16 thoughts on “[19.12.2011] Greeting from Jang Keun Suk for Youtube Channel open”

  1. He’s just so deliciously cheeky. I hope more and more people subscribe to his channel. I want so much more. And why am I always sleeping with videos are uploaded by him and when he messages on the APP? LOL… I need to do something about this whole having an entire country and ocean seperating me from Korea.

  2. Thanks so much for the link for download. I LUV this vid so much. He is so so cute, luv his flying kisses and mischevious laugh at the end. Thanks WORLD PRINCE for this new channel for us to get latest news of you and a chance for us overseas to get closer to you!!

    • Yes Hazy! Me too! Absolutely love his flying kisses and cheekiness at the end of the video waving bye bye and telling us it is the end. Hahaha! 😀
      This boy is soooooo mischievous & playful! Tell me how not to love him??? I really can’t!!! 🙂

      • CrazyoverJKS, I give up on asking myself why I love Sukkie….. coz…I always got the same answers….”how can I not love” or “Don’t know..I just do love him.” Lol I’m totally trapped.

      • KaileyCA, i can totally understand what you mean & how you feel.
        We eels are trapped so deeply by Sukkie! Trapped way too deep that it is impossible for us to escape!! LOL!!! 😀

  3. Like what he says, JKS’ official Youtube channel is really a first step towards the world. It has English subs!!! Finally!! and it’s free too, haha~!

    and JKS is so serious at times and yet can be so cheeky at times. seriously a man of many charms!

    • I was just abt to ask who did the subs…. Yes, it seems he’s heading in the right direction!! Thumbs-up!!

      • I think Sukkie has been reading the messages left by eels as many has requested for Eng sub ^_^

      • Farina.. Sukkie used to be Twitter King with so many followers.. next he will be Youtube King if he keeps uploading his daily news & his vid production (with Eng sub) on Youtube! ^_^

    • Just happy to know the fact that his official channel provides English sub (T_T)
      Go Go Sukkie to be the world prince!!! 🙂

  4. Thanks Aphrael for sharing such a sweet message from our prince. He is so generous with his time. Not many celebrities are like that. That is one of the things I like about him. To allow his eels to see more of his life is really quite an act of generosity.


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