12 thoughts on “[14.08.2011] Rain’s Busan concert – JKS in encore part”

  1. Sukkie is ever so cute. He is very spontaneous when he dance the Korean traditional dance in club. Only our Sukkie can be like that. He is really enjoying himself there. I’m glad he is enjoying himself 🙂

  2. Our Sukkie is so confidently dancing his signature shuffle dance on Rain’s stage. Even show off his signature sexy post. I’m really very proud of him being so confident. Love love love him so so so much!

  3. He’s so adorable! How can you not love this boy?! I am so glad that he’s having fun on his free time. He certainly needs that to avoid getting burn out with his busy schedule. I wonder if some of Rain’s fans became instant eels because of that spontaneous performance 😀

  4. It is RAIN’s tour but why does it seem that Jang Keun Suk is the STAR of the night?hehe..he is really a total performer! he is just a guest but his appearance made the crowd go wild!!! So confident while dancing..he really gives his best in everything that he do..I am so proud to be his eel…I salute him!!! 😀

  5. Funny Sukkie, the Rain’s stage encore, shuffle dance (of course, he is addict to it), S pose and flying kiss. Hahaha. What a boy! I hope at the stadium meeting in Japan, he leads the thousands eels there to do the shuffle dance. That would be great!

    • mich, this is not true as I believe this is work of anti-fans as I mentioned yesterday on what I see in BaiduSukbar that antis are using the same tricks as last year Yahoo voting… I remember last year when fans from other parties complained or make negative comments as the votes cast by eels (through day & night) surplus others…a miracle also to me as I told myself impossible before I witness what the eels have done in BaiduSukbar (strategy, united & voting day & night). What I understand from BaiduSukbar is some antis commented that they have added invalid votes (e.g. wrong email domain) to that of JKS & create the impression to eels that JKS is leading & so the eels will relax and in the end, hoping that the invalid votes will be removed from the final vote count. I remember last Yahoo voting, votes are deducted throughout ALL contestants (every smart person will understand what these mean ^_^)
      This round, I think the antis make this remarks may be wrong as it is quite impossible to cheat as the code validation has been put in place, the only way I think votes get deducted is if the email domain is invalid… why I said antis not fans of others is because I really don’t know the one complaining is really a fan of others or not.. it could be also not a fan of JYJ but some who just do not want to see JKS wins, this is very likely..

    • final note… we see the final vote count (after invalid votes deduction or void.. that is more accurate results), not just ignore the antis as some real fans may have also fall into trap of antis & create the negative comments (including eel fans who may innocently defending & responding..).Most eels fans in BaiduSukbar has mostly ignore the comments yesterday as they are concentrating on voting & try not be distracted by the “noises”… but I know today.. some may “fight” back which I hope the senior eels can stop them…

      • I remember reading comments on this blog on antis. I just hope all this gets sorted out since I’ve heard about last year but at that time I wasn’t familiar with JKS. (I’m a relatively new fan that found out about him about 2 months ago ^^U). I just found about this situation today when I was looking at jyj blogs since I don’t have a facebook account. Anyway hope it all turns out okay in the end

  6. my one&only Hyper/Psycho/Shuffle Prince!!…he’s very High this time spreading all his lots of charmful/lively/funny around every places he goes..Saranghe Oppa 🙂


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