34 thoughts on “[24.10.2011] JKS @ Tokyo Dome”

  1. hi aphrael,

    thanks so much for sharing. woah..that was fast also, and the pics! i can sense that he was able to rest his throat based on the texture and intensity of his voice. =)

  2. Awesome… I also came upon this video. Its the same as the above but a different angle and sound quality is better. (Hope this works, first time trying to embed)

      • Andrea, I also found the same vid. Thanks for sharing. Maybe tomorrow morning the news will be broadcast this event. So we’ll be able to watch his close-up face ^^

      • That would be nice… I hate to ask but I am not familiar with other national anthems than my own. He sang Korea anthem right? Did anyone sing Japan’s anthem?

      • Andrea, I’m not sure if any Japanese singer sang Japanese anthem… Sukkie looked sick today, but he sang well with his sincerity. Tomorrow I’m seeing him. I hope he feels better soon.

  3. I reali felt hes such a superstar… Liked his HTK hair here.. Once he conquered Korea. Nxt is international!!! I hope he still remember by then!

    • Ah.. so much national pride and sincerity in his singing. I don’t know the Korean national anthem so I don’t have the emotional investment that I have when hearing my own anthem but I felt his honest pride in his country and it brought tears to my eyes.

      • i had the same feeling like you andrea..Korea should be very proud of him,he has a great value to his country..Just looking at him standing tall in the middle of the crowd made me cry..Oohh our Prince finally receiving the attention and love that he deserves.Well done young man..You make us proud!!

  4. he looks pale in this pics and even the eyeliner didn’t succeed to disguise the shadows under his eyes (i compared this pics to the others with the same hairstyle)
    i think he didn’t fully recovered from his ileness and that’s makes him greater cos he respects his commitment to the detriment of his health .
    i don’t think his mom can do anything for him cos he’s never at home , but his manager and the other staf should take more care of him and force him if need to take a necessary rest if they don’t want him to collapse .
    contrary of his health , he take a big care of his career and as far i can see he will became sooner an international artiste ,and we, all his non korean eels, could enjoy his work without the bonderies of the langages

  5. Oh my dear Lord!! I’m sooo proud of Sukkie. Even though he is not at his best of health and performance, I can feel that he sings with his heart and soul. I’m tearing right now.

  6. B R A V O …great voice, cool hair ! hihiii

    by the way…any other pictures about the ex-athlete and korean celebrity as the baseball player?? thanks friends :bd

  7. You have done korea proud. You really need rest. Why are all those around you not taking good care of you. Sleep tight. Don’t drink.

  8. Well done Sukkie!!!!!
    You’ve made Eels proud of you.
    Take good care and hope all your upcoming concert will
    be a great success.


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