Because he doesn’t like exercise.. Because he doesn’t like exercise..
운동을 안좋아해서.. 운동을 안좋아해서..
tenshi_akuma’s note: Jang Keun Suk is referring to Kim Jaejoong’s interview about Suk’s least favorite is doing exerciese. Lol.
#WelcomebackJKS "Our new journey started on May 29th, 2020"
Because he doesn’t like exercise.. Because he doesn’t like exercise..
운동을 안좋아해서.. 운동을 안좋아해서..
tenshi_akuma’s note: Jang Keun Suk is referring to Kim Jaejoong’s interview about Suk’s least favorite is doing exerciese. Lol.
[Guidance: Jang Keun Suk 2015 calendar] It’s to some extent OK to share the general image, but please don’t share the close-up one, scanned one, and edited one online. Please keep it as your personal collection~~!
[장근석2015달력안내] 달력 전체 인증사진 정도는 괜찮지만, 초근접 직찍이나 스캔, 2차가공 사진등은 온라인상에는 올리지마시고 개인소장 부탁드립니다~~!
team H Osaka Last concert.
It’s grateful to have become one and have worked together!
Thank you so much #Tree-J #Frau #Jang Keun Suk #Jung Kurt and all the staff
who led us to become one and work together..
team H Osaka Last concert.
하나되여 함께함에 감사!
함께할수있게 하나되어준 또 그것을 이끌어준
#트리제이 #프라우 #장근석 #정커트 모든 스텝분들 고생많으셨고…
He completed TEAM H final stage in Osaka, and autograph session in Tokyo, then dropped at ZIKZIN SHOP before he left from Japan ^^* Thank you so much for continous support throughout TEAM H tour, Nagoya, Fukuoka, Saitama and Osaka!!!
TEAM H 最後の大阪公演、そして東京でのサイン会を終え、ZIKZIN SHOPに立ち寄って出国しました^^*