[News] JKS’ concert coincides with typhoon

JKS’ concert starts amidst typhoon, claims in excitement that Taiwanese eels are his “wives”

25 June 2011 – Amidst his busy filming schedule, Jang Keun Suk still travelled to 5 Asian cities for his Asia Tour, and now is in Taiwan for the 3rd time to hold his concert. As usual, his parents accompanied JKS on the trip.

On 24 June at Taipei University Stadium, fans’ screams nearly lifted the roof as they danced and waved their lightsticks along to the music! After singing his debut single “Let me cry”, JKS greeted fans in Chinese, saying “Hello Taiwan! I miss you all very much!”

Despite an impending typhoon, fans had braved the rain to queue to enter the venue. JKS was very sweet in saying to fans, “I saw you all outside the window in the rain. My heart aches, so I want to put up a perfect performance. I love you all very much!”

Because there were some fans at the airport on 23 June dressed as brides, JKS also said at the concert, “Last year, I received many of your “promises”. This time, before I came here, I especially took a look at it.”

He also warned his fans laughingly, “All the fans here are my brides, this lifetime all of you cannot betray your promise to me! If you betray me, you’re dead!” All the fans screamed frenetically in response!

JKS said that he likes Taiwan. On the day of his arrival, he went walking on the streets, and even fed fans grilled sausage. Since YAB, JKS has not had a rest in a long time. Besides filming “Marry me Mary”, he also went to China and Bangkok to shoot commercials in addition to the two Asia Tours since. He just realized that he only spent less than $100 in the past 3 weeks. “I have saved a lot of money, I might as well buy a house in Taiwan!” Upon hearing that their idol might stay in Taiwan for a longer time, fans were very happy!

Recently, JKS also released an album in Japan, and sales have exceeded 200,000. His Chinese album would also be released soon!

Originally, there was only one Show scheduled in Taiwan, but from Korea, he noticed that tickets were sold out so fast and many fans could not get tickets, resulting in the proliferance of black-market tickets. He could not bear the thought of fans spending extra money for black-market tickets, so he immediately decided to add one more Show. It is indeed hard not to love this kind of Jang Keun Suk!


张根硕演唱会迎台风开唱 兴奋称台湾歌迷是老婆


韩国美男张根硕3度来台举办粉丝见面会,昨晚在台大体育馆开唱,歌迷尖叫声差点把屋顶掀翻。张根硕在演唱完日本出道单曲「Let me cry」之后,用中文向粉丝问好,大呼:「我很想你们!」昨晚米雷台风来搅局,张根硕透露:「刚才在楼上看到大家淋雨,心特别痛,所以今晚更要献出完美的表演。」


张根硕直呼喜欢台湾,前天刚下飞机,就在台湾巷弄逛街,还餵歌迷吃烤香肠。他透露,现在几乎没时间休息,最近发现3个星期来只花了100元,「我存了很多钱,乾脆在台湾买房子!」听到偶像要在台long stay(长居),歌迷开心放声尖叫,张根硕今晚还有一场演出。

张根硕 娇呛台妹 「敢背叛我就死定了」

2011年 06月25日

【陈颖╱台北报导】张根硕拍戏之余,还忙著当「空中飞人」出国走唱,4月起陆续在亚洲5个城市办歌友会,每回出巡都有爸妈随行,昨晚的台北场也不例外。他高唱日文歌《Let me cry》出场,台下3900名粉丝热血沸腾,疯狂呐喊,他娇嗔呛声:「你们敢背叛我,就死定了!」


《Let me cry》激情开场

他选择在日本大卖18万张的日文单曲《Let me cry》揭开序幕,他一出场,粉丝立刻从座位上弹起来,卖力挥舞手中的萤光棒。他撂中文说:「哈罗,台湾!我想你们。」后来又用韩文说:「今天有台风,看到大家在外面淋雨,我很心疼。」全场欢声雷动,几乎把屋顶掀了。

接著他献唱捧红他的《原》剧及《玛》剧插曲《依然》和《拜托了,My Bus》,粉丝高举印有他名字的立牌,随著节奏摇摆,非常沉醉。昨晚歌友会开始前,他特别和300名幸运粉丝合影,并为另外100名粉丝签名;第2场歌友会今晚7点在台大体育馆举行,他预定搭乘明天下午1点25分的KE692班机返回韩国。














13 thoughts on “[News] JKS’ concert coincides with typhoon”

  1. Ok, I admit I’m lazy. I tried to combine 3 Chinese articles into one, thinking that it’s less confusing to read 3 different versions of what JKS said at the Cri Show. In the end, trying to combine 3 articles caused more difficulty to me…. that’s my “retribution” for trying to take shortcuts …. lol ….

    ok, going back to the article, his Chinese album is going to be out soon!
    I’m super excited at the thought of hearing JKS sing in my native language!!
    I cannot wait to buy it!!

    • aphrael77, I’m also excited to hear him singing mandarin songs…his voice is very suitable for Chinese ballad but if he sings Chinese pop or rock, he sure sound very good too (like the album “Let Me Cry”, he can sing rock, pop, ballad all in one album.. really amazing!)
      Oh yes, I finally found the vid (under TVB HK) which he shows his heartache for eels about the typhoon & also gave his “warning” to eel fans to be faithful to him ^_^

      • woah hes reali practising well for his Chinese Album..he spoke very accurate Chinese Language!~

  2. me 2 me2, very excited about the Chinese album, way to go Sukkie. fighting! Thank you for the work aphrael, i don’t know you put up with all these. We definitely enjoy it. Gangsangmida! 🙂

  3. Forgot to add this very funny incident from a fan on Sina. Sounds like JKS and eels had a lot of fun!!! I really laughed when I read this! oh dear, Sukkie is so fun!!

    @doremi00suk:A fan said on Taiwanese website that at 24 June Cri Show, someone brought along a water gun and sprayed water at JKS and BB! Heh heh, will JKS let you off so easily? After that, JKS ran back, got a bottle of mineral water, and “took revenge” by pouring all the water on that eel! Heh heh~ see who is more psycho!!!

    @doremi00suk:在台网上看到有人说~24号晚上cri show有人拿水枪向大硕和BB射水!嘿嘿~大硕会那么轻易放过你们吗?结果~大硕跑回去拿了瓶矿泉水,“报复性”地直接把水倒到那鳗鱼身上!嘿嘿~看谁能更抽!!!

  4. hahaha..yes! that is our Sukkie! he ever jokingly said in an interview that he also take revenge for people who did something bad to him (how frank & honest!) & this applies to having fun revenge with his fans ^_^

  5. The 2nd Cri Show in Taiwan is gonna held tonight, but I wonder how many eels are there… As you know, the tickets weren’t dealt with properly and many tickets were sold at the black market… At any rate, I hope lucky eels who got the tickets properly can enjoy tonight’s show!

  6. I hv a feeling tonite he’s gonna be more playful! If u notice, he tries to outdo himself to create a difference in every Cri show. So he really means it when he says he wants to always keep his fans guessing his next move…

  7. He often brings a heavy rain (this time a typhoon!)to his special event. Is it because JKS takes people not only his eels by storm(I mean he’s a genius for fascinating people!) and makes a big craze like a storm? Or is it because for cooling down the craze by a heavy rain? At any reasons, people produces a storm of applause after contacting JKS!!!!! Lol!

  8. I Fell in love with him the first time I saw him in television and hear him sang his song. I’m happy JKS love his Fans. May God always bless him. Ajah Ajah JKS

  9. that would be really good hearing him in a language you really understand., i hope he sings one whole english song too! 😛


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