my most difficult stage. I was 21 YO when i knew him then & was like a totally different person with lots of stress or just turned like a monster you can say!!

    I invested my entire free time reading about him n he was such a healer. He just put life back into me again & I was happy to be the old me.

    And Then Endless Summer & Candy happened.. slowly I experienced the Real JKS.. n in 2017 he was back.. like a free bird.. like he is.. like he should be <3 <3
    So so so happy for him.

    Thank you for visiting my page & for your sweet words. If i was able to contribute even a little bit for him, that will be so enough.

    Chinese eels getting medal:

    CRI J got the award:

    Actually there are other articles and one showbiz korea episode where they reported of JKS fanclub being the best.. but can't remember the exact links.

    And this was in 2019 when Cri j got another honour

    Yes clues in Switch.. 408 is his birthday!!

    And the last video, i think i saw it first time from a different FB page n just shared them rather than uploading. Yes love that!!

    And the last part.. yes..
    He did that in 2010 asia tour & monochrome BTS too.. hahaha.

  182. TKS, TKS, TKS A LOT !!!!

    Yr right it’s real hard to put deep ideas into words. Tried but couldn’t (gets too long, u know:) so for now will just say that it’s my turn to reply with EXACTLY ! Every single word u wrote. Well, almost – 1 thing cannot detail n another one is, that for me, as I was not hooked at all back then, just refrained from watching TEAM H. Didn’t like what he did, at all. ONLY upon request to list his discography n my wanting to add examples of best performances as found that it’s so hard to locate anything in an endless sea of Asian vid names n re-uploads, listened carefully, ignoring personal preferences, then found myself getting addicted real hard n all my taste changed! Later understood why he’s behaving like this n started not just ADORING his free spirit, also kinda JEALOUS of him. Their Halloween though, liked right away:)

    When mentioned hoping they won’t force him to lose weight again, together with deep impression of his Opera-like performances, that EXACTLY what I meant. Felt at times, that it’s a bit contrasting to watch how he takes control of the whole stage (the whole venue space, in fact) but is a tiny skinny figure occupying actual space, physically. While his full physical presence is way more impressive n his voice may be influenced as well (it’s logical) when he gains weight. It’s like the full whole version of Sukkie. Nonstop4 version that literally is unstoppable:)

    My single line abt noticing the string that goes through his youth, then some periods in 2013 n again parts of 2017 goes way dipper than that. First was amazed u didn’t just take it as I wrote it, appearance only, then remembered u say Joon Soo is yr soft spot, plus yr FB headline, it actually says it all. In details it becomes a full article, spreading from his childhood, through the hardship he suffered upon forcing himself (physically by body building n emotionally by taking roles way over his tender years n sensitive soul) which took a big tole on him in both aspects, to become “an adult” in order to gain recognition as a mature actor, meaning “macho-male” in Korean terms – then he sort of “backfired” by rebelling all of this the second he got fame, embracing (considered to be, not talking abt cosplay here) feminine appearances n taking light funny roles that fitted his free spirit n his actual age (with the exception of LR as he cdn’t refuse dual role, much less the extend of this production, being a comeback 10 years after “Winter sonata” n PD refused 2 settle with anyone but Sukkie), reaching to a whole new peak in 2013 when he pushed all limits with his appearances n in parts of that year (NB Countdown) showed up sleeveless n in tight shirts although chubby n danced like crazy, free as a bird as u call it, like “to H**L with everything! I am what I am!” (as opposed 2 being a “rabbit” b4 n PM also skinny figure). Now I KNOW u understood without all the details 🙂

    All what most ppl c is his appearance in HL+BV n call it manly. Non of what’s behind it is known. 

    Yr insight on 2016 may shed some light for me, as it was a year of triumphs (even b4 wining awards, getting the role, the MC n PR r triumphs already)  he was not reserved all the time, thought he was just serious as ambassador, director, PR representative n so on. He did show some very funny sides, also very playful (was like a rubber jumping ball in ES, jumped happily like a baby in 101 PD meeting) but in pics there’s deep sadness in his eyes  Couldn't figure out where it came from. Started 2 think maybe I’m imagining it (same as YT comments to his 2017 Winds vid, they’re sure his crying but he’s clearly just sweating buckets as usual 🙂 Only ppl that r not real familiar with him will not know his usual spots, like every person it’s always same spots of sweating n his r right beside his face, making it look like tears in this shooting angle.
    In 2015 too, the sadness in his eyes is even more deep although in these shows he was  energetic n so very happy to perform in Korea, still pics do captivate deeper features n it’s very clear why so much pain, so understood.   
    Links u can’t remember r included inside CRI-J award link u supplied.

