[27.06.11] JKS arrives at Haneda

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This is how the Japanese eels welcome JKS at Haneda airport – with such orderliness and consideration that allowed JKS to walk slowly, wave and blow kisses at fans …. Once again, the Japanese wows us with their behaviour …. No wonder JKS misses Japan! He must be glad to be back! JKS said (was it at some interview?) that his album sold so well in Japan but he feels bad that he has not yet had the chance to sing there…

For more pics,

The crowd





What did he say? … I love you??

25 thoughts on “[27.06.11] JKS arrives at Haneda”

  1. Impressive for the fans in Japan in such good order waiting for their charming prince. Good model for all the fans all over the world. He is the real prince there. πŸ™‚

  2. I heard that there were about 800 eels at the airport.
    And JKS said in Japanese, “Japanese eels, I’ve wanted to see you so much!!!”
    I’m gonna bed early to be a little nicer than usual. Good night & Bye-cri πŸ™‚

  3. That’s right! That’s how fans the world over should greet Keun Suk – like the Japanese eels. People infront seated, second/third rows gradulated and people at the back standing. NO jostling, pushing, rushing forward, camera right into his face and attempting to touch, grab and waylay him. Look how orderly and well behaved those Japanese fans are, there are not even barricates to hold them back! Why can people understand that by remaining orderly, restrained, polite and gracious, EVERYONE can actually see, hear and experience more of Keun Suk? It will also allow him to better react and respond to the fans instead of rushing off quickly so as not to create unnecessary commotion. I wish fans in Singapore could behave the same way the next time his is in town. I am sure he would appreciate it a whole lot more than all the mayhem seen everywhere outside of Japan.

    • I read an article in BaiduSukbar that Chinese eels saw this vid & also praised the Japanese eels for being so orderly & urge the Chinese eels to give him a warm welcome in orderly manner too.. ^_^ (Japanese eels are really setting good example for the rest of the eels everywhere..) One source at BaiduSukbar commented that there are > 100 media personnel at the airport welcoming him as many local TV stations are expecting him to appear on TV interview & interview for magazines…

    • Tenshi san…thanks for the sharing & I understand your “floating” feeling as I need 1 day to recover after the Cri-Show ^_^ will hear from you when you recover ok!

    • I saw the introduced Romance Limited seems in English! Was the international version out? Anybody can correct me if I’m wrong seeing…..

      • Carol, I’m sorry that it isn’t the international version. But the introduction of each chapter was written in English. So it’s helpful for foreign eels. But attached behind-the-scenes DVD doesn’t have English subtitles…

    • Welcome back Tenshi! And thank you so much for sharing the videos with us! πŸ˜€
      I can totally understand your ‘floating’ feeling…. hehehe! ;p
      And i can tell you for sure after tomorrow, you will miss him even more!!! Hehe!

      Although there is no English subs in the videos, but being able to see JKS so happy & healthy i am happy too! (^_^)
      And he is so playful, keep jumping around. Hahaha! What a lovely boy!

      Looking forward to more news from you! Thanks Tenshi! πŸ™‚

  4. Tenshi, u r back ^^. Still floating… better than faint, not able to see JKS at all right!hahaha…..Tell us what happen πŸ™‚


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