21 thoughts on “[2014-11-26] Tree-J twitter”

  1. Heard on the internet that JKS announced during the Osaka show that he will take on a new TV drama. Did he say that during the concert?

    • Yes, but not specifically. He just said to the audience, “I will be back as Actor Jang soon.” Not sure if his new project (TV drama or movie??) has been fixed already. We need the official announcement. In addition, he revealed that TEAM H would have an additional stage in Seoul next January. But it’s also just the flash report. We don’t know the date yet. Be patient, eels ^^

      • Dear tenshi,
        Thank you for illuminating my dark night 🙂 I wanted to take a quick look at the website before going to bed, but with this wonderful news, I would have a hard time getting to sleep, I’m so excited :): )
        Too many emotions for me!
        I’m afraid, I’m happy, I am hoping ……
        While waiting for the confirmation, happy Sukkie day / night to every one;)

      • Best news of the year for ardent fans of JKS’ dramas~!
        Thanks for the info, Tenshi. 🙂

  2. I´m sure it was amazing! I would so like to see a little bit of the concert. Even a 30-seconds video would make me happy. 😉

  3. congratulation team h..hope there is a live streaming for the 2nd day concert,hahaha. both handsome..

  4. i really love jang geun suk!!! im a filipino eels and although im having a hard time understanding your songs i still love it…
    thank you for this site and im updated although im not a member here…im still happy reading all of your posts…hope to have friends here…hope all geun suk eels are friendly…thank u!!

    • thank u micah…
      thank u tenshi_akuma…ill be visiting this site more often…
      how can i follow you…i only have fb do u have an account in fb please can i be your friend?

  5. Thanks for the information tenshi im glad to hear that he come back as an actor i really miss him i hope next year he has a new drama or movie.

    • we will see him acting again soon.he already accept an offer.just he dont revealed much about it yet.not sure drama or movie..but surely this news is the greatest news for eels to hear frm our prince.cant wait!

  6. Its almost a year we can’t see him in a drama it is good to know that he has upcoming drama or movie i really missed him.

  7. Very excited to hear that.Thanks for a very good news for my cute prince Jks. A new solo album too.that is amazing. Can’t wait to see him acting again.wish it will be a beautiful,strong and new story line drama series.love u so much…really your my life and my heart Wish all the best


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