    2010 bullying with hot spiced food? Bolla! Have link? LIS was just recently translated, the part his BM (keyboards) tells abt these bullying incidents. Monochrome bullying is the 1 I  mentioned – lovely devil is the vid name, if u haven’t seen but the original BTS – check it u’ll love it as it has supplements n u’ll c why the pic u posted triggered it for me.

    • Ahh I wish there was an edit option here. I realised it too late after commenting that you were talking about his 2017 appearance.. SILLY ME!!

      Yes Team H halloween & also Raining On the dance floor concerts n bts.. just love them lot.. wish i could have attended them LIVE 🙁 n 2013 Team H.. some parts were total shock.. but love reading FAs of eels n how they loved it. He looked so hotttt though Haha
      Also love this beautiful edit by sis Pei:

      N previously i thought you can’t remember that lovely devil video thats why i mentioned Monochrome BTS there.
      You can find all parts of 2010 asia tour in youtube with eng subs (turning on the cc)

      Watch this too haha:

  183. Tks, will look 4 it, familiar with 2010 tour vids but didn’t get to watch as a whole, was jumping across 2 find details abt first bonding with eels n his feelings as singer n actor.

    Yr last link – better quality in YT full song n there’s another with 2nd pianist (blond, long hair, maybe it’s LIJ) n LIJ he’s doing something similar 2 both his singers gals (different, as they’re women 🙂 also killer 1 on LIShanghai. Want links so u can edit a drop dead LOL vid??

    Yeah, surely everybody loves Last Resort FMV n It’s great presentation of this side of him. Another’s less edited, just collection n poor quality but so energetic n from all times that I like very much

    If understood correctly, u gave up getting deep, meaning look for EVERYTHING abt 2013 TEAM H, in this case c lyrics
    Parts have similarities to Turn Off, others like Save Me. FHD MIX is just PERFECT. That year NB album was dedicated to all sorts n expressions of love n TEAM H corresponds with it, Change the world to a beautiful world, Free Hug, meeting n accepting “strange” ppl, sharing music with them is pure love (DTTHW). Dare I say this song, intentionally or unknowingly, tries to prevent Hikikomory rapidly spreading (all over the world) syndrome? They touch at least 3 known factors IMO.  4 me it was 2nd shock, who wd hv thought 2 find such depth n beauty in EDM parties?! Even shy BB, stricken by “fan phobia” went out of his way, opened up, threw himself into the crowd, shouted from the bottom of his heart “YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!” 2 cheer them .

    Then the level of ingeniousness to attract fans that didn’t look for partying by creating
    his own world just like in that song – Zikzin fes with both solo n TEAM H full shows so more were exposed n got hooked. Have u seen Zikzin Team H show? Style as 2014 Osaka party.

    Started noticing audience ages, then treated any TEAM H vid same as ballads or any other “sugar” this genius alien produces. BBSUK vids r just as sweet n funny, some 2013 vids equally amazing n the overall lighting n effects r just MAGNIFICENT. Sometimes, when new info abt the healer getting hurt is found, or something resurfaces, unable to use his solo songs as break my heart, then go 2 sleep with TEAM H music. 2 think wd never get back to try n watch unless worked on his discography, what wd be missed, what a shame.

  184. r u kidding me? think there’s even 1 vid in yr channel I haven’t seen? ha ha! FB who knows when n if I get to bottom but “ate” yr channel loooong b4 even started with FB page.
    NAMAGUMINAMAGUMINAMATAMAGO’s 1st thing presented in a review published on drama watching site (regretfully it was a trial, they aimed to open reviews page n for some months only Sukkie’s appeared, half-done, without a page nor menu (shown only by search but as all text gets into search, almost every random search showed it) then they canceled it, guessing didn’t get to it, there’s no use asking, may seem like complaining while I’m grateful they tried, I gave it up.

    2005 radio room endless goofing’s the 1st thing wrote abt here. Missed the self hugging similarity u made, concentrated on role models n inspirations so have segments from his Idols songs he played there, equivalent to his songs/covers or connected 2 his cooperations. Also “Nuna song” (LSG’s Coz y’re my woman) made him freak out n almost “eat” his friend, couldn’t calm himself even after she ran for her life n was already out of sight. Hilarious! So many references since 9th grade crush on his teacher n so on, why he’s like that ha ha…

    Song is also 1 of my (2 many, aigoo) favs it’s vid plus 2nd YMP song r so lol cute. 1st frame in yr vid’s JUST what I love most, no problem looping just this endlessly. Can almost feel the breeze this whirlwind is creating.

