[2015-04-23] jksjapan twitter 2015-04-23 by tenshi_akuma (Japan) 22:00 The 2nd day of Shizuoka ended ~^^ Next performance will be at arena venue!! 静岡2日目もおわりー^^ つぎはアリーナー!!
[2015-04-23] Tree-J twitter 2015-04-23 by tenshi_akuma (Japan) 21:53 [Jang Keun Suk CRI SHOW 3] The 10th performances of all, the final stage of Shizuoka finished successfully. Everyone, thank you so much. [장근석 크리쇼3] 10번째 공연인 시즈오카 마지막날 공연이 무사히 끝났습니다. 모두 수고하셨습니다.