23 thoughts on “[03.11.2011] “Love Rain” filming pics”

    • U R right, arie, I think Aphrael just think of YMP all the time because of the all the preview conference going on. It’s OK. We all know it. I see sometimes she update thing in the early morning like 3am local time. Aphrael, take care yourself too. Don’t overdone like our prince. Thanks for all your hard work.

  1. He really looks tired and not in his 100%, but I bet he did his best and well in the shooting for love rain, because he is such a professional actor. I’m glad that he cancelled the all the interviews for YMP but concentrate on Love Rain. On the other side, I think the pressure still would be on, since YMP will be shown to public soon. So there will be lots of promotion project for him to do. And the same time I bet Love Rain also need to be get on schedule too. In Korea, sometimes TV play has crazy working schedule. Because lots of them are shooting and showing at the same time period. That’s why is very exhausting for the actors. When PSH was doing the The Princess Man, there was time that he hasn’t slept for 3 days have to keep shooting because they are showing on TV already. I couldn’t believe that, but that’s the situation in Korea. I can’t remember Love Rain’s show time. I hope that Sukkie is not trapped in those kind of situation.

    Do kind of worry about his health. He is young, I believe for me, he will recover soon, but also do not overdone, because it will turn back to get your health in the future. I believe he is very smart and also people around him who cares for him, his parents, his work team, his agent all know that. Only thing is, sometimes the reality situation you’re in make you do something you can’t control it.

    Get well Sukkie. Fighting.

    Those men protests for the YMP movie, I think they are someone just try to make some negative news against him. I totally agree what Andrea said, no need to look deep into it. I believe YMP would be a success movie.

    Sukkie is a perfectionist, so sometimes he will give himself hard time for something, I hope he would let it go. Don’t rush too soon. Sometimes it is necessary to slow down and take a breath out of it.

  2. I have been saying he needs a lot of rest. Perhaps he gets off early on some days a week and sleep for at least eight hours…i heard he loves drinking–i do hope he only does social drinking and not get drunk until he drops…it will take a toll on his health and in the future his looks will be affected by too much drinking…jks, please take care of your health! thanks to everyone, updates on his dramas/films and what have you really make my day…God bless!

    • Beware Shiro!! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE !!! The Resident Mole Hunter is on the loose. If you can’t escape, be ready to be become moleless!!

      • WAHAHAHA!!!! Im gonna hunt them moles and dig them out of you Momo!! Now I have more motivation to go kl.

    • Very cute. I think this was he was in highschool when he was a radio DJ. He said loved that period of time. He could talk to different people and open his world.

  3. Hi everyone, this is fun hope you all would not mind if I join also. Been following this blog for 3 months. Thanks aphrael for all your translation. Emmm get to know prince from MMM than start watching all his dramas and movies and when I find out more about him, emmm fell into his trap. But a bit shy because I think I’m the oldest over here (44). I hope he take good care of himself and rest more.

  4. Gee sorry I thought I’m the oldest but I just find out that momofoon is older than me and she’s crazy about him. hahaha. Actually I having problem sleeping lately because I could not stop thinking about our prince I thought I’m going crazy or what? Never feel this way before. Just like the feeling I have when I’m fell in love with my hubby. ;))))

  5. @lianayus
    i think i have the same situation and condition like you nowadays
    i’ve been fell into Suk’s trap since Augt 2011 but now i already watched all his drama,movie,cf and anything to satisfy and fulfilled myself about him….
    You said “I having problem sleeping lately because I could not stop thinking about our prince” —> me too 😀
    i never been like this before, Suk really drives me crazy (-_-;)

    thank you for all the “senior ” eels who always share about keun suk in this blog,it’s really helpfull ^^

    • welcome…well… get ready to be drowned in his pond of eels like the rest of us here… trust me..you will find yourself so fascinated by his charms and all.. it’s only the beginning.

      • to late……… I already drowned in his pond. Thanks for your welcome.

  6. He looks so cute with that new hair cut…
    Look a lot younger, it look like i saw JKS when he was teenager…

    • Thanks ione! I just hope he won’t collapse in public. Can you just imagine the uproar…..sigh….this poor kid is really pushing himself beyond human limits.

      • true, we just can’t stop his dedication to his work..but the IV, the throat injections are also signs that he needs rest and some feeding up. -_-

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