[News] JKS awarded Hallyu Star award

On 15 Dec at the 19th Korean Culture & Arts Awards (rough translation) held in Seoul, Jang Keun Suk and Girls Generation were awarded the Hallyu Star award. This award ceremony aims to recognise artists (and artistes) who are active in various cultural aspects and lead in cultural development.

Based on SBS drama “You are Beautiful”, JKS gained overwhelming popularity in Japan and hence became the new Hallyu lead.

20 thoughts on “[News] JKS awarded Hallyu Star award”

  1. Well deserved award. He seems to be everywhere lately. I even saw an untranslated article where he has been doing charity work. I sometimes wonder if he’s been secretly cloned so he can be in so many places at once. LOL.

    • LOL..That’s our World Wonder Prince…mapping his presence every where ^_^!!
      Guess its a much anticipated recognition from his country……. CONGRATULATIONS SUK!!!

    • Adrea , or he has a secret time machine somewhere! He’s already planning to make a day last 48 hours! LOL! Only suk wishes for something like that! The day is long enough for him to do everything he plans to do.

  2. CONGRATUALATIONS my prince!! Well deserved award and recognition. I’m so proud of him. Every time hearing he receives much love from his people, I’m super happy coz that what I think he needs most, to be more loved and recognized by his country.

  3. CONGRATS JKS!! So THRILLED to read this and absolutely HAPPY for you!! 🙂 Many many more rewards to come…not only in Seoul, but from ALL OVER THE WORLD! 🙂

  4. so much accomplishment for our prince.. Congratulation to you JKS!! Looking forward for more awards and recognition in the future.. You’re such an inspiration.. I will support you forever!!!

  5. Congratulations, Sukkie. You are making a big name for yourself. You are now gathering the fruits of your hard labor.

    2 famous quotes from Orison Swett Marden (founder of Success Magazine) remind me of you because you are a perfect example:
    * All who have accomplished great things have had a great aim, have fixed their gaze on a goal which was high, one which sometimes seemed impossible.

    * A strong, successful man is not the victim of his environment. He creates favorable conditions. His own inherent force and energy compel things to turn out as he desires.

    You definitely deserve that award, and we are very proud of you.

    • LOL! Farina , we have gotten used to the like button haven’t we! It will be nice if had a like button for real though ^_^

      Well deserved award! Things will only get better from here I’m sure. If you noticed the Korean media the couple of months , you will see the same pattern the Japanese media took at the beginning of 2011. JKS got their attention with his achievements and from there he got more and more popular. 2012 is going to be a good year I can feel it!

  6. Once again, you have made us so proud of you, Keun Suk … congratulations!
    May you receive many more meaningful awards such as this before the year ends and in the years to come.

  7. A very much deserved award! Yet another milestone and another step closer to realizing one of his dreams, and that is to be recognized in his own country. So happy for him ‘coz it is now happening slowly but surely. He is the epitome of the saying “What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”


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