22 thoughts on “[05.10.2011] Pics of YMP press conference”

  1. As always prince never fail to give his killer smile and wonderful personality..he looked a bit haggard maybe because of the work’s that keeps him busy for the past few day’s..but other than that Prince you’re still adorable and handsome..In behalf of the Eel’s community,we’re so thankful that you always give us update about your everyday life,no matter how busy you are.,
    We love you PRINCE!!

    • i have to be honest, i only like his smile on those pics above, huu.. 🙁 his hairstyle really change his looks, not very cute as before, no! no!

  2. I was wondering why there wasn’t any tweet from him today. Now i know the reason. Our Sukkie was busy with press-conference!
    Aphrael, i want to thank u for the news u’r sharing here! Indeed, i got used to get news about Sukkie everyday! Thank u!!!

    • haha! i also have the same question with Miracle..^^

      the pics are aaaaa…and the hairstyle, they managed to make it somehow like momo again. ^^

      khn..you’re gorgeous. that’s it.

      about the article on en.korea..it made me interested on the kissing scene when the director said that “They didn’t even hear me say ‘cut’.”..- how…intense was that?!

  3. I love the jeans and the boots. I want to get those for myself, hahahaha. I hope the vid for this press conference came out soon. I heard that they talked about the “kiss” in YMP. Seem it was a steamy kiss. Ah, here, from weibo. Sukkie said he used his all to kiss KHN, KHN said that she told the director that she want the “kiss” that the women at her age see it they want to do it as well. The director said the “kiss” scene was a one cut. Really looking forward to it.

    Way to go for Sukkie and KHN. They look very cute together.

      • I can’t wait for this kiss! I can tell he is a great kisser by the infamous alley kiss in MMM. I won’t tell you guys how many times I pressed the rewind button…I think I broke it…
        He doesn’t look great as his usual self in this promotion but we all can forgive him. He must be exhausted with everything on his plate.

      • yeah.. I loved that there was a real kiss in M3. I want to finish the drama (yes, I am not done) otherwise I would watch the kiss again. I believe when I first saw it I went back a couple of times. Its a nice (but rare) thing to see real kisses in kdramas. I wish I had been keeping track of the ones I’ve seen and liked.

    • LOL! I’m really looking forward to the kiss! Hope it’s a real kiss unlike the ones they had in YAB. Something more like the alley kiss from M3! Now that kiss made the whole drama worthwhile! I literally had goosebumps watching it! LOL! Do I sound like a pervert or what?!

  4. These are some great pictures! I’m not feeling the fringe hair shirt jacket thing but he looks awesome. He’s been so busy last few days I miss his twitter (never thought I would say that after the storms LOL). Hoping he gets a break soon but I guess he likes to be busy.

    Funny though… does she have a blanket on her lap for modesty? LOL

    • Yes, she did. Which I think is really smart. Actually I saw most of Korean actress they do that, because these days, all these press conference most of them wear short mini skirt. Why not, all of them have beautiful legs. So to protect themselves when they sit, is good to have something cover them. Because there are some pervert camermen, I mean they are “real” pervert, they like to shot in some angle to get indecent pictures of actress and put them on line.

  5. same here i’m waiting for the whole press conference translated .
    as for JKS , i prefer him with his hair in MMM . this short black one, makes him looks like a vampire and he really looks hagard , he should slow down his activities .
    he’s still young and has plenty of time to archive his goal witch is to possess the world .
    anyway i wish that we could see more and more of him . thanks tenshi_akuma for the videos

    • Yes, exactly! maya2500, i agree with u about vampire! With his outfit and black hair he really looks like sweet vampire or/and charming wizard!! ^.^
      And thanx aphrael for english subs!


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