[2014-07-31] Jang Keun Suk LINE

UPDATE: added fan-made TOSIO video

The answer to this question is ‘Ghost’-_-
To shi o


tenshi_akuma’s note: This is a screenshot from ‘Beautiful Man (Bel Ami)’ summer festival. During the event, there was a game in which he had to convey movie title with gestures. And he did this facial expression to imply ‘ghost’. kkk Even the movie ‘ghost’ is a kind of romantic move though. Anyway, this ‘To shi o’ is a key character of Japanese horror movie ‘Juon’. I’m not brave enough to see ‘Juon’ but I want to see his Toshio as many as possible. So cute ghost!

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[2014-07-29] Tree-J twitter

[Jang Keun Suk ZIKZIN Radio] ZIKZIN Radio, the next theme is ‘Birthday’!!! Please send your episode to Korean official fan club Princejks.com staff blog, Japanese official fan club JKS CHOICE, and Chinese official website. #jks_zikzin_radio
[장근석의 직진라디오] 직진라디오 다음 주제는 ‘생일’!!! 사연은 공홈스텝블로그 일본,중국 공식 홈페이지로 보내주세요. #jks_zikzin_radio

[2014-07-29] AsiaPrince_JKS Facebook

Original source: AsiaPrince_JKS official Facebook

[STARCAST] “Bubble gum, blow up this big~” poster shooting of Jang Keun Suk
[스타캐스트] “풍선껌, 이 정도는 불어야죠~” 장근석 화보 촬영 현장 http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=106&oid=420&aid=0000001106

tenshi_akuma’s note: His official Facebook updated the news shared already the other day. You can read the English article from here.

[2014-07-22] Tree-J twitter

[Jang Keun Suk ZIKZIN RADIO] ZIKZIN Radio, the next theme is horror! Please send your “scary stories” to Korean, Japanese (JKS CHOICE) and Chinese official website. #jks_zikzin_radio
[장근석의 직진라디오] 직진라디오 다음 주제는 공포특집! “무서운 이야기” 사연은 공홈스텝블로그 일본,중국 공식 홈페이지로 보내주세요. #jks_zikzin_radio


English translation: tenshi_akuma

Vol.4 A friend and a partner, BIG BROTHER. What is your relationship with him!?
In vol.4, we mainly introduce episodes with JKS’ friend and partner, BIG BROTHER. He answered some questions that we invited before and talked about their relationship as TEAM H activity as well as background stories on their concept and their way to make music.

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[2014-07-18] Tree-J twitter

Jang Keun Suk appears on the cover of magazine ‘THE STAR’ August issue! It will be released on July 22nd. The photos were really taken very well. Please look forward to seeing them! #Jang Keun Suk #THE STAR #THE_STAR
더스타(THE STAR) 8월호 표지 등장! 7월22일 발매됩니다. 화보가 정말 잘 나왔어요. 기대하셔도 좋습니다! #장근석 #더스타 #THE_STAR

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