8 thoughts on “[PrinceJKS Youtube] Let’s Marumori Dance!”

  1. Sukkie never ceases to amaze me. Think of any adjective and he projects it in an instant. This one is too adorable for words 🙂 Thanks Aphrael <3…

  2. This is behind-the-scene Meringue’s Kimochi. Sukkie mastered Maru-Mori dance in such a short time!? So lovely. I want to dance with him, as a pair, shyly (///▽//)

      • Hi Farina… great suggestion there! New dance for him… hes reali adorable and so talented to learn so fast! This video reali makes me smile all the way… after having a real bad week at work…and not having time to see JKS news for a long time… (backtracking right nw)

  3. After seeing this video, I just can’t stop dancing “marumori” hehehe…Sukkie looks cute practicing the dance…he’s just soo adorable! ^_^

  4. I can’t imagine other men dancing marumori but Sukkie looks so cute and funny…even cuter than Mana Ashida! LOL!!! …..hmm i wanna try that dance too!!^^


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