    No, wait a minute, it’s candy in my ear’s jumping! dreaming someone’ll make a compilation, starting with 2007 HEROINE 6 “kamchagi” (sudden) high jump that no one could blv their eyes n a fellow trying got to 1/10 of that high, give or take. wanna do my part by collecting to make it a bit easier, something like that (for previous topic, dunno what title shd have):
    I will promise you 2013  
    + GALS
    + LIShanghai 2:58

    already gave it a name “it’s a bird? it’s a plain? it’s supersuk!” ending with 2 incidents – 1 on CRI2 BTS that his knees hurting like hell, 2nd on CRI PRESENT he tells eels “be careful with yr knees when u sit down” only old ppl or ones used to work hard/dance/practice sports think this way. Sukkie’s hurting, paying the price for “kamchagi”, no stretching, no warming up. Poor bird can’t fly except with his spirit now. His back 2, hurting due 2 these irresponsible jumps to non-human heights (wakuwaku 2009, PROPOSE sexy back n again 2017 Winds, forgot there’s now new CRI PRESENT vid – I meant ROCKUMENTARY here n b4). these shd end the compilation as it shd be authentic like he is, maybe without winds as it’s not so clear his hurting, not good for compilation unless added some text.

    In my dream ha ha

    Also collected incidents he’s riding on whatever’s available (I take very seriously the fact he’s such a free spirit beyond imagination, that it can only be shown, words r not enough) on stage, to enter stage or set. Bike, MTbike, car, riksha (he?), boat(“paper”, then with sail), segway, hot balloon, wagon, various strings n… PPL! (knee drop, CRI3 BTS, Ting concert) He loooves to be lifted n carried so much, that he’s expressing his special love to Korean eels by lifting them or riding them on his back (2010 Seoul Chaos).

    BTW, tecktonik dance – 1 u posted’s trot music, right? loved it. actually it’s a tutorial, here’s the origin, Eng subs r bad but don’t need them, can get the idea. cuuuuute

    Joon Soo, not sure, seems like his early ver 
    or is it more of SDC?

    C? No sweet wording, as infected with same disease 2 compare details, real reason 2 like yr vids. I like any focused compilation anyone does, usually. Allow some rest from running around trying 2 find what comes 2 mind 🙂

  185. Found dreamland – 1st saw this exact capture of transmitting a message
    then this fantasy
    then found the inspiration origin
    got the idea – Sukkie ignites artists imagination as well as inspires them to recapture the endless range of what he transmits through his overall appearance, behaviors, his looks n gazes. So, when came across this
    naturally typed JANG KEUN SUK there – and there’s the endless dreamland.

    Back 2 serious land – can’t remember where saw a mentioning that Sukkie was an irreplaceable child-actor, the best, that there was no one to compare him to at that time. Remember these words exactly. Later saw many references to his acting abilities as an adult. Only in NEVER ENDING STORY article saw some detailing abt his childhood acting but not enough. Also, couldn’t find dramas/movies, although saw some shd be available, as mentioned in this thread, but links r broken. Does anyone have links of Women’s World, Awl Museum, Great ambition, Fairy Cummi? In this opportunity maybe Alien Sam n Crazy Waiting (found this 1 in too poor quality to watch), HAPPY LIFE too – while searching, found this
    towards the end, another level of famous Sukkie’s pouting ha ha. 
    As did not find it in this blog, only mentioned as “TEN LUCKS”, here’s the cute “LUCKY TEN” in case someone didn’t c it yet

  186. Hi! I love your page and as a new eel, I’m having fun going back and learning more about Sukkie… I was just wondering though, is there another account or way to watch the subbed vids? most of those that were made by tenshi_akuma no longer exist or are private 🙁

    • I’m sorry…but it’s getting difficult to share the subbed video in public recently. Most of videos were deleted. I hope we can find a way.

      • I know, youtube is pretty much done for, and reuploading years of work is not easy task at all!
        If some time on the future an viable alternative is found, I’d be glad to help with providing mirrors at the very least ^^ (may I suggest a friend of mine is part of a Johnny’s fansub and they are giving it a try, so far it seems to be going well)
        Still, I’ m always grateful for the amazing work you’ve done here!

  187. Tqtqtq.. i finally found the feedback link to say im very grateful for all d posts n translations, nicely arranged, over the years since 2011. Tq admins for all the hardwork ! It really means a lot to new non Japanese/ non Korean eels like me..

  188. Hi.
    I’m a eel from France and I want to thank you for your translation ! Thanks to you I can learn a lot of things about JKS.
    I saw the fanmeeting online from France on the 3rd June but I didn’t understand what he said. Thanks to your post I can read what he said and see his letter . Thanks you so much !!!

  189. Oi
    Sou uma enguia do Brasil e te acompanho faz muito tempo. A América Latina também tem fãs do nosso lindo JKS.
    Continue postando tudo do nosso lindinho!

  190. Thanks you very much for taking efforts to put all JSK stuff here and translating it it to English .

    Anyone know where can I find Budapest diaries with Eng sub ?


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