14 thoughts on “[24.06.11] Taipei Cri Show”

  1. jks, u’re naturally playful.. whatever u act, still appeared very cute, charm n sweet, even u are a really real actor but u still honestly appreciate us, on screen! Hopefully offscreen too! TQVM aphrael77 to post ths vid! u must b deadly enjoy n v tired..

  2. I read an eel’s blog introduced JKS’ comment at Taiwan Cri Show. I was deeply touched by that (see the below).
    “My mind might not be able to remember all the eels’ faces, but as long as the fans keep supporting me in this lifetime. I will use this (pointing to his heart) to remember you.”

    • Gosh! this ” little old” man really always surprises me each time he speaks.. the feeling is very touching and sincere… and the thoughts & wording he uses is so AMAZING coming from a 23 year old!!! (i wonder what books he read usually to cultivate our Sukkie? LOL…)

      • yea QQeyes007, i also wonder what books he read to become so fluently speak with sincere n melty words and make us soo touched, who is his counselor btw? n of course with a genius heart n brain gifted by God n brought to him to make us happy!!

  3. He is like a candle – brighten others with his light.
    A man full of charisma, passion, sincerity and love.
    His words always touches everyone heart… a person that we can be proud of…
    as in icon of LOVE.
    His action, mannerism and words are an example of his purity and sincerity.

    • Aidakie, yes.. this young man is so different as he really speaks his mind but he can put his words so nicely that the words coming out from his mouth like musical notes ^_^ (i keep thinking of the opening of Beethoven Virus drama)
      I remember recently I saw this an article on an interview when he was asked if he has gone for any plastic surgery…normally anyone would answer “yes” or “no” but Sukkie said something that really make me admire further this smart guy..he said “when I look at my old or childhood photos, the photos look like my own brother!” (very witty way of saying a straight NO!)

      • Farina, my interpretation is present him & past him come from the same “source” (birth), ^_^
        Actually he is the most natural guy I hv seen but as he is a Chameleon, I can understand why many may question on this.. but once we know about him & see the different chameleon images of his, this question will never pop up from eels who have seen his past as well as present image changes. I have one interesting link to BaiduSukbar (China) which an eel fan took all the trouble to match his childhood/teen photos with his present & share with other eels to defend Sukkie, whoever see that, will never question on this anymore ^_^ (really!)

      • Thanks QQ for the link 🙂 yes indeed it proves tt Sukkie is 100% natural…. I ever read once a medical doctor/ plastic surgeon? commented that Suk did not hv a nose job cos he ever pushed his nose up (ala Go Mi Nam piggy nose). A person who had his nose done would not do it or risk botching it up… (perhaps Dr Marlyn can give confirmation on this? 🙂

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