Pic credits: G1_yoon
News source: Sukbar
At the Osaka concert on 22 Oct, Prince Jang Keun Suk announced that Tree-J’s new official Youtube channel will be in operation in the coming week(s). The web address is: http://www.youtube.com/user/treeJcompany
今晚大阪场arena tour,王纸说下下周会开通Tree-J 官方Youtube频道,现在YT上已经有tree-j用户了,等新东西上传 tree-j YT —
thanks so much aphrael for keeping us posted. i‘ve been wondering for the longest time if JKS has an official website and i‘m happy to know that he‘ll soon have one.
i really love your blog. the relationship among eels here is just so great i can‘t help but join in and comment. i‘m a new JKS fan and i‘m so happy to finally have a venue to share my love & craze for JKS.
Thanks! I signed up to subscribe and put my settings to notify me whenever a new video comes out. I don’t use Youtube as much as I used to since my work blocked it LOL but if there is a video from Sukkie or about him I probably will be wearing my smartphone out. I am surprised they have utilized Youtube before.
Just came across this:
Omg!!!! Tats reali power fan service! Im fainting on behalf of de gal!!!!!
Ah.. actually like the beginning when he had to wait cause of technical difficulties. He’s such a gentleman.
And so cute when waiting for microphone and observing around…
this is surely one of my favorite appearance of JKS,,he’s so cute and innocent..
Hey~~ thanks. i subscribe the channel.. add me http://www.fanpop.com/fans/geunsuklover23
Question out of topic! Guys, what is meant by “red eels” and “blue eels”??? Is it somehow related to the nationality of Sukkie’s eels??
I think it’s not about real fish type! ^^
Miracle, I will try to answer your questions based on my understanding.. hope it is correct. Red eels are Korean eels, Blue eels are Japanese eels.. this is based on the Logo color of the Cri-J Fan Club in these countries…
Thanx, QQeyes! Now it’s clear!^^
And the logo color is related to the color of the national football team uniform. Korean uniform is red, and Japanese one is blue.
Thanks Kaori-chan for the clarification.. I never thought it is linked to football teams ^_^ no wonder only 2 colors…
I always find it interesting to look at Sukkie when he can be himself (so natural) even he is on stage with so many eyes looking at him.. be in with the microphone or folding handkerchief on stage.. he sure is focusing on what he is doing (as natural like a little boy) ^_^ very cute!
I didn’t know Sukkie is on CF of Korean Air.. it seems the photo is from his Jplus Photobook ^_^
Recently YAB has started a re-run on S’pore cable TV channel & I would like to share some vids with eels who have not seen the following below.. these were more than 1 year back but when I watched last time, it is only with Chinese Sub.. now with Eng Sub ready, enjoy! Sukkie has many dedicated fans in Korea…everytime when he acts in new dramas, the eels would give support to the whole production team automatically
here is another one which the eel fans have a chat with him during YAB filming break, quizzing him… there was a funny incident which Sukkie came identified as UFO into DC blog site & was ignored by his fans in the site and the fans teased him & told him he need to identify himself ^_^
Really? Which channel?
Farina, it is STARHUB channel 855/856, there are a few repeated runs for the same episode on same day, daily since 1 week ago.
Farina, also watch out for Arirang – Showbiz Korea daily & KBS Entertainment Weekly (Mon at 11:30pm SGT) as coming 1 or 2 weeks there may be Sukkie’s coverage also..
QQ, may I hv yr email pls? Sometimes I forget I post questions and most times I forget where I post them….lol! Pls drop me a note so I can save yr email address
Thanks for the info abt e channels…I hardly watch tv but I wl try to look out for those shows u mentioned. Even though I hv YAB on my phone, it still gives me a kick to watch it on tv. I just wish our national tv Ch 8, or Ch U will broadcast his dramas so more people will know him…. I feel unsatisfied that our local Eng papers/ magz don’t have any coverage about him when they rave about other K stars….
thanks QQeyes007! i love the way sukkie takes his time to look at each gift, especially the books made by eels. and when he said they can‘t be bought with money, it just shows his genuine appreciation of the gesture and the gifts.